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Round and Approx: A technique for packing problems Nikhil Bansal (IBM Watson) Maxim Sviridenko (IBM Watson) Alberto Caprara (U. Bologna, Italy)

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Presentation on theme: "Round and Approx: A technique for packing problems Nikhil Bansal (IBM Watson) Maxim Sviridenko (IBM Watson) Alberto Caprara (U. Bologna, Italy)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Round and Approx: A technique for packing problems Nikhil Bansal (IBM Watson) Maxim Sviridenko (IBM Watson) Alberto Caprara (U. Bologna, Italy)

2 Problems Bin Packing: Given n items, sizes s 1,…,s n, s.t. 0 < s i · 1. Pack all items in least number of unit size bins. D-dim Bin Packing (with & without rotations) 1 4 6 5 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

3 Problems d-dim Vector Packing: Each item d-dim vector. Packing valid if each co-ordinate wise sum · 1 Set Cover: Items i 1, …, i n Sets C 1,…,C m. Choose fewest sets s.t. each item covered. All three bin packing problems, can be viewed as set cover. Sets implicit: Any subset of items that fit feasibly in a bin. Valid Invalid Bin: machine with d resources Item: job with resource requiremts.

4 Short history of bin-packing Bin Packing: NP-Hard if need 2 or 3 bins? (Partition Prob.) Does not rule out Opt + 1 Asymptotic  approximation:  OPT + O(1) Several constant factors in 60-70’s APTAS: For every  >0, (1+  ) Opt + O(1) [de la Vega, Leuker 81] Opt + O(log 2 OPT) [Karmarkar Karp 82] Outstanding open question: Can we get Opt + 1 No worse integrality gap for a natural LP known

5 Short history of bin-packing 2-d Bin Packing: APTAS ) P=NP [B, Sviridenko 04] Best Result: Without rotations: 1.691… [Caprara 02] With rotations: 2 [Jansen, van Stee 05] d-dim Vector Packing: No APTAS for d=2 [Woeginger 97] Best Result: O(log d) for constant d [Chekuri Khanna 99] If d part of input, d 1/2 -  ) P=NP Best for d=2 is 2 approx.

6 Our Results 1) 2-d Bin Packing : ln 1.691 + 1 = 1.52 Both with and without rotations (previously 1.691 & 2) 2) d-Dim Vector Packing: 1 + ln d (for constant d) For d=2: get 1+ ln 2 = 1.693 (previously 2)

7 General Theorem Given a packing problem, items i 1,…,i n 1) If can solve set covering LP min  C x C s.t.  C: i 2 C x C ¸ 1 8 items i 2)  approximation : Subset Oblivious Then (ln  + 1) approximation d subset oblivious approximation for vector packing 1.691 algorithm of Caprara for 2d bin packing is subset ob. Give 1.691 subset ob. approx for rotation case (new)

8 Subset Oblivious Algorithms Given an instance I, with n items  (I) = all 1’s vector  S) incidence vector for subset of items S. There exist k weight (n - dim) vectors w 1, w 2,…,w k For every subset of items S µ I, and  > 0 1) OPT (I) ¸ max i ( w i ¢  (I) ) 2) Alg (S) ·  max i (w i ¢  (S)) +  OPT(I) + O(1)

9 An (easy) example Any-Fit Bin Packing algorithm: Consider items one by one. If current item does not fit in any existing bin, put it in a brand new bin. No two bins filled · 1/2 (implies ALG · 2 OPT + 1 ) Also a subset oblivious 2 approx K=1: w(i) = s i (size of item i) 1) OPT(I) ¸  i 2 I s i = w ¢  (I) [Volume Bound] 2) Alg(S) · 2 w ¢  (S) + 1 [ # bins · 2 ( total volume of S) + 1 ]

10 Non-Trivial Example Asymptotic approx scheme of de la Vega, Leuker For any  > 0, Alg · (1+  ) OPT + O(1/  2 ) We will show it is subset oblivious

11 1-d: Algorithm 0 1 I

12 0 1 I  bigs

13 1-d: Algorithm Partition bigs into 1/  2 = O(1) groups, with equal objects 0 1  0 1  I’ I... I’ ¸ I

14 1-d: Algorithm Partition bigs into 1/  2 = O(1) groups, with equal objects 0 1  0 1  I’ I... I’ ¸ I I’ – { } · I I’ ¼ I I’ has only O(1/  2 ) distinct sizes

15 LP for the big items 1/  2 items types. Let n i denote # of items of type i in instance. LP: min  C x C s.t.  C a i,C x C ¸ n i 8 size types i C indexes valid sets (at most (1/  2 ) (1/  ) ) a i,C number of type i items in set C At most 1/  2 variables non-zero. Rounding: x ! d x e Solution (big) · Opt (big) + 1/  2

16 Filling in smalls Take solution on bigs. Fill in smalls (i.e. <  ) greedily. 1)If no more bins need, already optimum. 2)If needed, every bin (except maybe one) filled to 1-  Alg(I) · Volume(I)/(1-  ) +1 · Opt/(1-  ) +1 We will now show this is a subset oblivious algorithm !

17 Subset Obliviousness LP: min x C  C a i,C x C ¸ n i 8 item types i Dual: max n i w i  i a i,C w i · 1 for each set C If consider dual for subset of items S Dual: max |type i items in S| w i  i a i,C w i · 1 for each set C Dual polytope independent of S: Only affects objective function.

18 Subset Obliviousness LP: min x C  C a i,C x C ¸ n i 8 item types i Dual: max n i w i  i a i,C w i · 1 for each set C. Define vector W v for each vertex of polytope (O(1) vertices) LP * (S) = max v W v ¢  (S) (LP Duality) Alg(S) · LP * (S) + 1/  2 = max v W v ¢  (S) + 1/  2 Opt(I) ¸ LP(I) = max v W v ¢  (I) Handling smalls: Another vector w, where w(i) = s i

19 General Algorithm Theorem: Can get ln  + 1 approximation, if 1) Can solve set covering LP 2)  approximate subset oblivious alg. Algorithm: Solve set covering LP, get soln x *. Randomized Rounding with parameter  > 0, i.e. choose set C independently with prob  x C * Residual instance: Apply subset oblivious  approx.

20 Proof of General Theorem After randomized rounding, Prob. element i left uncovered · e -  Pf: Prob =  C: i 2 C (1-  x C ) · e -  ( as  C: i 2 C x C ¸ 1 ) E ( w i ¢  (S)) · e -  w i ¢  (I) w i ¢  (S) sharply concentrated (variance small: proof omitted) max i (w i ¢  (S)) ¼ e -  max i (w i ¢  (I) ) · e -  OPT(I) But subset oblivious  algorithm implies Alg(S) ·  max i (w i ¢  (S)) ·  e -  OPT(I)

21 Proof of General Algorithm Expected cost = Randomized Rounding + Residual instance cost ¼  LP cost +  e -  Opt Gives  +  e -  approximation Optimizing , gives 1 + ln  approx.

22 Wrapping up d-dim vector packing: Partition Instance I into d parts I 1,…,I d I j consists of items for which j th dim is largest Solving I j is just a bin packing problem 1+  for bin packing gives d+  subset oblivious algorithm 2-d bin Packing: Harder Framework for incorporating structural info. into set cover. Other Problems?

23 Questions?

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