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Presentation on theme: "1 ASAP Server Components Overview PROCESS NODE EXPAND DISK CPU & PCB APP SPOOLER TAPE TMF RDF MONITORCOLLECTOR LOG ASAP Server Components ASAP CI."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 ASAP - Command, Control, & Diagnosis ASAP command interpreter provides: Command, control, status, and reporting for ASAP. ASAP database configuration. ASAP CI is also used to view ASAP exception log. This section covers: ASAP CI control commands. ASAP CIcontrol example. ASAP CIstatus and log commands. ASAP CI database configuration commands. ASAP CI database maintenance commands. ASAP CI server time synchronization. ASAP CI entity display commands. ASAP CIbasic commands.

3 3 ASAP CI - Control Commands SETDisplays or Alters ASAP Server Settings. STARTUPStarts COLLECT or MONITOR in specified nodes. SHUTDOWNStops COLLECT or MONITOR in specified nodes. PCHostRemote Hosts

4 4 ASAP DATABASE FEATURES  ASAP Relational DB provides History of Objects, States, Performance, and Service Level objectives.  Data Base Automatically maintained.  User defined database partitions.  Schema published in TIM and as DDL on CD  Published DDL allows Ad Hoc DB Queries  Provides Customer/Third Party DB access DBAPP DBDSK DBCPU

5 5 ASAP Database Configuration ASAP Database configuration allows:  Default Database support.  User defined Database location.  Defined partition support for any ASAP entity.  User defined default partitioning rules. Database configuration commands:  SET Collect command.  SET DB command.  SET SLEEPTIME command.  SET Partition command. Note: Asap Version 1 records can be written to the ASAP Version 2 collector.

6 6 Database Commands  SET COLLECT defines the Node were the ASAP Database resides. SET COLLECT \DBNODE  SET DB defines the location ($Volume.subvol) for the ASAP database files SET DB $DATA.ASAPDB.DB  SET SLEEPTIME defines the time range (hhmm,hhmm) that statistics collection does not occur. Although statistics collection ceases, the ASAP system remains active. SET SLEEPTIME 00:00, 03:30

7 7 Partition Command  SET PARTITION displays and defines partitioning parameters for the ASAP database. Asap partitioning uses standard NSK partitioning rules. The parameters can be set individually for each entity, globally for all entities, or may utilize a combination of the two approaches. To display the current partitioning settings, enter SET PARTITION without any additional parameters. DBCPU Part 2 DBCPU Part 1 DBCPU Part 0 $Data00$Data01$Data02

8 8 SET PARTITION Continued  SET PARTITION [ | | FORMAT2 ] The has the following format: { | DEFAULT } { | BASE | ALL } [, ] is the name of the specific entity (e.g. CPU, DISK) to which the partitioning options apply. DEFAULT can be used in place of an entity name in order to set default properties which will apply to all entities. is the partition number to which the partitioning options apply. The value must be between 0 and 15 inclusive, BASE, or ALL, where 0 and BASE indicate the base partition of the given entity, and values 1 - 15 indicate secondary partitions. ALL can be used in place of a partition number in order to specify primary and secondary extent sizes or maxextents values that are to apply to all partitions of the entity.

9 9 SET PARTITION Continued is one of: {KEY } { SYSNO } { PRIEXT } { SECEXT } { MAXEXTENTS } { VOLUME } The SET PARTITION command can also be used to reset the partitioning attributes for all entities, a given entity, a single partition, or a single attribute of a single partition. To do so, use the SET PARTITION command with a. SET PARTITION RESET SET PARTITION DEFAULT 1 RESET SET PARTITION DEFAULT 1 KEY “FUNDSTRANSFER” RESET SET PARTITION FORMAT2 ON FORMAT2 ON|OFF allows files to grow beyond 2 GB.

10 10 SET PARTITION Notes NOTES:  A VOLUME cannot be specified for a base partition (i.e. partition number = 0), since this is controlled by the SET DB command.  Volume, SysNo, and Key values cannot be specified if the partition number is all.  A KEY and/or SYSNO value must be given for all secondary partitions.  Partitioning keys (made up of a combination of the SYSNO and KEY values) must be defined in ascending order for each partition.  A VOLUME must be given for all secondary partitions.

