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B-STRAT Presentation 1998-2012 Mr. Tariel Zivzivadze Tariel ZIVZIVADZE +995 77 73 79 64

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1 B-STRAT Presentation B-STRAT @ 1998-2012 Mr. Tariel Zivzivadze Tariel ZIVZIVADZE +995 77 73 79 64

2 B-STRAT Outline: Strategic Business Simulation B-STRAT The main specifics of the distance learning programs B-STRAT: Simulated Business Environment B-STRAT: The Specific Activities of the Participants B-STRAT: Program Materials B-STRAT: Implementation B-STRAT: Benefits B-STRAT: Applications B-STRAT @ 1998-2012 Mr. Tariel Zivzivadze

3 Strategic Business Simulation The successful business schools of the world acknowledge the fact that the strategic business simulations are the incomparably effective tools in terms of developing business management skills. Their advantage over the standard ways of learning – lecturing, trainings, workshops, internships is enormous. The strategic business simulations are the “TOP LEVEL” of the business education. Training simulators are widespread nowadays. They are used in mastering of many professions. It’s nearly impossible to train the aircraft pilot without the respective training on the flight simulator for example. The simulated environment is the backbone of every simulator. There the participants make decisions and see the results of their decisions the same time, thus learning in the process. B-STRAT @ 1998-2012 Mr. Tariel Zivzivadze

4 B-STRAT? B-STRAT is the Strategic Business Simulation. The program participants create their virtual business companies in the simulated business world, manage them for several consecutive simulated years, create the products, market them, handle competition etc. … The participants make business decisions and get the results of those business decisions right away. B-STRAT was created in 1998 by Mr. Tariel ZIVZIVADZE, the author of the model as well as the computer program that analyses the data. The program is systematically implemented as well as developed for the last 13 years. As a result of major improvements in 2006 B-STRAT went larger and online and since then it is implemented as the distance learning program for up to 400 students per round. B-STRAT @ 1998-2012 Mr. Tariel Zivzivadze

5 The main attributes of the distance learning programs Some core characteristics that differentiate the distance learning programs from the standard classroom learning courses are: Convenience. The participants can take online courses whenever. They are not limited with schools annual/semester/quarter system. They just need the internet connected computer and time; Deadlines. The participants are required to do “assignments” according to the predefined schedules. Self-Direction of the participant is the most valued characteristic in this component; Online Communications. All the communication between the participant and the program administrator goes online, without face-to-face contact. The tools used are: email, phone, Skype and other forms of online communication if needed; B-STRAT fully responds to all the requirements of the distance learning programs that exist today. More than 2000 participants have taken part in B-STRAT online since 2006. 46 rounds of simulation [each lasting about 3 months] are arranged so far since 1998. B-STRAT @ 1998-2012 Mr. Tariel Zivzivadze

6 B-STRAT: Simulated Business Environment The participant creates the business company, that conducts its activities in the virtual business world. Population is near 1.250 billion. There is a local currency – BSD $. This virtual environment develops like any other global market and has its characteristics as any other country, market, or industry. The growth of the virtual economy is 2-5 % annually, accompanied with 2-4% inflation. Like in any economy the companies pay taxes in B-STRAT. Product is standardized with 6 characteristics. The participants sell their products on the market that consists of: 6 household segments, corporate market and the International market. The participants start selling their brands on household market first, followed by the corporate segments and if lucky they can even enter International market as well. B-STRAT @ 1998-2012 Mr. Tariel Zivzivadze

7 B-STRAT: The Specific Activities of the Participants Analyze market opportunities; Create products according to the market needs; Create marketing strategies; Market product on different segments and markets; Define advertising costs; Hire distributors; Plan the activities against competition; Buy and analyze the information received from market research or market intelligence + other sources; Invest their capital to earn more virtual money; Etc … The participants do exactly what the top managers of the business companies do in terms of decision-making but they do this in the simulated business world. B-STRAT is unique as the participants create and manage their business companies for several virtual years, create and market products, make business decisions and experience their results, create the annual plan 9 times and get the results of its implementation. That gives respective knowledge and develops skills of decision-making. The goal of the participants is to win, that is make more virtual money than any of the competitor participant. That virtual money is the evaluator of all the activities of the participants. B-STRAT @ 1998-2012 Mr. Tariel Zivzivadze

8 B-STRAT: Program Materials B-STRAT Guide [up to 50 pages]. The guide contains the core information about the program. This information is vital for any participant to understand how the simulated environment works. The basic backbone, scenario and the other specific information is given as well. B-STRAT round specific scenario. The specific round of B-STRAT begins with sending the specific scenario setup to the participants. That gives the starting point [situation] from where the participants continue their activities. The scenario is sent to the participants by mail once the simulation starts. Company Annual Report. This set of different forms and files is sent to every participant as a result of his/her annual activity, some 20-25 pages in PDF format [each virtual year]. The goal of the participant is to analyze the results of the implementation of the one year program and plan the next year of activities, make new business decisions, make new plan and send that to the program administrator before the deadline. B-STRAT @ 1998-2012 Mr. Tariel Zivzivadze

9 B-STRAT: Implementation B-STRAT is a distance learning program, it is conducted via Internet. Usually the consulting meeting is arranged with the participants before the start of the program. The attendance on this meeting is not mandatory, but most of the participants find it useful. None of the other stages of the program require any form of participant involvement other than via Internet. 10 weeks – that’s the actual duration of B-STRAT. The first one is the consulting week, that’s for the participants to get in touch with the administrator and get all the needed consulting for the start up. The other 9 real weeks [same as 9 simulated years] are for program implementation. The two weeks of registration period precedes the 10 week program. So total duration of the program is 12 weeks. The additional consulting meetings with the participants can be arranged if needed during the program implementation. The deadlines for the participants as well as for the administrator are defined. NOTE: Due to the security reasons the participants do not have direct access to the computer program, that is the actual backbone of B-STRAT. The participants interact with the program administrator, who plays the role of mediator between the participants and the computer program. The steps: 1) The participants send the decision forms to the administrator before the deadline; 2) The administrator enters the forms into the computer program; 3) The computer program analyzes the data, gives the results for each participant; 4) The administrator sends the results to the participants by mail before the deadline; B-STRAT @ 1998-2012 Mr. Tariel Zivzivadze

10 B-STRAT: Benefits The main benefits of B-STRAT: The understanding of the business processes and the unique knowledge, that is given by the business management process; The unique experience that is given by the managing of the company, especially if you see the results of your management; The skills of decision-making developed, especially as the participants make decisions and see their results; B-STRAT is a very exciting program, so that many participants dreamed the results of their companies. That’s the result of the high level of the involvement of the participants. They feel how is it to make a business decision and feel the results on themselves. B-STRAT @ 1998-2012 Mr. Tariel Zivzivadze

11 B-STRAT: Applications 46 rounds of B-STRAT were arranged for the last 14 years. B-STRAT is the main engine of the competition within the International Students Business Olympiad since 2006. B-STRAT is arranged for the managers of the private businesses. B-STRAT @ 1998-2012 Mr. Tariel Zivzivadze

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