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CESM1.2.0 tutorial: WACCM and CAM-Chem

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1 CESM1.2.0 tutorial: WACCM and CAM-Chem
Mike Mills Simone Tilmes WACCM Liaison CAM-Chem Liaison August 16, 2012 CESM-WACCM and CAM-Chem component configurations Quickstart guide for present-day compsets How to change model output How to change a reaction rate Post-processing data analysis Validating CESM/WACCM WACCM & CAM-Chem customer support NCAR is supported by the National Science Foundation

2 WACCM /CAMChem component configurations
atmosphere ocean land sea ice WACCM/CAMChem free-running data specified chemistry free-running specified dynamics static (pre-industrial or present-day) transient CAM observations climatology free-running data free-running data observations climatology observations climatology

3 WACCM /CAMChem component configurations
Specified Dynamics RCP8.5 Present Day CO2 (ppmv) RCP4.5 1850 Control RCP2.6 RCPs 20th Century

4 WACCM component configurations
Find scientifically validated compsets here: CESM1.2.0(WACCM) Compsets Supported Grids Components / Meteorology Full ocean, static: B_1850_WACCM_CN (B1850WCN) B_2000_WACCM_CN (BWCN) Full ocean, transient: B_ _WACCM_CN (B20TRWCN) B_ _WACCM_CN (B55TRWCN) B_RCP2.6_WACCM_CN (BRCP26WCN) B_RCP4.5_WACCM_CN (BRCP45WCN) B_RCP8.5_WACCM_CN (BRCP85WCN) Data ocean, static: F_1850_WACCM (F1850W) F_2000_WACCM (FW) F_2000_WACCM_SC (FWSC) F_2000_WACCMX (FWX) F_1996_WACCMX (FWX1996) Data ocean, transient: F_ _WACCM_CN (F55WCN) FGEOS_C4WCM_L40CN (FSDW) f19_g16 f19_f19, f45_f45 CLM4.0/CN pre-industrial present day annual solar variability daily solar variability CLM4.0 specified chemistry thermosphere extension, solar max thermosphere extension, solar min CLM4.0/CN, daily solar variability GEOS5 nudging Scientifically validated in CESM1.1.1 Scientifically validated in CESM1.1.1

5 CAMChem component configurations
Find scientifically validated compsets here: Compsets: CESM1.2.0 CAM-Chem, grid:1.9x2.5 Model (phys)/ radiation/grid Chemistry Components / Meteorology CAM4, static ocean: B_2000_TROP_MOZART (BMOZ) B_2000_MOZSOA (BMOZSOA) F_2000_TROP_MOZART (FMOZ) F_2000_MOZSOA (FMOZSOA) F2000_C4SSOA_L40 (FSOA) CAM4, specified dynamics: FGEOS_C4BAM_L40CN (FSDBAM) FGEOS_C4MOZ_L40CN (FSDCHM) CAM5, static ocean: B_2000_MOZMAM_CN (BMOZMAM) B_2000_STRATMAM3_CN (BSTRATMAM3) B_2000_STRATMAM7_CN F_2000_MOZMAM_CN (FMOZMAM) F_2000_STRATMAM3_CN F_2000_STRATMAM7_CN CAM4 superfast chemistry B_2000_CN_CHEM (B2000CNCHM) B_1850_CN_CHEM (B1850CNCHM) B_ _CN_CHEM (B20TRCNCHM) F_1850_CN_CHEM (F1850CNCHM) CAM4, active f19_g16 f19_f19 CAM4, passive CAM5, active trop_mozart +soa chemistry trop_mozart, soa trop/strat soa trop_bam trop_mozart,mam trop/strat mam trop/strat mam7 trop mam super_fast_llnl Full ocn/ice, CLM4.0 +MEGAN data ocn/ice, CLM4.0 +MEGAN transient data ocn/ice, CLM4.0/CN, GEOS5 Full ocn/ice CLM4.0/CN data ocn/ice, CLM4.0_CN MEGAN VOC CLM4.0/CN transient full ocn/ice static full ocn/ice