11 11 Notes Continued  MAXEXTENTS values cannot be specified for secondary partitions if Format2 is ON.  PRIEXT, SECEXT, and MAXEXTS values specified for partitions of the DEFAULT entity are used when creating partitions of all other entities.  The collector automatically adjusts the length of the partitioning keys.  SET DB command will reset all partitioning attributes.  The Collector utilizes only valid partition descriptions when creating the database.  When partitioning is enabled for a given entity, the "Valid" column of the SET PARTITION output will indicate the status of each configured partition. The column contains one of the following values: YES No-Vol No-Sys/Key No-Vol, Sys/Key No-Prior Inv ??-Key Seq ??-Dup Vol ??-Vol UnKnown ??-Vol Down ??-Partn Size MaxExt n/a


13 13 ASAP 2 Entities APPReports APPLICATION availability. CPUReports CPU availability. DISKReports Disk devices availability. EXPANDReports Expand Path and Line availability. FILEReports on File or Subvolume availability. NODEReports on Expand end-to-end node availability. PROCESSReports on user selected processes. PROCESSBUSYReports on busiest process availability. RDFReports on RDF availability. SPOOLERReports on Spooler availability. TAPEReports on Tape devices availability. TMFReports on TMF availability. SYSTEMReports on System availability.

14 14 ASAP 2.0 ENTITIES ASAP Entities Characteristics:  Default Entity support.  User defined Entity configurations.  Entities can report on availability of user specified objects.  User defined threshold settings of specified objects and attributes using the operators >,, =. Entity configuration commands:  SET command.  MONITOR command.  RANK command. Note: Asap Version 1 records can be written to the ASAP Version 2 collector.

15 15 CPU Entity Features $ 0..F  All CPU types are supported.  All memory types are supported.  Auto-discovery of all configured cpu’s.  Performance availability counters.  Supports user defined CPU object monitoring.  Supports user defined discrete object thresholds

16 16 CPU Attributes AttributeDescriptionValue BUSYPercent CPU busyInteger QUEUECPU Queue lengthInteger DISPDispatch rateInteger DISKDisk I/O rate per secondInteger CHITDisk cache hit rate per secondInteger SWAPMemory manager page faults per secondInteger MEMQPercent of total physical memory pages lockedInteger PGSPercent of total physical memory pages lockedInteger PCBPercent usage low pcb’s (pins 0 -254)Integer PCBXPercent usage of high pcb’s pins above 255Integer TLEPercent usage of time list elementsInteger SEGSPercent of maximum virtual memory segments usedInteger

17 17 DISK Entity Features $ J  All disk types are supported except for Virtual disks and optical disks.  Auto-discovery of all configured disk volumes.  Availability information reported by the client is: The largest performance value of a volume pair. Highest operational state information of the volume pair.  Supports user defined disk object monitoring.  Supports user defined discrete object thresholds

18 18 DISK SET Command  SET Disk ON|OFF Enables/Disables disk availability information. Default OFF  Set Disk object $System.system.asapdsk defines the Disk program object filename. Default $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.ASAPDSK  Set Disk Param “Param, param1…” Disk params: CPU defines the Cpu where the MEASFH process will reside. NOMEAS prevents disk performance statistics and availability thresholds from being collected. RATE defines the interval, in minutes, that DISK availability information is reported back to the Collector. The Disk SGP uses the ASAP rate as the default.

19 19 DISK SET Command Continued Disk Params Cont: VOLUME [ ][.][ ] specifies the location of the Measure Data file. Default $System.system SUBVOL specifies the subvolume location of the Measure Data file. The default subvolume is SYSTEM. SWAPVOL [ ] specifies the location for the Measfh swap volume. The default is $SYSTEM. Here is an example of the SET DISK command: +SET DISK ON, OBJECT $SYSTEM.ASAP.ASAPDSK, PARAMETERS “SWAPVOL $DATA.ASAP RATE 10"

20 20 DISK Attributes ATTRIBUTEDESCRIPTIONValue PPrimary disk path in use, value = P or BChar 1 wide MMirror disk path in use, value = P or BChar 1 wide CPUPrimary CPU # of the DP2 process for the volumeInteger FULLPercentage of disk space currently usedInteger REQUESTSNumber of Disk I/O requests per secondInteger BUSYPercent time disk busy reading, writing, & seekingInteger WRITEPercent time disk busy writingInteger READPercent time disk busy readingInteger CHITTotal cache hits per second for all block sizesInteger SWAPNumber of disk page swaps per secondInteger QLENDisk process receive queue lengthInteger INKBInput kilobytes per secondInteger OUTKBOutput kilobytes per secondInteger RATETotal of DP2 reads, writes, and seeks per secondInteger READSNumber of DP2 read operations per secondInteger

