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5 FSC IRONDOGS PRE-TEST 1. How many days does it take in order for a Senior Rater to be qualified to evaluate a soldier? 2. What does the non rated month code Q stand for? 3. What is the difference between an “Appointed Duty” and a “Area of Special Emphasis” ? 4. What reasons are used for completing a “Change of Rater” NCOER ? 5. If a soldier has a permanent profile reflected in the APFT information block… will you address it under the PT block. If so, what will it address? 6. If you rate a soldier in one of the areas as “Needs Improvement”, can you still give him/her a overall rating of “Among the Best”? 7. When a NCO signs the front of the NCOER what does it confirm? 8. Who’s responsibility is it to obtain the rated NCO’s signature? 9. When doing an NCOER on a pregnant soldier how do you do the HT / WT data ?


PART II - AUTHENTICATION a. NAMEOF RATER(Last, First, Middle Initial) SSN SIGNATURE RANK, PMOSC/BRANCH, ORGANIZATION, DUTY ASSIGNMENT DATE b. NAMEOF SENIOR RATER(Last, First, Middle Initial) SSN SIGNATURE RANK, PMOSC/BRANCH, ORGANIZATION, DUTY ASSIGNMENT DATE C. RATED NCO: I understand my signature does not constitute agreement or disagreement with the evaluations of the Rater and Senior Rater. Part 1, Height/Weight and/APFT entries are verified. I have seen this report completed through Part V. I am aware of the appeals process (AR ) SIGNATURE DATE d. NAMEOF REVIEWER (Last, First, Middle Initial) SSN SIGNATURE RANK, PMOSC/BRANCH, ORGANIZATION, DUTY ASSIGNMENT DATE e CONCUR WITH RATER/SENIOR RATER EVALUATIONS NONCONCUR WITH RATER/SENIOR RATER EVALUATIONS (See Attached Comments) RATER QUALIFICATIONS 1. The immediate supervisor of the rated NCO designated as a Rater for a period of 90 days. 2. A sergeant or higher, senior to a rated NCO by pay grade or DOR. If the NCO is on a recommended list for promotion (E-7, 8, 9) and is currently in that position he or she may rate any NCO he/she supervises if after the raters promotion he/she will be senior in pay grade or DOR. An NCO frocked to 1SG or CSM and serving in those positions may rate any NCO he/she supervises if after promotion he/she will be senior to the rated NCO by pay grade or DOR. A. Members of other US military services who meet the qualifications may be raters. B. Members of allied forces are not authorized to be raters. RATER RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Counsel the rated NCO on his/her duty performance and professional development throughout the rated period. Define and discuss the duty description (Part III) of the NCOER with the rated NCO. Counsel rated NCO within the first 30 days and every Quarter there after. 2. Prepare a separate DA Form for each rated NCO. 3. Assess the performance of the rated NCO using all reasonable means. 4. Prepare a fair, correct report evaluating the NCO’s duty performance, values/ NCO responsibilities and potential. 5. Verify Parts I and II and enter the APFT and HT/WT results entries on Part IV c of the NCOER. 6. Date and enter his/her signature on Part II a. 7. Sign Part II b and c when also serving as senior rater and reviewer.

8 For use of this form, see AR-623-205, the proponent agency is DCSPER
NCOEVALUATION REPORT For use of this form, see AR , the proponent agency is DCSPER SEE PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT IN AR , APPENDIX E PART 1 - ADMINISTRATIVE DATA a. NAME (Last, First, Middle Initial) b. SSN c. RANK d. DATE OF RANK e. PMOSC DOE, JOHN J SGT N2O00OO PMOSC Can be either a combination of 7 characters or 9 7 Example: 88M2W2P 9 Example: 88M / 2 / O / 00 / OO PMOS “LI” soldier has been awarded or enter (Letters)“OO” “LI” soldier has been awarded or enter Skill Level 1-5 Most recent awarded “ASI” compatible with PMOS or enter (zeros) “00” Highest awarded “SQI” authorized for PMOS or enter Letter “O” f. UNIT, ORG, STATION, ZIP CODE OR APO, MAJOR COMMAND g. REASON FOR SUBMISSION FSC, 7th-101st GSAB, 101st ABN DIV (AASLT), FTCKY, FORSCOM Annual CODES 2 ANNUAL - Used for NCOER that reflective period of 12 consecutive Months 3 CHANGE OF RATER - Used for NCOER under the following conditions : Less than 12 month report, discharged or ETS (includes Retirement) / Reduced to CPl/SPC or below/ Reduced to a lower NCO Rank / Rater is relieved / Rater is reduced / When Rater dies, Rater AWOL, Rater Missing, Rater becomes incapacitated the Senior Rater will complete both Rater & Senior Rater portions and enter a brief explanation in part Ve (Rater relieved). 4 COMPLETE THE RECORD - Used for NCO who the rating chain want to submit for prospective Boards (i.e.: MSG, SFC, SGM) 5 RELIEF FOR CAUSE - Used for NCO who is relieved for cause

