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Charge for the MEIC Ion Complex Design Mini-Workshop Andrew Hutton Jan. 27 & 28, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Charge for the MEIC Ion Complex Design Mini-Workshop Andrew Hutton Jan. 27 & 28, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charge for the MEIC Ion Complex Design Mini-Workshop Andrew Hutton Jan. 27 & 28, 2011

2 Vision for Realization of an EIC H. Montgomery

3 EIC Project: A Roadmap YearCEBAF UpgradeElectron-Ion Collider 19941 st CEBAF at Higher Energies Workshop 1996 (LRP)CEBAF Upgrade an Initiative ~2000Energy choice settled, “Golden Experiments” 1 st workshops on US Electron-Ion Collider 2002 (LRP)JLab 12-GeV Upgrade 4 th recommendation Electron-Ion Collider an Initiative 2007 (LRP)JLab 12-GeV Upgrade highest recommendation Electron-Ion Collider “half-recommendation” 2010EIC “Golden Experiments”??? 2013? (LRP)JLab 12-GeV & FRIB construction highest recommendation? EIC a formal (numbered) recommendation? 2015JLab 12-GeV Upgrade Construction complete EIC Mission Need, formal R&D ongoing? 2025?EIC construction complete? H. Montgomery

4 EIC Realization Imagined Activity Name 2010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320242025 12 Gev Upgrade FRIB EIC Physics Case NSAC LRP EIC CD0 EIC Machine Design/R&D EIC CD1/Downsel EIC CD2/CD3 EIC Construction

5 EIC Advisory Committee Established at the beginning of 2009 at the initiative of the BNL and JLab laboratory directors to: “periodically review EIC progress and to provide feedback and advice on the project development” Current members –Joachim Bartels (University of Hamburg / DESY) –Allen Caldwell (Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich) –Albert De Roeck (CERN) –Rod Gerig (ANL) –Walter F. Henning (ANL, Chair) –David Hertzog (University of Illinois) –Xiangdong Ji (University of Maryland) –Robert Klanner (University of Hamburg / DESY) –Al Mueller (Columbia University) –Katsunobu Oide (KEK) –Naohito Saito (JPARC) –Uli Wienands (SLAC)

6 Immediate & Most Important Task “Produce a complete conceptual design of a medium-energy polarized EIC based on CEBAF” To be presented at next EICAC Meeting April 10 or 16, 2011

7 Scope of Intermediate Design Report Report ~50 pages by April 1, 2011 Conceptual design of all major components of the ion complex Schematic layouts, descriptions, identified technologies, existing systems as models A set of parameter tables Complete, self-consistent, preferably within state-of-the-art A set of critical R&D issues For the presentation A good scenario Be able to walk people through the whole complex Be able to bring beam from source to IP, step-by-step

8 Design Goals for MEIC Ion Complex Develop a concept for a technically sound and cost effective ion complex for the MEIC project The MEIC ion complex should be able to provide the colliding ion beam required for successful operation of a medium energy EIC –Polarized light ions (>75% in the collider) and un-polarized heavy ions –Colliding beam current up to 1 A (~5x10 9 protons/bunch) –Compatible with a bunch repetition frequency of 750 MHz Capable of being upgraded to 1.5 GHz –RMS bunch length of 5 to 10 mm for colliding beams –Emittance at injection of <5 mm-mrad –Round beams at injection –Compatible with a luminosity lifetime of ~10 hours

9 Ion Complex Design Workshop Goals Review the current status of MEIC ion complex design Identify any missing parts of the design Identify any design inconsistencies Identify key R&D required for this stage of conceptual design Make a plan for future design work and R&D studies Assemble an R&D team and establish new collaborations Plan for the Intermediate Design Report –Ready by April 1, 2011

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