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Database Security DB0520 Authentication and password security Authentication options – strong, weak Review security environment - Sys Admin privileges.

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Presentation on theme: "Database Security DB0520 Authentication and password security Authentication options – strong, weak Review security environment - Sys Admin privileges."— Presentation transcript:

1 Database Security DB0520 Authentication and password security Authentication options – strong, weak Review security environment - Sys Admin privileges Choosing Strong Passwords Account Lockout policy Password Profiles – create, enforce

2 Authentication options Process to confirm correctness of identity DB2 CLIENT authentication – DB2 parameters TRUST_ALLCLNTS – DRDAONLY (except z/OS, OS/390, VM, VSE) TRUST_CLNTAUTH – where to check passwords – SERVER/CLIENT External authentication DB2 SERVER authentication – SERVER_ENCRYPT or KERBEROS or both – DATA_ENCRYPT – GSSPLUGIN

3 Authentication options MS SQL Server – Windows authentication – Mixed authentication Client connections capable of NTLM are authenticated with SQL server Username and password stored in SQL server Oracle – OCI client and Oracle server – using TNS – Oracle password protocol (O3LOGON) – V$Session – username, osuser, machine, module

4 Review Security environment Review authentication model Review group association Review role association Review privilege association Perform a “dry run” Inspect sys admin privileges

5 Choosing Strong Passwords Use a password with mixed-case letters. Use alphabet and numbers in your passwords Use punctuation marks within your passwords. Use passwords with at least six characters, and a minimum of eight is even better. If possible, choose a password that can be typed quickly and that cannot be easily guessed if someone looks over your shoulder

6 Don’t do the following: Don’t Use the same password (even if it is strong) all over the place Don’t Use the username as the password or any permutation of the login name (e.g., username spelled backward) Don’t Use words that can be looked up in a dictionary because they will appear in password cracker files. Don’t Use information that is easily obtained, such as your mother’s maiden name, your children’s names, or your pet’s name. Don’t Use dates (such as your hiring date, birth dates, phone number, anniversary etc.) Don’t Use Repeating substrings in a password e.g. 111, 222 etc. this reduces the number of permutations and weakens the strength gained by length of passwords – now the hacker needs to guess lesser unique characters

7 Account Lockout Account Lockout after failed attempts – May cause Denial of Service Attack Denying a connection from the source IP to target IP Use DB firewall

8 Password profiles (Oracle) PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME – expiration days PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME - #days before reuse PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX - #password changes before reuse PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME – #days login allowed with warning PASSWORD_VERIFICATION_SCRIPT

9 DB user/password maintenance

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