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Chapter 3 Paradigms and Communication Theory

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1 Chapter 3 Paradigms and Communication Theory

2 Paradigms and Communication Theory
Paradigm Shift (see discussion of Kuhn, Ch. 2) Paradigm: Metatheory: Theoretical Perspective Paradigm Paradigm Paradigm Theory Type Theory Type Theory Type Theory Theory Theory

3 Metatheoretical Assumptions
Ontology Nature of reality Human nature, etc. Epistemology How is knowledge gained How does knowledge “accumulate” etc. Axiology

4 The Subjective-Objective Dimension
Ontology/ Epistemology Subjective Objective (Source: Burrell and Morgan, 1979: 3)


6 The Subjective-Objective Dimension
The subjectivist approach to social science The objectivist approach to social science Nominalism Realism ontology Voluntarism Determinism human nature Anti-positivism Positivism epistemology Ideographic Nomothetic methodology (Source: Burrell and Morgan, 1979: 3)

7 Scientific key words CauseEffect, influence, affect, lead to
Factors, variables Predict Generalizable Analytic/reductionistic Quantitative (or qualitative)

8 Humanistic key words Contextual Interpretive Social construction
Holistic Subjective Qualitative (usually)

9 The Social Change/Status Quo Dimension
Radical Social Change Axiology Regulation/Status Quo/Observation (Source: Burrell and Morgan, 1979: 3)

10 Critical key words Power (struggles, etc.)
Production and reproduction of social structures (like sexism, racism, classism) Empowerment, emancipation, resistence Social relations Ideology, hegemony Social change Qualitative or quantitative

11 Four Paradigms for Social Analysis
THE SOCIOLOGY OF RADICAL CHANGE ‘Radical humanist’ ‘Radical structuralist’ SUBJECTIVE OBJECTIVE ‘Interpretive’ ‘Functionalist’ THE SOCIOLOGY OF REGULATION (Source: Burrell and Morgan, 1979: 22)

12 But usually only 3 in communication!
RADICAL CHANGE CRITICAL: Social change SUBJECTIVE OBJECTIVE HUMANISTIC: Observe/ Interpret SCIENTIFIC: Predict/ Control (Source: Burrell and Morgan, 1979: 22) REGULATION

13 Building Communication Theory Chapter 3

14 Two debates in “Communication”
1977: Laws, Rules Systems 1983: Scientific, Humanistic, Critical Today’s debates? What would you find at a communication conference today? What do you find in the School of Communication at Illinios State University?


16 Perspectives in QL Comm
Phenomenology Sociocultural tradition Ethnomethodology Symbolic Interactionism Social Constructivism Ethnography of Communication Structuration Theory Actor Network Theory

17 Perspectives in QL Comm
Critical Tradition Modernism/Postmodernism Feminism Postcolonial theory Critical race theory/Orientalism/Whiteness Cultural Studies

18 “8 Moments”… (Denzin & Lincoln, 2008, pp. 3 ff.)
Traditional ( ) Modernist (Golden Age) ( ) Naïve realism Blurred genres ( ) Crisis of representation ( )

19 “8 Moments”… (Denzin & Lincoln, 2008, pp. 3 ff.)
The postmodern ( ) Post-experimental inquiry ( ) Methodologically contested present ( ) Fractured future (2005)

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