21 21 DISK – Troubleshooting tips  DISK SGP uses measure API interface for collecting raw DP2 counters. –Use the commands in MEASCOM for determining if it is a measure problem or disk entity problem  ADD MEASUREMENT $VOL.SUBVOL.ZASP  STATUS MEASSUBSYS  LISTACTIVE DISC $VOL (Cpu, Channel, Controller Unit) LISTACTIVE DISC $SYSTEM (0, 0, %24, 0) or (0, 0, 20, 0)  LISTACTIVE DISC $VOL (cpu, SVNET, Group, Module, Slot) LISTACTIVE DISC $SYSTEM (0, X, 1, 1, 11)  STOP MEASUREMENT $VOL.SUBVOL.ZASP  DELETE MEASUREMENT $VOL.SUBVOL.ZASP

22 22 EXPAND Entity Features $ K  All Expand line types are supported. Including multi-line Expand.  Auto-discovery of all configured Expand lines and Expand paths.  Performance availability counters.  Expand SGP is a multiple entity. The two entity types are Expand and ExpandIP.  Supports user defined Expand object monitoring.  Supports user defined discrete object thresholds

23 23 EXPAND Set Command  Set Expand ON|OFF Enables/Disables Expand availability information. Default OFF  Set Expand object $System.system.asapdsk defines the Expand program object filename. Default $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.ASAPEXP  Set Expand Param “Param” Expand params: RATE defines the interval, in minutes, that EXPAND statistics are reported back to the Collector. The Expand SGP uses the ASAP rate as the default. Here is an example of the SET EXPAND command: +SET EXPAND ON, OBJECT $SYSTEM.ASAP.ASAPEXP, PARAMETERS “RATE 10"

24 24 EXPAND Attributes ATTRIBUTEDESCRIPTIONValue POOLPercent utilization of Expand line handler I/O PoolInteger PFAILNumber of pool failures during the sample intervalInteger NoBufNumber of no buffer failuresInteger BCCNumber of BCC errors during the sample intervalInteger NakSntNumber of Level-4 negative acks sentInteger NakRvdNumber of Level-4 negative acks receivedInteger PktSntNumber of Level-4 packets sentInteger PktRvdNumber of Level-4 packets receivedInteger PThruSntNumber of Level-4 PassThru packets sentInteger PThruRvdNumber of Level-4 PassThru packets receivedInteger LnkSntNumber of requests sentInteger LnkRvdNumber of requests receivedInteger

25 25 EXPANDIP Attributes ATTRIBUTEDESCRIPTIONValue DFramSntNumber of IP/ATM data frames sentInteger DFramRvdNumber of IP/ATM data frames receivedInteger DFByteSntData kilobytes sent per secondInteger DFByteRvdData kilobytes received per secondInteger CnctCmdSntNumber of IP/ATM connect commands sentInteger CnctCmdRvdNumber of IP/ATM connect commands receivedInteger CnctRspSntNumber of IP/ATM connect responses sentInteger CnctRspRvdNumber of IP/ATM connect responses receivedInteger

26 26 EXPANDIP Attributes Continued ATTRIBUTEDESCRIPTIONValue QryCmdSntNumber of query commands sentInteger QryCmdRvdNumber of query commands receivedInteger QryRspSntNumber of query responses sentInteger QryRspRvdNumber of query responses receivedInteger MemLowNumber of times memory low indication given by QIOInteger InvFrnNumber of IP/ATM invalid frames receivedInteger DrpFrmNumber of IP/ATM frames droppedInteger InvAdr Number of IP/ATM frames rcvd from an unexpected systemInteger

27 27 EXPAND – Troubleshooting tips  Expand SGP uses SPI interface for communicating with the Expand manager process $Zexp. –Use the commands in SCF for determining if it is a Expand manager problem or Expand entity problem  Assume line $ Type 63 subtype 1,2,6 are Multiline Expand.  STATS LINE $  STATS PATH $ non multiline Expand  STATS PATH $  STOP $ZEXP if allowed by customer

28 28 File Features $ L  File domain can be a selected file or a sub-volume  Domain name examples: –$System.system.userid –$Data.sqldb  All file types supported, including Format2, SQL, virtual files, but not OSS files  Sub-domains attributes and states are aggregated to the sub-volume domain level  Detailed information about sub-domains of a sub-volume is available via ‘Show Object Details’ Client popup menu  Auto-discovers ASAPMON file  Supports user defined file object monitoring.  Supports user defined discrete object thresholds

