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The KG Team KG1-ACaroline Keyes & Ms. Susan KG1-BLucy Peachey & Ms. Janine KG1-CTara Feeney & Ms. Tita KG1-DLucy Abraham & Ms. Glaiza KG1-EAngela Curry.

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Presentation on theme: "The KG Team KG1-ACaroline Keyes & Ms. Susan KG1-BLucy Peachey & Ms. Janine KG1-CTara Feeney & Ms. Tita KG1-DLucy Abraham & Ms. Glaiza KG1-EAngela Curry."— Presentation transcript:


2 The KG Team KG1-ACaroline Keyes & Ms. Susan KG1-BLucy Peachey & Ms. Janine KG1-CTara Feeney & Ms. Tita KG1-DLucy Abraham & Ms. Glaiza KG1-EAngela Curry & Ms. Judy KG1-FCaitriona Robinson & Ms. Edna KG1-GCarla Heard & Ms. Donna KG1-HAshling Brody & Ms. Karen KH1-INiamh Callanan & Ms. Hazel PYP CoordinatorKristine Zydel Vice PrincipalSally Potts

3 Daily Schedule 7:45 Start U.A.E National Anthem and Attendance Morning Circle ( Calendar, Day schedule) Healthy Snack & Recess Integrated Whole Group Session & Centers (Center activities based on current PYP unit, literacy, math, fine motor skills, etc.) Healthy Lunch and Recess Specialist block Snack Story time Free choice centers Pack bags and Closing Circle Dismissal at 2:45pm A day in KG1

4 Specialists ArabicMs. Nahida Ms. Nadia ArtMs. Janna Ms. Kathy DramaMs. Helen Kitchen LabMs. Erin LibraryMs. Le’Jon MusicMs. Caitlin P.E.Ms. Vicky Ms. Claire

5 School wide essential agreements.  Be safe.  Be willing to try.  Be kind.  Be respectful. Our classroom agreements were student driven. Your child discussed what they thought were good or not so good choices and decided what our essential agreements were.

6 Our PYP Units of Inquiry this academic year are: Who We Are How the World Works Sharing the Planet How We Express Ourselves

7 Why Play Based Learning?  Young children work hard at play.  They invent scenes and stories, solve problems, and negotiate their way through social roadblocks.  They know what they want to do and work diligently to do it - their motivation comes from within, they learn the powerful lesson of pursuing their own ideas to a successful conclusion.  When children are given a chance to initiate play and exploratory learning, they become highly skilled in the art of self-education and self- regulation. The Role of the Teacher  The play-based approach calls for teachers to know each child well and to differentiate the teaching methods to meet individual needs.  The teacher introduces new content and play materials to stimulate their minds. Play Based Learning

8 Circle time  New vocab  Daily routine and what to expect everyday  Recognize numbers and the calendar and their correct order Play dough  Shapes  Size  Express feelings  Fine motor  Express our imagination and creativity Blocks  Concept of size, length and location  Balance and symmetry  To express ideas and exercise our imaginations  Create patterns and symbols Family Corner  To be flexible in our thinking  To express ourselves with our words  To try on different adult roles  To make decisions Library  That books are important and enjoyable  To exercise our imaginations  To recognize words when they see them in print  The development of thoughts and ideas in the plot of a story  That pictures tell a story

9 PYP Learner Profile IB learners strive to be:  Inquirers  Knowledgeable  Thinkers  Communicators  Principled  Open-Minded  Caring  Risk-Takers  Balanced  Reflective

10 Assessment All our assessments inform our instruction to meet the individual needs of each student. These include:  Work samples  Observations  Checklists  Self assessment/reflection  Student Portfolios

11  At the end of the first 6 weeks of KG 1 your child will receive a transition report  We report twice per year, followed by conferences in which student, parents and teacher meet to discuss learning and set goals Reporting

12 Differentiation  In our classes, we will be working in small groups to do our best to ensure all student needs are met.  After various assessments, specific activities are developed to meet the students current needs and move them forward. Groupings are flexible with students moving around based on their progress and their academic goals.

13 Parental Engagement at GEMS: An effective solution talk about what they’re learning in and out of school Let them share what they’re doing in school and learn together at home – let them READ Most importantly, encourage their efforts and progress

14 Parking  Ideally we would like to see parents dropping their children off and teachers and E.A.’s will escort them to their class from 7:30.  If you choose to escort your child into the building please park in a designated parking spot. Thank you.

15  If your child is not napping during the day, the average number of hours sleep for a 3-5 year old is 11 / 12 hours. The Importance of Sleep

16  Birthday Parties  Swimming  Labeling clothes and equipment  No hat no play  Healthy eating Other KG 1 Business

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