9 2004 01 2004 10 9 Q UU EU11 h. PERIOD COVERED i. RATED MONTHS j. NON-
k. NO OF ENCL l . RATEDNCOCOPY (Check one and Dt) m. PSC Initials n. CMD CODE o. PSC CODE FROM THRU Date YYYY MM YYYY MM 1. Given to NCO 2. Forwarded to NCO Q UU EU11 UU UNIT PROCESSING CODE EU PSC CODE CODES CODE “A” AWOL CODE “B” Break in AD service of 12 months or less CODE “C” Confinement in a military or civilian detention facility: assignment to Military Personnel Control Center; or assignment to Correctional Training Facility CODE “D” Temporary disability retirement list (TDRL status CODE “I” Intransit between duty stations, including leave, and temporary duty CODE “M” Missing in Action CODE “P” Patient (includes Convalescent Leave) CODE “Q” Lack of Rater Qualifications CODE “ R” New Recruiter Program CODE “S” Student at a military service or civilian school CODE “T” TDY or Special Duty (SD) other than to attend school or compassionate reassignment CODE “W” Prisoner of War CODE “ Z” None of the above: This code will be used when there is non-rated time of less that 12 months due to reduction in rank below SGT, or when a previous command did not render a NCOER REFLECTS THAT “9“ MONTH CHANGE OF RATER HAD “1” MONTH NONRATED TIME ( = 8 ) ( this would be accompanied with one of the above code (s) which would clarify the reason for the non rated month (s).

PART III - DUTY DESCRIPTION (Rater) a. PRINCIPAL DUTY TITLE b. DUTY MOSC c. DAILY DUTIES AND SCOPE (to include as appropriate , people, equipment, facilities, and dollars) d. AREAS OF SPECIAL EMPHASIS c. APPOINTED DUTIES e. Counseling dates from checklists/record INITIAL LATER LATER LATER 980103 PRINCIPLE DUTY TITLE Is the same as reflected on the MTOE COUNSELING DATES Must all fall within the rated period (reflected by YYMMDD Example: ** Note: When there is an absence of counseling the “Sr Rater” will explain the reason in the “Sr Rater” Block. (ie. No written counselings where conducted while deployed during OJF, however, verbal counselings where given. DAILY DUTY AND SCOPE Can reflect what the NCO does on a daily basis even if different that the MTOE title AREA OF SPECIAL EMPHASIS Reflects items of note other than those “Appointed Duties” (ie. OIF Deployment, Range NCOIC, Major Operations such as OJF, Warfighters, Convoy Commander, ISA Exercise, NCO, COC, acting 1SG, ect…) APPOINTED DUTIES Reflects jobs other than Duty Position that the NCO is listed on “Appointment Orders” by the Unit Commander (ie. Unit APAPCP, Unit Fire Marshal, Unit Safety NCO, Unit Education NCO, Bldg Coordinator, ect…)

FSC IRONDOGS A WORD ON BULLET COMMENTS 1. Bullet comments can be either one or two lines in length. 2. Bullet comments can not use an individuals name within the bullet 3. Authorized abbreviations may be used; however, acronyms should be avoided 4. Narrative gimmicks are prohibited and include: Handwritten comments, Single spacing between bullets Excessive use of capital letters, Underlining, Italics and similar techniques, Exaggerated margins One line bullet sample: o Always set the standard during physical fitness training Two line bullet sample: o Maintained 100% accountability of organizational property during the deployment to Operation Joint Guard without loss or damage