6 Quickstart guide for present-day WACCM/CAMChem compset
Go to the script directory in your source code >cd /glade/p/cesm/tutorial/cesm1_2_0.tutorial/scripts >create_newcase –list compsets Review options for create_newcase command: >create_newcase –res RESOLUTION –case CASENAME -compset COMPSET –mach MACHINE RESOLUTIONS: name (shortname): 1.9x2.5_1.9x2.5 (f19_f19) 1.9x2.5_gx1v6 (f19_g16) CASENAME: your directory/casename COMPSET: longname (shortname): F_2000_WACCM (FW) / F_2000_TROP_MOZART (FMOZSOA) MACHINES: name (description): yellowstone (NCAR IBM, os is Linux, 16 pes/node, batch system is LSF)

7 Quickstart guide for present-day WACCM/CAMChem compset
Create a new F_2000_WACCM or F_2000_TROP_MOZART case in $CASEROOT = “~/f2000.FW.f19_f19.001” or “~/f2000.FMOZSOA.f19_f19.001” >create_newcase –res f19_f19 –case ~/f2000.FW.f19_f –compset FW –mach yellowstone or >create_newcase –res f19_f19 –case ~/f2000.FMOZSOA.f19_f –compset FMOZSOA –mach yellowstone go to your case directory >cd ~/f2000.FW.f19_f or >cd ~/f2000.FMOZSOA.f19_f19.001 setup the model >cesm_setup namelists (atm_in, ice_in, lnd_in, docn_in) will appear in the CaseDocs subdirectory, as well as in your $rundir build the model >*.build

8 Quickstart guide for present-day WACCM/CAMChem compset
Check the newly generated namelist prior run >ls CaseDocs/* atm_in: atmospheric namelist varliables chemical mechanism file drv_flds_in: dry deposition variables, MEGAN variables (if used) lnd_in: land namelist variables

9 Quickstart guide for present-day WACCM/CAMChem compset
>less CaseDocs/atm_in (for the WACCM case):

10 Quickstart guide for present-day WACCM/CAMChem compset
check the charge accounts and wall time in your run script: >less *run submit the job to the batch queue (default 5-day run): >*submit Check the status of your job: >bjobs (if you need to kill the job: >bkill <job_number>) queue: small (only 2 hours), regular (up to 8 hours) send when job ends Maximum wall time for job Charge account number Tip: You can set your default charge account by creating a text file called .ccsm_proj in your home directory, with the account ID.

11 Quickstart guide for present-day WACCM/CAMChem compset
find your model output in your run dir ($run_dir) after finished: >ls /glade/scratch/<username>/<casename>/run find our model output in the short-time archive >ls /glade/scratch/<username>/archive/<casename>/… (note: there will be no monthly values available if you just run for 5 days) long-time archive your job if needed (do not archive what you don’t need for a long time ) >*.l_archive namelist information restart information

12 How do I change model output?
Review list of current CAM history variables Currently >2300 existing CAM history variables Complete list is printed in atm.log.* file generated during each run in $rundir/run or in ~/$case_name/logs/atm.log* if run completed Search log file for “MASTER FIELD LIST” to review.

13 How do I change model output?
Create a user_nl_cam file in your $casedir avgflag_pertape: averaging flag for all variables on history files (h0, h1, h2, etc.). Valid values are “A” (Average), “I” (Instantaneous), “X” (Maximum), “M” (Minimum), “B” (GMT 00:00:00 average), and “L” for local time history averaging. fincl1, fincl2, etc: list of variables added to default output on h0, h1, etc. Appended ":" sets averaging flag for the field. fexcl1, fexcl2, etc: list of variables excluded from default output on h0, h1, etc.

14 How do I change model output?
Create a user_nl_cam file in your $casedir fincl[12345]lonlat: List of columns or contiguous columns at which the fincl[12345] fields will be output. '10e_20n' would pick the model column closest to 10°E longitude by 20°N latitude. '10e:20e_15n:20n' would select the model columns which fall with in the longitude range from 10-20°E and the latitude range from 15-20°N. mfilt: maximum number of time samples written to h0, h1, etc. nhtfrq: write frequencies for history files in timesteps (if positive) or hours (if negative). The h0 files may be monthly averages if nhtfrq(1) = 0.

