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Language Conversation Groups Combining Learning with Fun! Beth Kupper-Herr Leeward Community College, Hawaii.

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Presentation on theme: "Language Conversation Groups Combining Learning with Fun! Beth Kupper-Herr Leeward Community College, Hawaii."— Presentation transcript:

1 Language Conversation Groups Combining Learning with Fun! Beth Kupper-Herr Leeward Community College, Hawaii

2 Let’s start with an icebreaker… Beth Kupper-Herr, Leeward CC2

3 What the groups are all about Who What How When Where Why …and “what else” Beth Kupper-Herr, Leeward CC3

4 WHO Participants Students taking language classes Language instructors promote program extra credit resource for leaders Leaders Native speaker students Coordinator organizes groups trains and works with leaders communicates with instructors provides attendance data Beth Kupper-Herr, Leeward CC4

5 WHAT (overview) Small group led by native speaker Purposes: improve speaking and comfort level learn about culture and country have fun! Meet one hour per week Membership is set (encourage cohesion, bonding) Participation is voluntary… but when students sign up, they are told “This is a commitment” Beth Kupper-Herr, Leeward CC5

6 WHAT (overview, continued) English (ESL) Spanish Japanese Hawaiian Korean Chinese This semester, we offer groups for 23 groups! Beth Kupper-Herr, Leeward CC6

7 HOW get enough leaders Paid tutors & volunteers Referrals from faculty & students Recruit Fairly good English Personable Motivated Select Beth Kupper-Herr, Leeward CC7

8 HOW set up groups To determine student interest & availability Set possible times for groups Create survey Explain groups Learning! Fun! Extra credit! Make a commitment Students check ALL times they’re available Visit classes (or ask instructors to help) Beth Kupper-Herr, Leeward CC8

9 HOW set up groups Assign students to groups (4 – 6 per group) Accept that you can’t always get every student into a group Track attendance (we use TutorTrac) Beth Kupper-Herr, Leeward CC9

10 HOW get started Orient & train leaders Group or individual training Use current leader when possible Conversation Leader Guide Model icebreaker Distribute group assignments Instructors pass out in class (see sample) Attendance rules How to cancel Where to meet Beth Kupper-Herr, Leeward CC10

11 HOW keep records Attendance (leader fills out) To inform instructors, document impact of program Record topics and activities Feedback (members fill out) Read by leader and coordinator Beth Kupper-Herr, Leeward CC11

12 WHERE Groups meet inside & outside Groups can get noisy! Have sheets & mats Beth Kupper-Herr, Leeward CC12

13 WHEN Time & day When leaders are available When students are available Soon after class meets Minimum 5 weeks, maximum 10 weeks Beth Kupper-Herr, Leeward CC13

14 WHY Benefits for students Who has a YELLOW paper? Beth Kupper-Herr, Leeward CC14

15 WHY Benefits for leaders Who has a BLUE paper? Beth Kupper-Herr, Leeward CC15

16 WHY Benefits for instructors Who has a GREEN paper? Beth Kupper-Herr, Leeward CC16

17 ISSUES, POTENTIAL PROBLEMS & DECISION POINTS Attendance? Stay flexible Stay positive Mixed levels? Pay or volunteer? Beth Kupper-Herr, Leeward CC17

18 WHAT ELSE? extensions or variations of the program Foundation building groups (101 level) More peer group activities for our Learning Resource Center Beth Kupper-Herr, Leeward CC18

19 Conversation Celebration a major event! Beth Kupper-Herr, Leeward CC19

20 Some groups went outside… Beth Kupper-Herr, Leeward CC20

21 Faculty joined in… Beth Kupper-Herr, Leeward CC21

22 Games, snacks, fun! Beth Kupper-Herr, Leeward CC22

23 More activities to try Calendar chat Conversation starters Charades See Conversation Leader Guide for more Conversation leaders have great ideas! Beth Kupper-Herr, Leeward CC23

24 Thanks for coming! Additional copies of handouts distributed at this session can be downloaded from: Beth Kupper-Herr, Leeward CC24 Want to continue the “conversation”? Contact me at

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