PART IV - VALUES / NCO RESPONSIBILITIES (Rater) a. Complete each question. (Comments are mandatory for “No” entries; optional for “Yes” entries). YES NO V Loyalty Duty Respect Selfless-Service 1. LOYALTY: Bears true faith and allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, the Army, the unit and other soldiers. 1 2. DUTY: Fulfills their obligations. 2 A 3. RESPECT/EO/EEO: Treats people as they should be treated. 3 4. SELFLESS-SERVICE: Puts the welfare of the nation, the Army and subordinates before their own. 4 L 5. HONOR: Lives up to all the Army values. 5 6. INTEGRITY: Does what is right-legally and morally. 6 7. PERSONAL COURAGE: Faces fear, danger or adversity (physical and moral). 7 U Bullet comments. E Honor Integrity Personal Courage S NCO VALUES / RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Bullet comments are mandatory for “No” reflected bullets and optional for “Yes” reflected bullets 2. Do not reflect the same bullets on this side of the form if those bullets will be used on the back of the form 3. Indicated block with a “X”

RATED NCO’s NAME (Last, First, Middle Initial) SSN THRU DATE PART IV (RATER) - VALUES/NCO RESPONSIBILITIES Specific Bullet examples of “EXCELLENT” or “NEEDS IMPROVEMENT” are mandatory. Specific Bullet examples of “SUCCESS” are optional. b. COMPETENCE o Duty proficiency; MOS competency o Technical & tactical; Knowledge, skills, and abilities o Sound judgment o Seeking self-improvement; always learning o Accomplishing tasks to the fullest capacity; committed to excellence COMPETENCE EXCELLENCE (Exceeds std) SUCCESS (Meets std) NEEDS IMPROVEMENT (Some) (Much) EXPLANATION PROFILE APFT HEIGHT/WEIGHT SAMPLE BULLETS o Coordinated with IFOR for the distribution of over 72,000 meals, 141,000 gallons of fuel, and 133 tons of general cargo o Successfully developed a system to track intransit visibility for over 24,000 personnel, and 25,000 tons of equipment for NATO’s IFOR o Selected over 3 other senior personnel to become the Battalions S-3 Operations Sergeant - a E-8 position EXCELLENT: 1. Bullets for excellence must be quantitative and qualitative in nature 2. To justify excellent in a block it is recommended that that block consist of three bullet comments SUCCESS: 1. Bullets in this block are less powerful than those in the “Excellence” category and should reflect soldier efforts toward improvement noteworthy in nature 2. Theses bullets do not require quantitative or qualitative justification NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: 1. Bullets that reflect “Needs Improvement” require documentation showing attempts to guide the soldier have been less than successful 2. Note: Needs improvement will hinder promotion and potential performance and should be in sink with Senior rater bullets o constantly sought by subordinates, peers, and superiors for his intermodal expertise o always shared his knowledge with soldier to insure they had adequate training o Selected over 3 other senior personnel to become the Battalion S-3 Operations Sergeant - a E-8 position o constantly needs supervision, is unable to follow through any mission without in-depth guidance o even after formal training at various NCOES schools his knowledge of basic soldier skills remain in question NOTE: “Needs improvement” comments have to have counseling statements with remedial training and memorandum for record documentation

