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Prof. V.J. Papazoglou on behalf of the Hellenic Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (HQAA) ENQA Seminar on Current Trends in the European Quality.

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Presentation on theme: "Prof. V.J. Papazoglou on behalf of the Hellenic Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (HQAA) ENQA Seminar on Current Trends in the European Quality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prof. V.J. Papazoglou on behalf of the Hellenic Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (HQAA) ENQA Seminar on Current Trends in the European Quality Assurance and the situation in the SEE region Sofia, 9 November 2007 Quality Assurance in Greek Higher Educational Institutions: Introduction and Challenges

2 CONTENTS Introduction Brief Historical Overview The Legal Framework First steps taken Challenges for HQAA

3 INTRODUCTION Main Objectives of Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Greece: The establishment of a uniform approach for recording, understanding and systematically assessing the work of Departments, Schools and Institutions of Higher Education. The adoption of necessary measures in order to assure and improve the quality of work performed by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), within the framework of their academic profile, objectives and mission.

4 First attempts at introducing a legal framework for QA in HEIs in the mid to late 90s During the same period several HEIs have undergone a QA exercise either independently or through the EUA. Several changes in the proposed legal framework at the beginning of the 21 st century (decisions by Senates of various HEIs) Finally, Law 3374 on Quality Assurance in Higher Education was ratified by the Greek parliament during the summer of 2005. BRIEF HISTORICAL OVERVIEW

5 THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK Law 3374/2005 Core provisions: –Teaching, research and all other services provided by HEIs are subject to continuous evaluation, aimed at assuring and improving the quality of research and teaching, curricula and all other services provided by them, within the framework of their mission. –Accountability to society and the widest possible transparency are established as a means of reinforcing the autonomy of HEIs.

6 The evaluation criteria and indices for quality in HEIs are established. The evaluation process and the corresponding bodies are defined. An independent administrative agency is established, under the title Hellenic Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (HQAA), responsible for organizing and overseeing the whole process. Through Law 3374/2005 :

7 ADIP – HQAA is an independent agency; its President was voted for by the Greek Parliament. HQAAs Board consists of: –6 Professors of Greek Universities and 4 Professors of Technological Education Institutes (TEI), selected by the Rectors of Universities and Presidents of TEI, respectively. –One member representing non-yniversity Research Institutes –One member representing all Professional Bodies –The two student members (they have not been nominated yet). Hellenic Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (HQAA)

8 Evaluation Criteria and Indices Quality of teaching Quality of research Quality of departmental curricula Quality of other services

9 Evaluation Criteria and Indices Teaching Research Quality of teaching process Organization and implementation of teaching tasks Teaching aids Means and infrastructure Use of new technologies Academic staff/student ratio and their cooperation Level and quality of knowledge provided Interrelation between teaching and research Mobility of academic staff and students Efficiency of teaching staff Promotion of research within the academic unit Research publications Research infrastructure Research projects Efficiency of research work Originality of research Acknowledgement of research work by others Research partnerships Research distinctions and rewards Participation of students in research Law 3374/2005, §3.1

10 Evaluation Criteria and Indices Curriculum Other services Degree to which the curriculum meets the units objectives and societal demands Cohesion and operability Rational organization of educational processes Examination system Support by available infrastructure Effectiveness of administrative services Student services Infrastructure Use of new technologies Transparency and efficiency in the management of financial and other resources Cooperation with other educational and research institutions, both in Greece and abroad Law 3374/2005, §3.1

11 Self Evaluation Process Annually Annual Internal Report Annually Annually Self Evaluation Self Evaluation Report Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) Academic Unit (or Curriculum) Internal Evaluation Group HEI

12 HQAAHEI Self Evaluation Report QAU HQAA External Evaluation Report External Evaluators External Evaluation

13 External Evaluation Committee Consists of 5 experts in the relevant scientific field, all coming from the Register of independent experts kept at the HQAA. 1 member can be nominated by the academic unit under evaluation (from the register). The remaining 4 members are selected by lot by HQAA.

14 Register of Independent Experts Compiled on the basis of recommendations made by the HEIs and HQAA. Revised every 4 years. Necessary qualifications: –Scientific relevance –Scientific excellence –Experience in evaluation processes Desirable qualification: management experience in academic units It is desirable to have: –At least one expert of non-Greek origin –One representative of the relevant professional body

15 The Role of HQAA –Guarantees the transparency of the evaluation process –Plans, coordinates and supports the HEIs evaluation procedures –Formulates, reviews and specifies evaluation standards and guidelines –Compiles, keeps and revises the Register of independent experts –Performs studies and carries out research on methodologies, techniques and applications of quality assurance and improvement in higher education –Submits reports to the state

16 FIRST STEPS TAKEN HQAA started work as a body on September 1, 2006. A meeting was held with all Rectors of Universities and Presidents of TEI in November 2006. Developed and circulated the following documents: An informative document on Quality Assurance in Higher Education Guidelines for the Internal Evaluation Process Analysis of the Criteria for the Internal Evaluation Process Model data sheets Format for the Self Evaluation Report Contacted the Departments of all Universities and TEIs. Started work on the register of external reviewers.

17 CHALLENGES FOR HQAA To overcome resistance, since the process is introduced for the first time, i.e. to overcome: –Ignorance of the process and/or misinformation regarding Quality Assurance in HEIs –Preservation of status qvo ante –Insecurity of stakeholders –Other external factors (e.g. political motives) To inspire trust To ensure that the whole process will be objective To clarify and put emphasis on the many benefits of the process

18 Thank you for your attention!

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