29 29 FILE Set Command  Set File ON|OFF Enables/Disables file availability information. Default ON  Set File object $System.System.Asapfil defines the File program object filename. Default $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.ASAPFIL  Set File Param “Param” File params: RATE defines the interval, in minutes, that FILE availability information is reported back to the Collector. The File SGP uses the ASAP rate as the default. Here is an example of the SET FILE command: +SET FILE ON, OBJECT $SYSTEM.ASAP.ASAPFIL, PARAMETERS “RATE 10"

30 30 File Attributes. Attributes State Pair?Description DomainFile domain name *Status Yes Operational Status ErrorYesError number indicating status of data FullYesPercentage full EofYesSize in bytes OwnerYesGroup, User RwepYesRead, Write, Execute, Purge security OpenYesFile is open? TmfYesFile is audited by TMF? FilesYesNumber of files in sub-volume CodeFile code FormatFile format TypeFile type PartitionsNumber of partitions LastOpenLast time file was opened in LCT LastModifLast time file was modified in LCT *Status attribute also has StateIsOp=Yes, you cannot set objectives on it.

31 31 NODE Entity Features $ G  Auto-discovery of all configured nodes.  End to End Performance availability counters.  Does NOT support user defined node object monitoring.  Does NOT support user defined discrete object thresholds

32 32 NODE Set Command  Set Node ON|OFF Enables/Disables Node availability information. Default OFF  Set File object $System.System.Asapncp defines the node program object filename. Default $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.ASAPNCP  Set Node Param “Param” Node params: RATE defines the interval, in minutes, that NODE statistics are reported back to the Collector. The Node SGP uses the ASAP rate as the default. Here is an example of the SET NODE command: +SET NODE ON, OBJECT $SYSTEM.ASAP.ASAPNCP, PARAMETERS “RATE 10"

33 33 PROCESS Entity Features $ T  NonStop Kernel are supported, OSS processes are not supported.  Performance availability counters.  User defined process object monitoring.  User defined discrete object thresholds support.  Auto-discovery of $ M

34 34 PROCESS Set Command  Set Process ON|OFF Enables/Disables Process availability information. Default ON.  Set Process object $System.System.Asappro defines the Process program object filename. Default $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.ASAPPRO  Set Process Param “Param, Param1” Process params: RATE defines the interval, in minutes, that PROCESS availability information is reported back to the Collector. The Process SGP uses the ASAP rate as the default. TRACE turns on $RECEIVE trace to the EMS and ASAP log files. Here is an example of the SET PROCESS command: +SET PROCESS ON, OBJECT $SYSTEM.ASAP.ASAPPRO, PARAMETERS “RATE 10 TRACE"

35 35 PROCESS Objective Attributes  The following process attributes can have objectives set against using the RANK PROCESS, command. ATTRIBUTEDESCRIPTIONValue ERRORCollection errorInteger CPUProcess primary CPUInteger PRIPrimary process priorityInteger BCPUProcess backup CPUInteger BUSYProcess BusyDecimal PSTATEUnalloc, Start, Run, Suspnd, Dbg brk, Dbg trap, Dbg req, InspCharacter 8 WSTATELsig/Lpipe(status), Pon(cpu pwr), Iopon (I/O pwr), IntrCharacter 8 MPAGESMemory pages in useInteger MSENTMessages sent per secondInteger MRECVDMessages received per secondInteger QLENReceive queue lengthInteger MQLENMaximum receive queue lengthInteger PFAULTSPage faults per secondInteger

36 36 PROCESSBUSY Features $ 0..F  All NonStop Kernel processes are supported.  Ranks n Busiest Processes.  Performance availability counters.  Supports user defined Busy PCB object monitoring.  Supports user defined discrete object thresholds

37 37 PROCESSBUSY Attributes ATTRIBUTEDESCRIPTIONValue BUSYAverage Cpu BusyInteger RCVQProcess receive queue length integratedInteger RCVMSGMessages received per secondInteger SNDMSGMessages sent per secondInteger PAGESNumber of memory manager pages allocated to process Integer LCBNumber of LCBs in use by the processInteger

38 38 PROCESSBUSY Set Command  Processbusy is not an Extended SGP it is part of the CPUSGP ($ZOO0..$ZOOF)  To set Processbusy availability information off use the Monitor Processbusy 0..F,OFF. Default ON  Set Processbusy Param “Param, Param1” Processbusy params ENTRIES defines the number of busy processes per CPU will be collected/displayed. The range is 1- 20. default is 3. This attribute is optional. SUBSAMPLES defines the number of subsampling will be taken during a sample interval, specified by SET RATE. The range is 1- 10. The default is 3. This attribute is optional. Example: SET PROCESSBUSY ENTRIES 5, SUBSAMPLES 3.

