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The Benefits and Impacts of Facebook By Kidest Araya March 15, 2012.

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2 The Benefits and Impacts of Facebook By Kidest Araya March 15, 2012

3  Founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, facebook( is a famous social network.  “ Social networking websites, such as facebook and My space allow us to stay in contact with current friends or to reestablish contact with old ones”( Floyd, 2011,p.263).  It has more than 500 million active users world wide presently. Facts about Facebook

4  “Facebook is available in 70 different languages”( Floyd, 2011, p.39). Facts….

5  Provides an interface for people to communicate with friends, family and coworkers  Provides newsfeeds, friend’s updates, videos and so on.  Educators have used the site as interface to promote communication and as a tool interact with students and parents.  Helps some adopted children reunite with their birth parents The Communication Benefits of Facebook

6  Means for gathering information.  “More than 3.5 billion pieces of Content are shared on facebook every week” ( Floyd, 2011, p.39).  Educational organizations publish pages on Facebook.  Police are using facebook to find criminals.  Allows users to become transmitters of information. Informative Role of Facebook

7  Assists students to become accustomed to college life (Kalpidou, Costin, & Morris, 2011).  Help kids build positive connections.  Gives benefit for kids who find it hard to make friends at school.  Shy individuals spent more time on Facebook and conveyed constructive attitudes towards facebook but had few facebook friends. Facebook as a “ social glue” for Students

8 Facebook Fan Pages  Companies use social media identity( Facebook fan pages) to enhance brand attractiveness( Kuan-Yu, 2011)  Facebook fan pages help businesses to build online social communities and establish closer ties with their customers.  Shared values are an important factor influencing trust

9 Liking a Page on Facebook  Liking a page is a rapid rising use of social networks.  Facebook users can like any post.  Once Facebook users click on the thumps up, they will begin receiving news feeds posted by the website to their Facebook account.

10 Impact of Facebook on Students  “Facebook uses a significant amount of internet bandwidth”( Doug, 2009).  Using facebook requires lots of time  Average time used on facebook is 30 minutes to over 2 hrs daily.  Students on facebook have a false sense of privacy  results in lack of privacy, identity thefts, arrest, loss of ownership for the content they have created.

11 Impacts…  About 60-70% of 7 th graders have accounts.  Many students post embarrassing contents  “Hackers, scammers, reporters, police, high school and college admissions officers …adults are looking and kids do not get it.”( Doug, 2009)  Security and software flaws are exposed.  Software is hacked.

12  “Provides a platform for people to manage other’s impressions of them” ( Hui-Tzu Grace, 2012).  People tend to present themselves in a positive way on their facebook profile.  Brings the impression they are happier and having better Lives than I am. Impact of Facebook on Perceptions of Others’ lives

13 Bulling on Facebook  Rude comments and insensitive jokes have always been part of middle school”( Scholastic choices, 2012).  Facebook and other forms of online communication make the problem worse.  Unable to see the impact of what you write.

14  “Young doctors are active members of facebook”( Joanna, Sangsu,& Pete, 2010).  There might be personal information that might cause distress to patients  There might be information that might alter the professional boundary between patient and practitioner.  There might be information that brings the profession into disgrace. Privacy, Professionalism and Facebook: complicatedness for young doctors

15  Facebook motivates social interaction, but it transfers time from establishing emotionally pleasing relationships.  It can enhance the wellbeing of people who are extroverts or use internet for communication purposes.  Influence psychological well-being negatively for non- communicative ( Introverted) use of it, as it reduces social integration. Facebook and the Psychological Well being

16  Facebook is tightly incorporated into the daily media practices of its users.  Facebook use has advantages and disadvantages.  Facebook is not working to protect our children so parents and teachers need to teach children the risk of private information exposure. Conclusion

17  Chou, H., &Edge, N.( 2012, Feb). ‘They are happier and having better Lives than I am’: The impact of using facebook on perceptions of others’ lives. Cyber psychology, behavior &social networking, 15(2), 117-121. Retrieved from  Floyd.(2011). Interpersonal Communication. ( 2 nd ed) New York, NY: McGraw –Hill.  Fodeman, D. ( 2009, June). The impact of Facebook on our students. Teacher Librarian, 36( 5), 36-40. Retrieved from  Kalpidou, M., Costin, D., &Morris, J.( 2011, April). The relationship between facebook and the well being of Undergraduate students. Cyber psychology, behavior &social networking,20( 4), 183-189. Retrieved from References

18  Lin, K., &Lu, H.( 2011, October). Intention to continue using Facebook fan pages from the perspective of social capital Theory. Cyber psychology, behavior &social networking, 14( 10), 565-570. Retrieved from  Macdonald, J., Sohn, S., & Ellis, P.( 2010, August). Privacy, professionalism and facebook: a dilemma for young doctors. Medical education, 44( 8), 805- 813. Retrieved from  Scholastic choices( 2012, Feb/Mar), Bullying/debate. 27( 5), 10-13. Retrieved from References…


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