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Saint Paul of the Cross God’s little Church of Love and Peace.

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Presentation on theme: "Saint Paul of the Cross God’s little Church of Love and Peace."— Presentation transcript:

1 Saint Paul of the Cross God’s little Church of Love and Peace.

2 We count the number of weeks in Advent leading up to Christmas and the birth of Jesus, and of course to someone else who comes! Can you count the number of weeks? 4

3 Who else comes at Christmas? Hi ! Children.

4 We count down to Christmas by lighting some Advent candles. Can you see the number of candles we lit last week?

5 The Gospel story this week tells us how we should live our lives and about John the Baptist.

6 Advent week 1 Jesus talking to his Disciples. These are Jesus’s friends. He is telling them to be good, as someone special is coming!

7 He told them this story. ---The people were being very naughty so God told Noah to build an Ark, a big boat, and to only take the good people. So he did! He also took two of each type of animal. We all have to be good so God will look after us! Can you see the different animals?

8 Jesus said, ‘When God comes everyone will be very surprised.’ Can you make a surprised face?

9 2 nd Sunday of Advent We light the second candle this week. 1 2

10 The Gospel story this week tells us about John the Baptist and how we should be good and be ready for when Jesus comes.

11 This is John the Baptist Hello children, my name is John the Baptist and I baptise people! Have you been baptised?

12 John the Baptist liked telling stories about God to his friends so people came from all over the county to listen to them.

13 John the Baptist wore a coat of camel hair and a leather belt.

14 What do you think John the Baptist had for his dinner?

15 Was it McDonalds?

16 Was it fish and chips?

17 Was it beans on toast?

18 John the Baptist had honey and locust for his dinner. Why do you think he did that? Locust Honey

19 John the Baptist was a voice in the wilderness, telling all the people about someone very special that was coming! He was to find out that was Jesus!

20 John the Baptist told his stories in the Wilderness, but even so, everyone was talking about him and wanted to come to see him! John can we come and see you? YES!

21 Lots of people came to listen to John the Baptist’s stories. He told them to be good because someone very special was coming.

22 John said, ‘If a tree grows a bad apple cut down the tree.’ What he meant by this was that he wanted everyone to be good. Are you good for your Mum and Dad and do you play nicely with your friends ? Is this little boy a good boy or a naughty boy? ME! Did you cut down that apple tree?

23 Some naughty people came to listen to John. He said, ‘You can stay and listen but you must be good.’ Who is good and who is naughty?

24 John the Baptist then baptised the people in the river Jordan. He said to them, ‘Someone is coming who is very special. He is better than me, and he will baptise you, not with water but with the Holy Spirit.’ He was talking about Jesus.

25 Jesus said, prepare the way Make sure you take the right path! If you are good you will be taking the right path Bad Good

26 See you next week! Be safe and be good for your Mum and Dad

27 Saint Paul of the Cross God’s little Church of Love and Peace.

28 Advent journey continues! Yes, it’s a very special journey! Week 3

29 3 rd Sunday to Advent Can you count the Candles? 2 1 3

30 Are you the one who is to come or Do we have to wait? The Gospel Story this week is about John the Baptist who asks a question to Jesus;

31 John the Baptist was getting more and more people coming to see him. King Herod was worried about this and so, he had him arrested and put in prison!

32 From there, John the Baptist heard more of what Jesus was doing, he sent one of his friends to ask him a question? Go and askJesus, is he the one? I will go now!

33 Remember John was only hearing rumours! Have you listened to any rumour’s Did you hear about Jesus! No, go on please tell me!

34 What question would you ask Jesus?

35 What would you ask Jesus?

36 Have you got a PS3

37 Did he ask have you got a Ipad

38 Have you been on the X factor?

39 Can you give me the wining Lottery numbers?

40 Have you got a castle?

41 Have you got a Porsche 911

42 Questions Are you the one who is to come? Or Have we got to wait for someone else? John had been told that someone was coming but, he didn't know when so He had to be patient!

43 Scripture says I am going to send a messenger to you, he will show you the way! John said, Are you the one who is to come Go back and tell John the Baptist what you hear and see!

44 Are you the one? Then look at what I have done!

45 Being blind!!!!!

46 Jesus made the blind see! I can see!

47 Being Blind

48 He made the Lame Walk!

49 We are disabled, but we still have Fun!

50 The Deaf Hear

51 Signing

52 Lepers are cleansed

53 Skin Infection, Sickness

54 Jesus raised the dead back to life

55 back to life

56 The good News Happy is the man who does not lose faith in me.

57 Jesus said, go back and tell John all that you have seen. Thank you Jesus, I will go and tell John

58 As the messenger was leaving, Jesus started to talk to the people about John the Baptist. He said, Scripture says, I am going to send a messenger before you, he will prepare the way for you. I tell you solemnly, of all the children born of women, no greater person than John the Baptist has ever been seen: Yet the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he is;

59 Jesus said, when I went out into the wilderness what do you think I went out to see? A reed swaying in the Breeze (No)

60 A man wearing fine clothes, No! These men can only be found in a palace!

61 Well Jesus, what did you go out to see in the wilderness? Jesus said, John the Baptist

62 John was much more than a Prophet he is the messenger

63 We all have to carry on the message from John!

64 Prepare the way!! For Jesus?

65 When will Jesus come?

66 Christmas is coming, see you soon! Who can tell me the number of sleeps?

67 See you next week! Be safe and be good for your Mum and Dad

68 Saint Paul of the Cross God’s little Church of Love and Peace.

69 Christmas Eve? This is a special day, who is coming?





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