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John the Baptist John 3:22-36 “He must increase, but I must decrease.”

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1 John the Baptist John 3:22-36 “He must increase, but I must decrease.”

2 (Luke 1:5-17) -The birth of John the Baptist announced to Zacharias by Gabriel the angel. (Matthew 3:1-6) – John the Baptist was an outdoorsman, he lived off the land, and he preached repentance with boldness. He was a radical. “Radical means ‘root’ in Latin. With an ax in hand, John was a radical who got to the root of the sin problem.” Wiersbe “Life Sentences” p. 243

3 (John 3:24-30) – He bore witness of the coming Messiah and demonstrated great humility. (Matthew 11:7-12) – Jesus praised John the Baptist for preparing the way.



6 1.Look up the following passages and record some background information for John the Baptist. a. (Luke 1:5-17) -The birth of John the Baptist announced to Zacharias by Gabriel the angel. b. (Matt.3:1-6) – John the Baptist was an outdoorsman, he lived off the land, and he preached repentance with boldness. He was a radical. “Radical means ‘root’ in Latin. With an ax in hand, John was a radical who got to the root of the sin problem.” Wiersbe “Life Sentences” p. 243 DISCUSSION GUIDE

7 1.Look up the following passages and record some background information for John the Baptist. c. (John 3:24-30) – He bore witness of the coming Messiah and demonstrated great humility. d. (Matt.11:7-12) – Jesus praised John the Baptist for preparing the way. DISCUSSION GUIDE

8 2.What would a modern-day John the Baptist look or be like? DISCUSSION GUIDE

9 3.What was the main theme of his message? (Matthew 3:2; John 1:4; Luke 3:3; John 1:26-27) He preached repentance, forgiveness and the coming Messiah. DISCUSSION GUIDE

10 4.What is true repentance? Turning away from sin. Doing a 180 from your pet sin. DISCUSSION GUIDE

11 5.How did John the Baptist demonstrate the practice of “He must increase, but I must decrease?” a. (John 1:1, 14, 23)Jesus is the Word, John was only the voice b. (John 3:26-30)Jesus is the Bridegroom, John was only the best man c.(John 5:31-35)Jesus is the Light, John was only the lamp DISCUSSION GUIDE

12 6.Are you living your life like John the Baptist or like the world? Rate yourself. He must increase I must decrease DISCUSSION GUIDE

13 7.If you are more concerned with increasing your own status, position, income, power or fame how can you change to only bring glory to Christ? DISCUSSION GUIDE

14 8.What lessons does John the Baptist teach in (Matthew 3:8-10)? a. (v. 8)True repentance produces fruit or change b. (v. 9)Having a Godly heritage does not save you, it’s personal c. (v. 10)Good roots means little, personal repentance is a necessity for salvation DISCUSSION GUIDE

15 9.What “fruit” are you producing for the Kingdom of God? DISCUSSION GUIDE

16 10.How can you increase your productivity? DISCUSSION GUIDE

17 INCREASING CHRIST IN MY WORLD Rate yourself by the following: Always, Sometimes, Never 1. I am the same person at church that I am at work and home. 2. I have a daily time alone with God. 3. I treat others with grace not legalism. 4. I put the needs of others before my needs. 5. I am not ashamed of my faith and I share it with others. 6. I use my spiritual gift(s) in service for the Lord.

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