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Welcome to St. Andrew’s Parents’ Meeting September 16 th and 18 th 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to St. Andrew’s Parents’ Meeting September 16 th and 18 th 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to St. Andrew’s Parents’ Meeting September 16 th and 18 th 2014

2  A general introduction to some changes from the Headteacher  An introduction to new Teachers  A chance to meet the Teachers and visit the classrooms  An opportunity to hear from the Teachers about learning in each Year Group The Purpose

3  Our Vision  Together we love life, learning and God  Our Values  Love, Courage and Friendship  Our Mission  At St. Andrew’s we will develop and nurture the children in our care, by providing a high quality education within a creative, Christian environment. Our Vision, Values and Mission

4  New National Curriculum – for all schools in England  Why? – to slim down the content of the curriculum in almost all subjects though not in Maths, English and Science  The government says the new curriculum concentrates on the “essential knowledge and skills every child should have” The New National Curriculum

5 Which subjects are affected?  There are changes to the content of all subjects in the NC.  In Maths, children will be expected to learn more at an earlier age – for example, to know their 12 times table by the age of nine.  The terminology has changed e.g. ‘ones’ instead of ‘units’ and ‘statistics’ instead of ‘data’  In English, pupils will learn more about Shakespeare and there will be more importance placed on the love of reading  It places an importance of spoken language in pupils’ development across the whole curriculum  The terminology has increased in some areas of Grammar – ‘transitive verbs’ and the etymology (origin) of words

6  Parent workshops to be arranged for the Spring Term  Curriculum Letters for each year group will be available on the website in the next two weeks.  These will also be displayed in the entrance to the school  Please check the website as we are constantly updating it: Curriculum meetings

7  We expect children to wear their school uniform according to the policy (no polo shirts as from the beginning of term)  We ask that children do not bring large rucksacks and bags into school. We haven’t the space and they are not required.  Children need a waterproof coat, book bag, lunchbox  Lunchboxes – please do not overfill the lunchboxes with food. Give them what you know they will eat.  We are a nut free school  No fizzy drinks, chocolate bars or sweets Uniform and Equipment

8 You will now be going to your child’s classroom to meet the Teachers and to listen to a short presentation. This is a general meeting and not a time to have a specific meeting about your child. Individual parent meetings will take place in early November. Thank you for coming along and listening!

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