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Today we are going to talk about Egypt…. Where is Egypt? Top right corner of Africa.

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Presentation on theme: "Today we are going to talk about Egypt…. Where is Egypt? Top right corner of Africa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today we are going to talk about Egypt…

2 Where is Egypt? Top right corner of Africa

3 What might we see in Egypt?

4 Egyptian Architecture There were two main purposes for Egyptian architecture: 1.To create a place to worship the kind and have ceremonies to worship him while he was alive. 2.To create a tomb to bury the king or pharaoh after he died.

5 Open Pit

6 Mastaba- a four-sided sloped construction with a flat top and an access hole which let on a vertical axis into the ground.

7 Step Pyramid

8 The Great Pyramids at Giza The Great Pyramids were created as burial monuments.


10 What are Hieroglyphics? Hieroglyphics – translated by greek meant “sacred carvings” The greeks believed that the egyptians priests produced these writings for sacred purposes. Hieroglyphics is picture writing and is one of the oldest systems of writing. Each picture represents an object. There are over 700 different signs

11 Where might we find Hieroglyphics? Temples Tombs Cartouches Pyramids

12 Example of Hieroglyphics

13 Cartouche In Ancient Egypt, names were often depicted inside a cartouche. A cartouche is an oval depicted to look like rope that is folded and tied at the end.

14 Great Sphinx at Giza, Egypt The Sphinx’s head was modeled after a Pharaoh and has a lion’s body. The lion is an important “symbol” to the Egyptians, it signifies immortality.

15 Where have we seen part of a lion used before?

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