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Midterm Exam Chapters 1,2,3,5, 6,7 (closed book) March 11, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Midterm Exam Chapters 1,2,3,5, 6,7 (closed book) March 11, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Midterm Exam Chapters 1,2,3,5, 6,7 (closed book) March 11, 2014

2 COP4710 Part 1: Database Application Development Part 2: Theory and Database System Internal Midterm Exam

3 3-Tier Architecture Chapters 1, 2, 3 & 5 Chapter 7 Chapter 6

4 Chapter 1: Introduction to Database Systems Why use a DBMS ? What is a data model ? 3-layer architecture: physical schema, conceptual schema, views Concurrency control and transaction processing Study Time: 2 hours

5 Chapter 2: Conceptual Design ER model Entity set Relationship Key constraint, i.e., 1-to-many relationship Participation constraint: total vs partial ER design considerations Entity vs attribute Binary vs ternary relationship Study Time: 2 hours

6 Chapter 3: Relational Model Basic concepts: relation and tuple Create relations using SQL create relations add and delete tuples specify constraints: primary key constraint, referential integrity constraint create views ER diagram to SQL mapping Study Time: 2 hours

7 Chapter 5: SQL Semantics of SQL: SELECT … FROM … WHERE … GROUP BY … HAVING … How to write queries Basic SELECT-FROM-WHERE queries Queries with set operators such as UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT Nested queries Queries based on the Division operation Queries with aggregate operators General constraint (in a relation) & assertion (over multiple relations) Triggers Study Time: 3 hours

8 Chapter 7: Internet Computing Web data format: HTML, XML, DTD 3-tier architecture Presentation tier: HTML Form, Javascript, Stylesheet Application tier CGI, Application Servers, Servlets (Code first, webpage second) JavaServerPages (Webpage first, code second) Maintaining state: Cookies, hidden fields (in forms), extra path information Study Time: 4 hours

9 Chapter 6: Internet DB Apps Embedded SQL and Cursor Dynamic SQL using PREPARE and EXECUTE statements JDBC (java.sql package) Four types of JDBC drivers Load driver, connect to data source, execute SQL statements (using Statement object, PreparedStatement object, or CallableStatement object) Transaction processing in JDBC Exception and warning DatabaseMetaData Object (for catalog information) SQLJ - Similar to embedded SQL; but using industry-standard interface Stored procedures: Writing stored procedure using SQL/PSM, how to call stored procedure from JDBC and SQLJ Study Time: 4 hours

10 Study Time Required TaskTime Required Study 400 pages of Powerpoint slides17 hrs Practice the homeworks3 hrs Practice the SQL examples in textbook4 hrs TOTAL TIME NEEDED24 HRS A: 90 ~ 100Excellent B: 80 ~ 89.99Good C: 70 ~ 79.99Can be improved D: 60 ~ 69.99Need to spend more time on the final F: < 60 Grades

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