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Do social benefits of preserving built heritage exceed the costs? Case: Bryggen in Bergen Ståle Navrud Department of Economics and Resource Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Do social benefits of preserving built heritage exceed the costs? Case: Bryggen in Bergen Ståle Navrud Department of Economics and Resource Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do social benefits of preserving built heritage exceed the costs? Case: Bryggen in Bergen Ståle Navrud Department of Economics and Resource Management Norwegian University of Life Sciences E-mail:

2 Contents Review of economic valuation studies of cultural heritage = Social benefits of preservation Case: Cost –Benefit Analysis (CBA) of the World Heritage Site – Bryggen in Bergen, Norway

3 Review of studies -. Ready and Navrud (eds.) 2002: Valuing Cultural Heritage Mostly Stated Preference techniques used (Contingent Valuation and Choice Experiments) Use and Non use – values captured 27 studies (by 2002); incl. 6 World Heritage sites Developed/developing/transition countries Span a wide range of physical assets, services, quality and policy issues – attempt to classify studies

4 Lessons learned i) Few empirical valuation studies ii) Existing studies vary widely  difficult to compare iii) People attribute significantly positive value to CH (Cultural Heritage) iv) Large proportion state zero WTP - protesters - genuine zero  funding

5 Lessons learned (cont.) v) Higher values for users vi) Non-users benefits are positive vii) Competing cultural goods and Part-whole bias /Embedding viii) Periodicity of elicited WTP values iv) Accurate description of good - match expert assessment and understandable to people

6 Conclusion of review Experience from environmental valuation apply equally well to CH valuation Potential for benefit transfer (i.e. transfer of from study sites to new policy cases) ? Highly site- and project specific values  “Book of values” not possible, but there might be similar values for groups of CH goods  There is a large need for new valuation studies of cultural heritage for new policy uses

7 Policy Uses 1) Project evaluation (protect/restore) (e.g. Stonehenge, Split, Fes Medina) 2) Level of investment in ongoing projects (e.g. Nidaros and Lincoln Cathedrals) 3) Choices between competing uses (e.g. Nidaros, Stonehenge; new studies of access and deterioration of buildings from access) 4) Decisions on funding mechanisms (Durham Cathedral, Napoli Musei Aperti)

8 Extent of Market – Number of ”affected” households Total benefits (B) B = b i x N Number of affected households (N) just as important as mean WTP/household (b i ) - for local, regional, national, global public goods (i.e. World Heritage site = global public goods)


10 Case: CBA of Bryggen In Bergen Benefits: Use Value: 500.000 visitors per year Non Use Value: Households (hh) in Bergen and rest of Norway; Contingent Valuation of national, representative sample of 480 Norwegian households: Average Willingness-to-pay (WTP) = 188 2003-NOK/hh one-time amount Households in other countries worldwide could also have WTP for this gobal good, but small

11 CBA (cont) Costs Restoration program 200 – 300 million NOK in total for next 10 years Net Present Value (Discount rate r = 4 %, Time horizon = 10-20 y = 80 – 90 million NOK  SOCIAL BENEFITS EXCEED COSTS Sensitivity: NPV=0  Critical Value for Benefits = 137-145 NOK/hh as a one-time amount

12 Further reading For an introduction to methods to find the social benefits/economic value of cultural heritage, and an overview of empirical studies; see first and last chapter of Navrud & Ready (2002) at:

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