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Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…. Ancient & Classical Greece GeographyMythology and literature GovernmentWarsTerms 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question:

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1 Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…

2 Ancient & Classical Greece GeographyMythology and literature GovernmentWarsTerms 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 5000 pts

3 Geography: 200 Question: 80 % of Greece is covered with what? Answer Mountains

4 Geography: 400 Question: What item was traded so the Greeks could receive other foreign items they needed? Answer Olive oil

5 Geography: 600 Question: What was the 1 st Greek Civilization? Answer Mycenea

6 Geography 800 Question: What are the 3 main seas that border Greece? Answer Mediterranean Sea, Aegean Sea, and Ionian Sea.

7 Geography: 1000 Question: What was the name of the civilization famous for trading and the alphabet? What were two neighboring countries who caused problems for Greece? Answer Phoenicians/ Persians and Macedonians

8 Mythology: 200 Question: Who were the main characters in Greek myths? Answer Gods and Goddesses

9 mythology: 400 Question: What were the Olympics named for and who were they in honor of? Answer B. The home of the gods and to honor Zeus.

10 Mythology: 600 Question: What did the Greeks build to honor Athena? Answer: The Parthenon

11 Mythology and literature: 800 Question: What was the purpose of fables and who was the most famous fable writer? Answer To teach moral lessons/Aesop

12 Mythology: 1000 Question: Who were the 3 main Gods and what were they gods of? Answer Zeus (God of sky and Heavens) Poseidon (God of Oceans) Hades (God of underworld)

13 Government: 200 Question: What was the basic form of government in Greece and what is the greek term? Answer A city-state/polis

14 Government: 400 Question: Was the government of Athens direct or indirect? Explain what this means? Answer Direct Democracy: the citizens themselves meet to decide on laws instead of sending a representative (indirect democracy).

15 government: 600 Question: Why was Athen’s democracy called a limited democracy? Answer Because only free adult men could vote. Women, slaves, and non-citizens could not take part.

16 government: 800 Question: What was the earliest form of government in Greece? Explain what this is. Answer A Monarchy: A king or queen who has supreme power.

17 government: 1000 Question: Greece had many different political systems. Give the name of 5 systems and explain each type of government. Answer Monarchy-ruled by supreme king/queen Aristocracy-ruled by the upper class/nobility Oligarchy- ruled by a small few. Tyrant- Someone who takes power illegally. Democracy- all citizens have a voice in govn’t.

18 wars: 200 Question: Why did the Persian Wars start? Answer Persia conquered Anatolia (Turkey) a region with many Greek colonies.

19 wars: 400 Question: What was the original purpose of the acropolis? Answer To protect the city

20 wars: 600 Question: What positive outcome came from the Persian Wars? Answer The Greek city states all united together to defeat a common enemy: Persia!

21 wars: 800 Question: Who was the strongest leader of Athens who came to the scene after the Persian Wars? What were his 3 goals? Answer Pericles: strengthen democracy, expand the empire, beautify Athens with statues and monuments.

22 wars: 1000 Question: What was the name of the war that broke out between Athens and Sparta? What were 3 causes of this war? Answer Peloponnesian War. It started because: 1. other city states feared Athens’ power 2. Athens grew into a naval empire 3. Athenians started moving into other city states.

23 Terms: 200 Question: What is an agora? Answer Center of city life

24 Terms: 400 Question: What is the Delian League and its purpose? Why did it become a problem? Answer City states joined together for mutual protection. Athens took control of money from league and used it to build their own navy and buildings.

25 Terms: 600 Question: What was the military machine that hurled stones at enemy forces called? Answer catapult

26 Terms: 800 Question: What was the name of the culture that blended Greek, Persian, Egyptian, and Indian influences called? What was it’s most famous city? Answer Hellenistic: Alexandria, Egypt.

27 Terms: 1000 Question (s): The study of basic truths:______________ To capture the perfect form in art is called the ___________ Serious drama about downfalls of a character ______________ Made fun of politics, important people ___________ Answer(s) Philosophy, ideal, tragedy, comedy

28 Question: What steps did Alexander the Great take to control the world? Answer -He was tutored by Greek scholars -Trained in army -Used cruel tactics -Attacked Persian occupied cities (like Egypt) and got Egyptians on his side. Attacked Persia Attacked lands between Persia, Egypt, and Macedonia. Bonus Question: 5000 pts.

29 The Winner Of The Last Round Write Down How Much Money You Are Willing To Risk If You get the Question write you win that money If you get it wrong you Loss the money! Category: TERMS

30 Daily Double Question: How was education in Athens and Sparta similar? Answer Boys started school at age 7.

31 The Winner Of The Last Round Write Down How Much Money You Are Willing To Risk If You get the Question write you win that money If you get it wrong you Loss the money! Category: TERMS

32 Daily Double Question: What was Sparta’s strategy in the Peloponnesian War? What was Athens? Answer Sparta wanted to cut off Athenian’s food supply by destroying crops. Athens’ strategy was to avoid land battles and use the sea for food and fighting.

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