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Cells Lab skills lesson 4 – introduction to cell model homework.

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1 Cells Lab skills lesson 4 – introduction to cell model homework

2 LO-  To review what you know about cells. To review what you know about cells.  To name parts of an animal cell. To name parts of an animal cell.  To name parts of a plant cell. To name parts of a plant cell.  To state the function of the parts of an animal and a plant cell. To state the function of the parts of an animal and a plant cell.  To state the differences between animal and plant cells. To state the differences between animal and plant cells.  Video (start at 3:40 mins) Video (start at 3:40 mins)

3 Keywords cell Cell surface membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus Cell wall Cell vacuole Chloroplast chlorophyll

4 What are living things made of? Cells work together to carry out the seven life processes that are needed for an organism to stay alive. Other organisms are multicellular – they are made up of many types of cells. Can you think of some examples of unicellular and multicellular organisms? Some organisms are unicellular – they are made up of only one cell. Cells are the building blocks of life – they come in all shapes and sizes.

5 A section through an animal cell: cell membrane cytoplasm nucleus DNA

6 Section through a plant cell cell membrane Nucleus contains DNA cytoplasm chloroplast large sap vacuole cellulose cell wall

7 What is a cell? Animal and plant cells come in different shapes and sizes, but they all have three basic features. Plant cells also have some extra features that make them different to animal cells. cell membrane cytoplasm nucleus animal cell plant cell Most cells have three basic parts: the nucleus, cytoplasm and cell membrane. They may also contain other small structures or organelles, that perform specific jobs.

8 Comparing animal and plant cells Found in both animal and plant cells Found only in plant cells cell membranecellulose cell wall nucleuslarge sap vacuole cytoplasmchloroplast

9 The parts of a typical animal cell

10 The parts of a typical plant cell

11 Functions of the organelles OrganelleFunction Cell surface membrane Controls what goes in and out of the cell. Keeps the cell together. CytoplasmJelly-like substance. Where the cell’s chemical reactions take place. NucleusContains the DNA. Controls the cell. Cell wallSupports the cell. Made out of cellulose. Cell vacuoleContains cell sap. Helps support the cell ChloroplastContain chlorophyll, a green pigment. Make the plants’ food by photosynthesis.

12 Specialised cells Different cells have different functions. The structure of the specialised cells relates to their function. Clip Cell clip

13 Looking at cells

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