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© Shutterstock - olly Delegated Acts ESF Art 14.1 Expert Group on delegated and implementing acts 3 October 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "© Shutterstock - olly Delegated Acts ESF Art 14.1 Expert Group on delegated and implementing acts 3 October 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Shutterstock - olly Delegated Acts ESF Art 14.1 Expert Group on delegated and implementing acts 3 October 2013

2 Objective of this presentation - Reminder of the principles of Article 14.1 ESF - Present main elements of the DA & procedures

3 Article 14.1 ESF: Standard scales and lump sums defined by the Commission ESF only, in addition to Art 57-58 Objective to re- use existing data where appropriate (Eurostat, national statistics, data from OPs…) => MS (or even OP) specific, depending on data. Optional Reimbursement of expenditure by the Commission on the basis of these standard scales and lump sums. Financial audit = exclusively to verify that conditions for reimbursements by the Commission on the basis of standard scales and lump sums have been fulfilled.

4 Content of the fiche - Procedural issues to organise the process between the Commission and the MS (point 4) - Some information on financial management, control and audit (point 4) - Main elements of DAs (Annex 1) - Model to submit data to the Commission (Annex 2)

5 Article 14.1 ESF: Standard scales and lump sums defined by the Commission The Delegated acts should contain: - Type of operations (including scope of implementation) - Definition of standard scales of unit costs / lump sums - maximum amounts for standard scales of unit costs / lump sums - Adjustment methods + in annex arrangements to ensure quality, collection and storage of data and their verification

6 Article 14.1 ESF: MS application In order to define some standard scales and lump sums, - data will have to be submitted by Member States to the Commission, - together with the necessary information to justify the maximum amounts of the standard scales and lump sums. - and assessment of the audit authority Template to be used is adapted from the annex on standard scales and lumps sums used for the Joint Action Plan

7 Conditions for UC / LS - usable for operations representing significant amounts of the programmes (> 1 M, by MS) - covers all or most of the costs of an operation - fair, equitable and verifiable calculation method (method will be verified by COM)

8 Article 14.1 ESF: MS application (Anx 2) - A. Contact details of the MS authority responsible for submitting data to the COM - B & C. Main elements to be included in the DA and its annex (same as annex 1) + information on perverse incentives & their mitigation, Amounts expected to be reimbursed on the basis of UC and LS - Anx: source of data, relevance, calculation methods, revenues, eligible expenditure, cross financing, assessment of AA.

9 Procedural issues - 6 deadlines for submission of data: 1 April 2014, 1 October 2014 then 1 April every year until 2017 (included). - 45 days for COM feed back (- 45 days max for MS answer & COM assessment) - Consultation of the expert group - COM adopts a single DA after 6 months (in force until the end of the period) - 2 months objection period for EP/Council

10 Thank you for your attention. Questions? Laurent Sens Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

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