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EHealth Governance Initiative January 2011 eHGI coordinator (ATNA; Tanja Niederländer)

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Presentation on theme: "EHealth Governance Initiative January 2011 eHGI coordinator (ATNA; Tanja Niederländer)"— Presentation transcript:

1 eHealth Governance Initiative January 2011 eHGI coordinator (ATNA; Tanja Niederländer)

2 Agenda Time to move forward - why Objectives Project structure Work Package structure Sources of knowledge Next steps

3 Why eHGI?  Member States need to collaborate more efficiently on the strategic level Bridging the gaps between governance, strategy and operational levels which are currently impeding further development in the field of eHealth Establishing an appropriately governed, composed and structured platform to support Member States in –identifying and discussing of current and emerging challenges, –in implementing interoperable eHealth solutions and services, in close collaboration with the eHealth User/Industry Stakeholder Groups as well as

4 Objectives Obj. 1: Provide consolidated approach and a strong political commitment to governance at three levels –Policy –Strategy –Operational Obj. 2: Provide a platform and “a think tank” for current and emerging challenges which could lead to a strong consolidated Roadmap Obj. 3: Provide a European eHealth Interoperability Framework Obj. 4: support for activities requiring broad convergence across

5 Project facts & structure 39 beneficiaries –Ministries of Health –Competence Centers –Stakeholder organizations –Industry 2 financing instruments –Joint Action Programme - Joint Action by DG Sanco; 50% funding –CIP ICT-PSP Programme - Thematic Network by DG Infso, 100% funding

6 Work Package structure

7 Sources of knowledge Outcomes of already running EU-projects and initiatives –CALLIOPE RoadMap (approval at Secretary‘s of State Meeting in Barcelona) –epSOS –STORK eID Digital Agenda EU Directives (e.g. Patient‘s Cross-border healthcare Directive)

8 Next stepts Finalize the contracts with the EC Project Steering Committee Kick-Off Meeting in February 2011 WP Meetings to work on the content eHealth conference in Budapest –RoadMap Prepare content for the EPSCO Council

9 Thank you for your attention! January 26th 2011 Klagenfurt

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