RATED NCO’s NAME (Last, First, Middle Initial) SSN THRU DATE PART IV (RATER) - VALUES/NCO RESPONSIBILITIES Specific Bullet examples of “EXCELLENT” or “NEEDS IMPROVEMENT” are mandatory. Specific Bullet examples of “SUCCESS” are optional. b. COMPETENCE o Duty proficiency; MOS competency o Technical & tactical; Knowledge, skills, and abilities o Sound judgment o Seeking self-improvement; always learning o Accomplishing tasks to the fullest capacity; committed to excellence EXCELLENCE (Exceeds std) SUCCESS (Meets std) NEEDS IMPROVEMENT (Some) (Much) C. PHYSICAL FITNESS & MILITARY BEARING o Mental and physical toughness o Endurance and stamina to go the distance o Displays confidence and enthusiasm; looks like a soldier APFT HEIGHT/WEIGHT PROFILE 63 / NO PHYSICAL FITNESS EXCELLENCE (Exceeds std) SUCCESS (Meets std) NEEDS IMPROVEMENT (Some) (Much) X FOR HT / WT FAILURES WHO FAIL THE TAPE TEST: 1. HT /WT Data and then “NO” EXAMPLE: 63 / NO 2. Comment will then be added In Block “b” as follows: EXAMPLE: although not in compliance with AR 600-9, this individual has shown improvement while on the Overweight Program 3. Need Improvement will then be x-ed within the block FOR HT / WT FAILURES WHO MEET THE TAPE TEST: 1. HT /WT Data and then “YES” EXAMPLE: 63 / YES 2. Under new update no comment will be added when soldier meets the tape anymore FOR PREGNANCY OVERWEIGHT: 1. When doing a NCOER on a Pregnant soldier the HT / WT data will be left blank 2. Comment will then be added as follows in block “b”: “exempt from weight control standards of AR 600-9” FOR PHYSICAL PROFILES: 1. Type in Profile and the year and date profile was awarded EXAMPLE: PROFILE 9703 2. Comment will then be added In Block “b” as follows: EXAMPLE: although currently on profile he performs all duties associated with his MOS without deprivation FOR PREGNANCY PROFILES: 1. If APFT has been completed prior to the Pregnancy and within the last 12 months, the entry should be “PASS” or “FAIL” and the date the test was given. 2. If NO APFT was taken due to the Pregnancy within the last 12 months the space is left blank. Then the Following Comment will be added: “exempt from APFT requirements according to AR ” FOR SOLDIERS WHO PASS: 1. Type in “PASS and then the Date EXAMPLE: PASS 9703 2. APFT numerical score will be added to support “Excellent” block when applicable FOR SOLDIERS WHO FAIL: 1. Type in “FAIL and then the DATE EXAMPLE: FAIL 2. Comment will be added in Block “b” as follows: EXAMPLE: although soldiers weight condition contributed to the failure he has improved his run by 3 minutes 3. Need Improvement will then be x-ed within the block

b. LEADERSHIP o Mission First o Genuine concern for soldiers o Instilling the spirit to achieve and win o Setting the example, Be, Know, Do LEADERSHIP EXCELLENCE (Exceeds std) SUCCESS (Meets std) NEEDS IMPROVEMENT (Some) (Much) EXPLANATION SAMPLE BULLETS o Integrated active two duty and four reserve components into the 21st TAACOM Transportation Division G-4 shop o Reconnoitered and established all Main Supply Routes (MSR’s) used within the V Corps Order for Danger Forward 99’. o Supervised the force tracking of over 400 bus movements, 300 rail missions, and 475 Air Resupply Missions within one month EXCELLENT: 1. Bullets for excellent must be quantitative and qualitative in nature 2. To justify excellent in a block it is recommended that that block consist of three bullet comments SUCCESS: 1. Bullets in this block are less powerful than those in the “Excellence” category and should reflect soldier efforts toward improvement noteworthy in nature 2. Theses bullets do not require quantitative or qualitative justification NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: 1. Bullets that reflect “Needs Improvement” require documentation showing attempts to guide the soldier have been less than successful 2. Note: Needs improvement will hinder promotion and potential performance and should be in sink with Senior rater bullets o balanced concern for mission and soldiers is excellent o completely selfless; always puts mission and soldier needs above his own o cares about soldiers, but expects them to adhere to the rules o constantly needs supervision, is unable to follow through any mission without in-depth guidance o even after formal training at various NCOES schools his knowledge of basic soldier skills remain in question NOTE: “Needs improvement” comments have to have counseling statements with remedial training and memorandum for record documentation

