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Tropicihabitans flavus gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member of the family Cellulomonadaceae Moriyuki Hamada, Chiyo Shibata, Arif Nurkanto, Shanti Ratnakomala,

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Presentation on theme: "Tropicihabitans flavus gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member of the family Cellulomonadaceae Moriyuki Hamada, Chiyo Shibata, Arif Nurkanto, Shanti Ratnakomala,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tropicihabitans flavus gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member of the family Cellulomonadaceae Moriyuki Hamada, Chiyo Shibata, Arif Nurkanto, Shanti Ratnakomala, Puspita Lisdiyanti, Tomohiko Tamura and Ken-ichiro Suzuki Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Corresponding author: Moriyuki Hamada Biological Resource Center, National Institute of Technology and Evaluation (NBRC) E-mail:

2 99 98 99 94 98 72 79 99 81 99 91 86 73 92 99 71 75 73 0.01 Myceligenerans xiligouense XLG9A10.2 T (AY354285) Promicromonospora citrea DSM 43110 T (X83808) Xylanibacterium ulmi XIL08 T (AY273185) Xylanimicrobium pachnodae VPCX2 T (AF105422) Xylanimonas cellulosilytica XIL07 T (AF403541) Isoptericola chiayiensis 06182M-1 T (FJ469988) Isoptericola halotolerans YIM 70177 T (AY789835) Isoptericola jiangsuensis CLG T (EU852101) Isoptericola dokdonensis DS-3 T (DQ387860) Isoptericola variabilis NBRC 104115 T (AB489221) Isoptericola nanjingensis H17 T (HQ222356) Isoptericola hypogeus HKI0342 T (AJ854061) Cellulosimicrobium cellulans DSM 43879 T (X79455) Luteimicrobium xylanilyticum W-15 T (JQ039191) Luteimicrobium album RI148-Li105 T (AB646194) Luteimicrobium subarcticum R19-04 T (AB489904) Demequina aestuarii NBRC 106260 T (AB639015) Lysinimicrobium mangrovi HI08-69 T (AB639012) Actinotalea fermentans NBRC 105374 T (AB639014) Cellulomonas bogoriensis 69B4 T (X92152) Cellulomonas carbonis T26 T (HQ702749) Cellulomonas hominis DMMZ CE40 T (X82598) Cellulomonas denverensis W6929 T (AY501362) Cellulomonas gelida DSM 20111 T (X83800) Cellulomonas uda DSM 20107 T (X83801) Cellulomonas iranensis O T (AF064702) Cellulomonas composti TR7-06 T (AB166887) Cellulomonas flavigena DSM 20109 T (X83799) Cellulomonas marina FXJ8.089 T (JF346422) Cellulomonas oligotrophica Kc5 T (AB602499) Cellulomonas fimi DSM 20113 T (X79460) Cellulomonas biazotea DSM 20112 T (X83802) Cellulomonas chitinilytica X.bu-b T (AB268586) Cellulomonas cellasea DSM 20118 T (X83804) Cellulomonas soli Kc1 T (AB602498) Cellulomonas humilata NCTC 25174 T (X82449) Cellulomonas xylanilytica XIL11 T (AY303668) Cellulomonas terrae DB5 T (AY884570) Tropicihabitans flavus PS-14-16 T (AB971840) Tropicihabitans flavus RS-7-1 (AB971841) Oerskovia paurometabola DSM 14281 T (AJ314851) Oerskovia jenensis DSM 46000 T (AJ314848) Oerskovia turbata DSM 20577 T (X83806) Oerskovia enterophila DSM 43852 T (X83807) Sediminihabitans luteus H97-3 T (AB695376) Sanguibacter keddieii ST-74 T (X79450) Sanguibacter antarcticus KOPRI21702 T (EF211071) Sanguibacter soli DCY22 T (EF547937) Paraoerskovia sediminicola H25-14 T (AB695378) Paraoerskovia marina NBRC104352 T (AB695379) Brevibacterium linens DSM 20425 T (X77451) Supplementary Fig. S1. Maximum-likelihood tree derived from the 16S rRNA gene sequences of strains PS-14-16 T and RS-7-1 and their taxonomic neighbours. The 16S rRNA gene sequence of Brevibacterium linens DSM 20425 T (X77451) was used as the outgroup. Bootstrap values (>70 %) based on 1000 replicates are shown at branch nodes.