15 How do I change model output?
Update the user_nl_cam file in your $casedir and add/change the fincl2 output > nedit user_nl_cam Preview namelists and make sure changes are in your CaseDocs/atm_in file >preview_namelists Check your CaseDocs/atm_in >less CaseDocs/atm_in Resubmit your job >*.submit

16 Changing a reaction rate
The chemistry preprocessor: generates CAM Fortran source code to solve chemistry. Input: a simple ASCII file listing chemical reactions and rates. The chemistry preprocessor input file used in your previous run is in your $CASEROOT/CaseDocs/chem_me Additional input files for default chemical mechanisms are in each source code subdirectory for mechanisms under $CCSMROOT/models/atm/cam/src/ chemistry/pp_* (i.e. pp_waccm_mozart)

17 Modifying the chemical preprocessor input file
Open $CASEROOT/CaseDocs/ Temperature-independent rates: k [cm3 molec–1 s–1]= a0 O1D + O3 -> O2 + O ; 1.20e-10 Arrhenius type: k = a0 * exp (b0/T), where b0 = (-E/R) O1D + H2O -> 2*OH ; 1.63e-10, Troe rate constant: k = ax / (1 – β2), where: α = k0*M/k∞, β = log10(α), M= air density (molec cm-3), T = temperature (K) k0 = a0*(300/T)**a1, k∞ = b0*(300/T)**b1, x= “exponential factor” CLO + NO2 + M -> CLONO2 + M ; 1.80e-31, 3.4, 1.5e-11, 1.9, 0.6 User-specific reactions: [usr_O_O2] O + O2 + M -> O3 + M Rate defined in routine mo_usrrxt.F90 a0 b0 a0 a1 b0 b1 x

18 Building the model with new chemistry
Copy a sample preprocessor input file to the case directory and edit it: >cd $CASEROOT >cp CaseDocs/ >nedit & (use any editor to edit your script) Modify the temperature-dependence of the reaction O + O3 2*O2, changing the exponent term from to -2050: [cph_O_O3,cph] O + O3 -> 2*O ; 8.00e-12, Edit the file env_build.xml in the case directory to add the CAM configure option -usr_mech_infile pointing to the new preprocessor input file: <!--"CAM configure options, see CAM configure utility for details (char) " --> <entry id="CAM_CONFIG_OPTS" value="-phys cam4 -chem waccm_mozart –usr_mech_infile $CASEROOT/" /> Re-setup and rebuild your run: >cesm_setup –clean >cesm_setup >*.clean_build >*. build

19 Post-processing data analysis
CESM history files are in standard netCDF format, and may be analyzed with standard analysis tools, including Matlab, IDL, NCL, and NCO. GEOV is an IDL-based viewer for geophysical history files created by NCAR's CAM, WACCM and MOZART models. GEOV can be downloaded from the WACCM webpagehttp:// Or install geov on yellowstone: Logon to yellowstone (or caldara or geyser): > ssh -X Edit .cshrc file. Add line: setenv IDL_STARTUP ~fvitt/idl_startup ~fvitt/idl_startup sets the idl path to include GEOV: idl_path = expand_path('+~fvitt/geov') !path=!path+':'+idl_path >source .cshrc >idl geov View model output on yellowstone: > cd /glade/scratch/$USER/archive > idl geov

20 Post-processing data analysis
CESM history files are in standard netCDF format, and may be analyzed with standard analysis tools, including Matlab, IDL, NCL, and NCO. GEOV is an IDL-based viewer for geophysical history files created by NCAR's CAM, WACCM and MOZART models. GEOV can be downloaded from the WACCM webpagehttp://

21 Post-processing data analysis
CESM history files are in standard netCDF format, and may be analyzed with standard analysis tools, including Matlab, IDL, NCL, and NCO. GEOV is an IDL-based viewer for geophysical history files created by NCAR's CAM, WACCM and MOZART models. GEOV can be downloaded from the WACCM webpagehttp://

22 Post-processing data analysis
CAM diagnostic packages are described under CAM Post-Processing Utilities on the CAM documentation page at

23 Post-processing data analysis
Diagnostic packages for all model components (atmosphere, land, ice, and ocean) can be found from the component post-processing utilities page ( Sea Ice Thickness Ocean ENSO

24 Validating CESM/WACCM
Users may validate their implementation of CESM/WACCM by repeating experiments we have done at NCAR, and using the component post-processing utilities to compare the climate generated to output we have made available publicly on the Earth System Grid ( Please visit our CESM 1.0 experiments and diagnostics page ( for an updated list of experiments with links to output data locations. Output from additional experiments will be made available on a timeline in accordance with the CMIP5 data policy.

25 WACCM and CAM-Chem Customer Support
CGD Forum: Mike Mills WACCM Liaison (303) Simone Tilmes CAM-Chem Liaison (303)

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