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Planet in Distress Changes in Climate Media Standards Lesson.

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Presentation on theme: "Planet in Distress Changes in Climate Media Standards Lesson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planet in Distress Changes in Climate Media Standards Lesson

2 Our Goals for Today… I can analyze a photo and make an inference. I can determine what the photographer wants the viewer to understand when I look at a photo. I can decide which medium should be used to be the most effective with a particular audience. I can choose a visual image to enhance a presentation.

3 Media Standards 6th 0601.7.1 Select the medium that best reinforces a viewpoint or enhances a presentation. 0601.7.2 Select the visual image that best reinforces a viewpoint or enhances a presentation. 0601.7.4 Draw an inference from a non-print medium. 0601.7.5 Choose the statement that best summarizes/communicates the message presented by a medium.

4 Media Standards 7th 0701.7.2 Select the visual image that best reinforces a viewpoint or enhances a presentation. 0701.7.4 Draw an inference from a non-print medium. 0701.7.5 Choose the statement that best summarizes/communicates the message presented by a medium.

5 Media Standards 8th 0801.7.1 Choose the most appropriate medium for a prescribed purpose and audience. 0801.7.2 Select the visual image that best reinforces a viewpoint or enhances a presentation. 0801.7.4 Draw an inference from a non-print medium. 0801.7.5 Choose the statement that best summarizes/communicates the message presented by a medium.


7 Planet in Distress Cover List the things you see in this cover layout. What colors do you see? Where? Is symbolism used in this cover layout?

8 Choose the most appropriate medium for a prescribed purpose and audience To what audience is this cover most appealing? What do you think this book is probably about? What other images could have been used as a cover layout to appeal to this audience?

9 The owner of a jewelry store wants to let potential customers who are driving in their cars know about a huge upcoming sale. Which of the following is the best medium for this audience?

10 The Highway and Safety Patrol needs to communicate with drivers that there is road construction one mile ahead and they should be prepared to slow down. Which of the following mediums would be the most appropriate way for them to communicate this information?

11 The dentist would like you to remember your next appointment before you leave the office. Which of the following mediums would be the most appropriate way for the dentist to communicate this information?

12 Our principal would like to inform all parents that report cards will be issued on Friday. Which of the following is the best medium for communicating this information?

13 Choose the statement that best summarizes/communicates the message presented by a medium. What message is the photographer making in this photograph?

14 Would this photo convey the same message?



17 What message is the photographer making in this photograph?




21 Draw an inference from a non- print medium What can you infer from the picture? Remember: Use the clues you see in the picture along with what you already know about climate to make logical assumptions about the cover.

22 What inference can you draw from this photo?


24 Select the visual image that best reinforces a viewpoint or enhances a presentation. Explain the author’s viewpoint or attitude toward this subject. If you were doing a presentation on this book, what images would you choose to use as a visual aid?

25 If you were doing a presentation and using the image above, what might the TOPIC of the presentation be?


27 If you were doing a science project on plant growth, which image might you use to reinforce your viewpoint?

28 If you were doing a presentation on the ancient Romans, which image might you use to reinforce your viewpoint?

29 Did We Accomplish Our Goals? I can analyze a photo and make an inference. I can determine what the photographer wants the viewer to understand when I look at a photo. I can decide which medium should be used to be the most effective for a particular audience. I can choose a visual image to enhance a presentation.

30 Let’s Check!

31 “Carma” commercial questions Who is the intended audience for this commercial? What message or “theme” is presented in the commercial? What could you infer based on the beaver’s actions at the end of the commercial? If you were going to create a commercial to sell tires, what images might you choose to add?

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