1. Bullets for excellent must be quantitative and qualitative in nature 2. To justify excellent in a block it is recommended that that block consist of three bullet comments SUCCESS: 1. Bullets in this block are less powerful than those in the “Excellence” category and should reflect soldier efforts toward improvement noteworthy in nature 2. Theses bullets do not require quantitative or qualitative justification NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: 1. Bullets that reflect “Needs Improvement” require documentation showing attempts to guide the soldier have been less than successful 2. Note: Needs improvement will hinder promotion and potential performance and should be in sink with Senior rater bullets o As range NCOIC, he successfully conducted an M16 range for over 200 soldiers, with a 10% increase in expert fires within the Battalion o Trained 300 divisional soldiers on convoy operations in preparation to deployment in support of Operation Joint Guard. o Drafted and published the 21st TAACOM (FWD) winter driving policy which outlined a risk assessment for over 20,000 deploying soldiers o set up and executed a platoon FTX plan that enhanced soldier readiness o goes out of his way to coordinate and ensure necessary resources are available for training o challenges soldiers to excel well above established standards o constantly needs supervision, is unable to follow through any mission without in-depth guidance o even after formal training at various NCOES schools his knowledge of basic soldier skills remain in question e. TRAINING o Individual and team o Mission focused; performance oriented o Teaching soldiers how; common tasks, duty - related skills o Sharing knowledge and experience to fight, survive and win TRAINING EXCELLENCE (Exceeds std) SUCCESS (Meets std) NEEDS IMPROVEMENT (Some) (Much) f. RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY o Care and Maintenance of equip/facilities o Conservation of supplies and funds o Encouraging soldiers to learn and grow o Responsibility for good, bad, right, wrong EXCELLENCE (Exceeds std) SUCCESS (Meets std) NEEDS IMPROVEMENT (Some) (Much) PART V - OVERALL PERFORMANCE AND POTENTIAL a. RATER. Overall potential for promotion/ or service in positions of greater responsibility. e. SENIOR RATER BULLET COMMENTS AMONG THE BEST FULLY CAPABLE MARGINAL b. RATER. List three positions in which the rated NCO could better serve the Army at his/her current or next higher grade d. SENIOR RATER. Overall Potential for promotion and/or service in positions of greater responsibility c SENIOR RATER. Overall Performance Successful Fair Poor Superior Fair Poor

1. Bullets for excellent must be quantitative and qualitative in nature 2. To justify excellent in a block it is recommended that that block consist of three bullet comments SUCCESS: 1. Bullets in this block are less powerful than those in the “Excellence” category and should reflect soldier efforts toward improvement noteworthy in nature 2. Theses bullets do not require quantitative or qualitative justification NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: 1. Bullets that reflect “Needs Improvement” require documentation showing attempts to guide the soldier have been less than successful 2. Note: Needs improvement will hinder promotion and potential performance and should be in sink with Senior rater bullets o Maintained 100% accountability of organizational property during the deployment to Operation Joint Forge without equipment deprivation o Conducted over 300 rail missions during the deployment to Operation Joint Forge for the safe transport of material totaling over 25,000 tons o Emphasis on equipment readiness reduced the backlog of overdue services from 75 to 8 services due o Constantly looking for equipment to enhance unit effectiveness o Improved the quality of life for soldiers residing in the barracks by implementing a barracks inspection program for common areas o Ensures soldiers maintain their individual equipment in a serviceable status at all times o constantly needs supervision, is unable to follow through any mission without in-depth guidance o even after formal training at various NCOES schools his knowledge of basic soldier skills remain in question f. RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY o Care and Maintenance of equip/facilities o Conservation of supplies and funds o Encouraging soldiers to learn and grow o Responsibility for good, bad, right, wrong responsibility EXCELLENCE (Exceeds std) SUCCESS (Meets std) NEEDS IMPROVEMENT (Some) (Much) PART V - OVERALL PERFORMANCE AND POTENTIAL a. RATER. Overall potential for promotion/ or service in positions of greater responsibility. e. SENIOR RATER BULLET COMMENTS AMONG THE BEST FULLY CAPABLE MARGINAL b. RATER. List three positions in which the rated NCO could better serve the Army at his/her current or next higher grade d. SENIOR RATER. Overall Potential for promotion and/or service in positions of greater responsibility c SENIOR RATER. Overall Performance Successful Fair Poor Superior Fair Poor

1. Among the Best – Used way too often. Should only be used when the rated NCO is actually among the best. Just doing their job everyday as expected does not justify this rating. 2. Fully capable - NCOs who have demonstrated a good performance and should sufficient allocations be Available then promote. 3. Marginal -NCOs who have demonstrated poor performance and should not be promoted at this time. 4. Should a soldier receive a “Needs Improvement” he/she can not be selected as “Among the Best” a. RATER. Overall potential for promotion/ or service in positions of greater responsibility. AMONG THE BEST FULLY CAPABLE MARGINAL b. RATER. List three positions in which the rated NCO could better serve the Army at his/her current or next higher grade RATER RECOMMENDED POSITIONS: 1. Rater lists up to three (at least two) different future duty positions (job title) in which the rated NCO could best serve the army at the current or next higher grade