3 95 99 92 99 84 98 77 75 99 76 98 71 87 99 74 95 88 94 80 10 Myceligenerans xiligouense XLG9A10.2 T (AY354285) Promicromonospora citrea DSM 43110 T (X83808) Xylanibacterium ulmi XIL08 T (AY273185) Xylanimicrobium pachnodae VPCX2 T (AF105422) Xylanimonas cellulosilytica XIL07 T (AF403541) Isoptericola chiayiensis 06182M-1 T (FJ469988) Isoptericola halotolerans YIM 70177 T (AY789835) Isoptericola jiangsuensis CLG T (EU852101) Isoptericola dokdonensis DS-3 T (DQ387860) Isoptericola variabilis NBRC 104115 T (AB489221) Isoptericola nanjingensis H17 T (HQ222356) Isoptericola hypogeus HKI0342 T (AJ854061) Cellulosimicrobium cellulans DSM 43879 T (X79455) Luteimicrobium xylanilyticum W-15 T (JQ039191) Luteimicrobium album RI148-Li105 T (AB646194) Luteimicrobium subarcticum R19-04 T (AB489904) Demequina aestuarii NBRC 106260 T (AB639015) Lysinimicrobium mangrovi HI08-69 T (AB639012) Actinotalea fermentans NBRC 105374 T (AB639014) Cellulomonas bogoriensis 69B4 T (X92152) Cellulomonas carbonis T26 T (HQ702749) Cellulomonas hominis DMMZ CE40 T (X82598) Cellulomonas denverensis W6929 T (AY501362) Cellulomonas gelida DSM 20111 T (X83800) Cellulomonas uda DSM 20107 T (X83801) Cellulomonas iranensis O T (AF064702) Cellulomonas composti TR7-06 T (AB166887) Cellulomonas flavigena DSM 20109 T (X83799) Cellulomonas marina FXJ8.089 T (JF346422) Cellulomonas oligotrophica Kc5 T (AB602499) Cellulomonas fimi DSM 20113 T (X79460) Cellulomonas biazotea DSM 20112 T (X83802) Cellulomonas chitinilytica X.bu-b T (AB268586) Cellulomonas cellasea DSM 20118 T (X83804) Cellulomonas soli Kc1 T (AB602498) Cellulomonas humilata NCTC 25174 T (X82449) Cellulomonas xylanilytica XIL11 T (AY303668) Cellulomonas terrae DB5 T (AY884570) Tropicihabitans flavus PS-14-16 T (AB971840) Tropicihabitans flavus RS-7-1 (AB971841) Oerskovia paurometabola DSM 14281 T (AJ314851) Oerskovia jenensis DSM 46000 T (AJ314848) Oerskovia turbata DSM 20577 T (X83806) Oerskovia enterophila DSM 43852 T (X83807) Sediminihabitans luteus H97-3 T (AB695376) Sanguibacter keddieii ST-74 T (X79450) Sanguibacter antarcticus KOPRI21702 T (EF211071) Sanguibacter soli DCY22 T (EF547937) Paraoerskovia sediminicola H25-14 T (AB695378) Paraoerskovia marina NBRC104352 T (AB695379) Brevibacterium linens DSM 20425 T (X77451) Supplementary Fig. S2. Maximum-parsimony tree derived from the 16S rRNA gene sequences of strains PS-14-16 T and RS-7-1 and their taxonomic neighbours. The 16S rRNA gene sequence of Brevibacterium linens DSM 20425 T (X77451) was used as the outgroup. Bootstrap values (>70 %) based on 1000 replicates are shown at branch nodes.

4 Supplementary Fig. S3. Two-dimensional thin-layer chromatogram of polar lipids from strains PS- 14-16 T (A) and RS-7-1 (B). Abbreviations: DPG, diphosphatidylglycerol; PG, phosphatidylglycerol; PI, phosphatidylinositol; PIM: phosphatidylinositol mannoside. Chloroform-methanol-water (65:25:4) by volume was used in the first direction and chloroform-acetic acid-methanol-water (80:18:12:5) by volume in the second direction. The spray reagent, 5 % molybdophosphoric acid. DPG PG PI 1st 2nd DPG PG PIM PI PIM 1st 2nd (A)(B)

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