PART II - AUTHENTICATION a. NAMEOF RATER(Last, First, Middle Initial) SSN SIGNATURE RANK, PMOSC/BRANCH, ORGANIZATION, DUTY ASSIGNMENT DATE b. NAMEOF SENIOR RATER(Last, First, Middle Initial) SSN SIGNATURE RANK, PMOSC/BRANCH, ORGANIZATION, DUTY ASSIGNMENT DATE C. RATED NCO: I understand my signature does not constitute agreement or disagreement with the evaluations of the Rater and Senior Rater. Part 1, Height/Weight and/APFT entries are verified. I have seen this report completed through Part V. I am aware of the appeals process (AR ) SIGNATURE DATE d. NAMEOF REVIEWER (Last, First, Middle Initial) SSN SIGNATURE RANK, PMOSC/BRANCH, ORGANIZATION, DUTY ASSIGNMENT DATE e CONCUR WITH RATER/SENIOR RATER EVALUATIONS NONCONCUR WITH RATER/SENIOR RATER EVALUATIONS (See Attached Comments) SENIOR RATER QUALIFICATIONS 1. In the direct line of supervision of the rated NCO and designated as the senior rater for a period of two rated months (60 days). 2. Senior to a rated NCO by pay grade or DOR. If the NCO is on a recommended list for promotion (E-7, 8, 9) and is currently in that position he or she may rate any NCO he/she supervises if after the raters promotion he/she will be senior in pay grade or DOR an NCO frocked to 1SG or CSM and serving in those positions may senior rate any NCO he/she supervises if after promotion he/she will be senior to the rated NCO by pay grade or DOR. A. Members of other US military services who meet the qualifications may be senior raters. B. Members of allied forces are not authorized to be senior raters. SENIOR RATER RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Use all reasonable means to become familiar with the rated NCOs performance throughout the rated period by periodically checking counseling checklists. 2. Prepare a fair correct report evaluating the NCO duty performance, values/ NCO responsibilities and potential. 3. Date and enter his/her signature on Part II b. 4. Obtain the rated NCOs signature in Part II of the NCOER. 5. When counseling dates are admitted enter statement on Part V e, explain why the counseling was not accomplished. 6. Ensure APFT and HT/WT entries are correct (Part IV c) 7. Enters the appropriate statement “ NCO refuses to sign” or “NCO is not available for signature” in Part II c. 8. Ensures the specific bullet examples support the appropriate ratings in Part IV b-f. 9. Ensures the statement “Senior Rater does not meet minimum qualification” is entered in Part V e when the senior rater does not meet minimum requirements. 10. Not render an evaluation in Part V c or d when the minimum time requirement is not met. 11. Sigh Part II c when also serving as reviewer. 12. Not direct that the rater change an evaluation that he/she believes to be honest.

1. For senior rater bullets the Senior Rater does not have to show documentation reflecting poor performance comments 2. Senior Rater Block should address the following subjects: Performance, Potential, Schools, and Potential 3. Senior Raster Bullet comments are Mandatory 4. Marginal ratings given by the rater and fair or poor ratings in part V, must be addressed by the Senior Rater SENIOR RATER (UNQUALIFIED) 1. When the Senior Rater does not meet the minimal time requirements for evaluating the NCO, the rater will enter the following comment in block Ve. “Senior rater does not meet minimum requirements”. Note: Vc and Vd will not be completed SENIOR RATER BOX: 1. The senior Raters blocks are independent from the Raters 2. There are no specific box mark required of the senior rater based on the box marks made by the rater. SENIOR RATER SELECTIONS: 1. (1) successful/Superior: A-”1” or “2” rating represents a very good solid performance and is a strong recommendation for promotion; however a “2” is not as good as a “1”. A “3” rating also represents a good performance and, should sufficient allotments for promotion be available, is a recommendation for promotion, however it is not as good as a “2”. 2. Fair-represents NCOs who may require additional training / observation and should not be allowed for promotion at this time 3. Poor-Represents NCOs who are weak or deficient and, in the opinion of the senior rater, need significant improvement or training in one or more areas. Do not promote e. SENIOR RATER BULLET COMMENTS SENIOR RATER d. SENIOR RATER. Overall Potential for promotion and/or service in positions of greater responsibility c SENIOR RATER. Overall Performance Successful Fair Poor Superior Fair Poor


PART II - AUTHENTICATION a. NAMEOF RATER(Last, First, Middle Initial) SSN SIGNATURE RANK, PMOSC/BRANCH, ORGANIZATION, DUTY ASSIGNMENT DATE b. NAMEOF SENIOR RATER(Last, First, Middle Initial) SSN SIGNATURE RANK, PMOSC/BRANCH, ORGANIZATION, DUTY ASSIGNMENT DATE C. RATED NCO: I understand my signature does not constitute agreement or disagreement with the evaluations of the Rater and Senior Rater. Part 1, Height/Weight and/APFT entries are verified. I have seen this report completed through Part V. I am aware of the appeals process (AR ) SIGNATURE DATE d. NAMEOF REVIEWER (Last, First, Middle Initial) SSN SIGNATURE RANK, PMOSC/BRANCH, ORGANIZATION, DUTY ASSIGNMENT DATE e CONCUR WITH RATER/SENIOR RATER EVALUATIONS NONCONCUR WITH RATER/SENIOR RATER EVALUATIONS (See Attached Comments) REVIEWER QUALIFICATIONS 1. The reviewer must be a commissioned officer, warrant officer, CSM, SGM in the direct line of supervision and senior in pay grade or DOR to the senior rater. Promotable MSG may serve as reviewers provided they are working in a CSM or SGM position. 2. No minimum time period required for Reviewer Qualification. 3. In cases where both the rater and senior rater are other than uniformed Army rating officials (including in f below) and no uniformed Army reviewer is available the report will be reviewed by uniformed Army officer in the rated NCOs PSC or unit administrative office. As in exception this officer is not required to be senior to the rater or the senior rater. 4. Members of the allied forces are not authorized to be reviewers. REVIEWER RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Ensure the proper rater and senior rater complete the report. 2. Evaluate the completed NCOER to ensure they are clear, consistent and just in accordance with known facts. Special care must be taken to ensure bullet examples support the appropriate rating. 3. Indicate concurrence with rater and senior rater by placing an X in Part II (add enclosure -1 page, when non-concurrence block is marked. A. When reviewer finds conflict between rater and senior rater bullets consults with one or both rating officials to determine discrepancies. B. If after consult rater and senior rater revise NCOER to a point of agreement then the reviewer checks concur block. C. If after consult no adjustment is made checks nonconcur block and adds one page enclosure rendering his opinion as to the proper manner of performance and potential. 4. Reviewer may not direct that a rater or senior rater change an evaluation believed to be honest. 5. In cases where the rater nor the senior rater are NCOs the reviewer may find it useful to get additional informal input from the senior NCO subordinate to the reviewer. 6. The reviewers enclosure is not to be used for a their reworded agreement with evaluations by the rater and senior rater. 7. Dates and enters his/her signature in Part II d and forward the report. 8. Signs Part II a,b and c when serving as the rater senior rater and reviewer.


a. NAMEOF RATER(Last, First, Middle Initial) SSN SIGNATURE RANK, PMOSC/BRANCH, ORGANIZATION, DUTY ASSIGNMENT DATE b. NAMEOF SENIOR RATER(Last, First, Middle Initial) SSN SIGNATURE RANK, PMOSC/BRANCH, ORGANIZATION, DUTY ASSIGNMENT DATE C. RATED NCO: I understand my signature does not constitute agreement or disagreement with the evaluations of the Rater and Senior Rater. Part 1, Height/Weight and/APFT entries are verified. I have seen this report completed through Part V. I am aware of the appeals process (AR ) SIGNATURE DATE d. NAMEOF REVIEWER (Last, First, Middle Initial) SSN SIGNATURE RANK, PMOSC/BRANCH, ORGANIZATION, DUTY ASSIGNMENT DATE e CONCUR WITH RATER/SENIOR RATER EVALUATIONS NONCONCUR WITH RATER/SENIOR RATER EVALUATIONS (See Attached Comments) RATED NCO 1. The rated NCO’s signature means that he/she has seen the completed report (except Part II d and e) and verifies that the administrative data (Part I) is correct, the rating officials are proper (Part II), the duty description is accurate (Part III) to include the counseling dates.


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