39 39 RDF Features $ N  Supported with RDF/IMP(X) V1.3 onward  RDF SGP object by default is installed on $SYSTEM.RDF.ASAPRDF  Collects availability information on the RDF monitor, extractors, receivers, updaters and purger.  Supports user defined RDF object monitoring.  Supports user defined discrete object thresholds  SGP autodiscovers RDF environments by finding RDF CONFIG files (code 721) on $SYSTEM

40 40 RDF Set Command  Set RDF ON|OFF Enables/Disables RDF availability information. Default OFF  Set RDF object $System.System.Asaprdf defines the RDF program object filename. Default $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.ASAPRDF  Set RDF Param “Param, Param1” RDF params: RATE defines the interval, in minutes, that RDF availability information is reported back to the Collector. The RDF SGP uses the ASAP rate as the default. TRACE turns on $RECEIVE trace to the EMS and ASAP log files. Here is an example of the SET RDF command: +SET RDF ON, OBJECT $SYSTEM.ASAP.ASAPRDF, PARAMETERS “RATE 10 TRACE"

41 41 MONITOR RDF command  The alternative to autodiscovery is to monitor specific RDF environments. MONITOR RDF CHI->NYC (note no backslashes on node names)  Limited validation, errors will be reported by RDF SGP to event log every poll interval

42 42 RDF Objective Attributes  The following RDF attributes can have objectives set against using the RANK RDF, command. ATTRIBUTE DESCRIPTIONValue ERRORError number indicating status of dataInteger RTDSECSRelative time delay in secondsInteger RTDTIMERelative time delay in hh:mm:ssInteger PCPUPrimary CPUInteger BCPUBackup CPUInteger PRIORITYExecution priorityInteger

43 43 RDF Command RDF [/out /] [\* ] [[.] * ] [, ] [\ ] [[.] ] where options is one or more of: CPU Displays RDF domain/metric values in the specified CPU DETAIL Displays RDF Metric values based on FORMAT command settings. SAMPLES Number of samples to display. STATE Displays RDF Metric values and their objective states. TIME Show stats starting at a time other than the current time. VOLUME Displays the associated disk volumes.

44 44 RDF Troubleshooting  Check RDF SGP is actually running on both the RDF primary and backup nodes  If no stats are being reported, check RDF status with RDFCOM from the RDF primary system using STATUS RDF  If autodiscovery is being used find all the code 721 RDF CONFIG files FILEINFO $SYSTEM.*.CONFIG This will show the environments that should be reporting stats  If using MONITOR RDF for specific RDF environments check what is being monitored with MONITOR RDF, LIST  Manually stopping the $ N process will cause it to be re- started and re-autodiscover

45 45 Spooler Features $ O  Spooler autoconfiguration is $SPLS  4 Spooler sub-domains for each spooler domain. –$SPLS\Coll, $SPLS\Dev, $SPLS\Print and $SPLS\Super for the $SPLS spooler  Specific detail information at a lower sub-domain level – $SPLS\DEV\$LP has specific device info  Spooler monitoring is done at the top domain level –MONITOR SPOOLER $SPLS  Spooler ranking can be done at any level –RANK SPOOLER $SPLS\DEV\$LP, DEACTIVATE

46 46 Spooler Features (cont.)  Information available in 2 modes: aggregation and detail –$SPLS\Dev is the aggregate for the print devices –$SPLS\Dev\$LP is a specific device available in detail mode  SGP default mode is aggregation –Use SGP startup parameter DETAIL to have SGP work in detail mode

47 47 SPOOLER Set Command  Set Spooler ON|OFF Enables/Disables Spooler availability information. Default OFF  Set Spooler object $System.System.Asapspl defines the node program object filename. Default $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.ASAPSPL  Set SPL Param “Param, Param1” SPL params: DETAIL returns individual records for the spooler collector, processes and devices. RATE defines the interval, in minutes, that Spooler availability information is reported back to the Collector. The Spooler SGP uses the ASAP rate as the default.

48 48 SPOOLER Set Command Continued TRACE turns on $RECEIVE trace to the EMS and ASAP log files. Here is an example of the SET SPOOLER command: +SET SPOOLER ON, OBJECT $SYSTEM.ASAP.ASAPSPL, PARAMETERS “RATE 10 TRACE"

49 49 Spooler Attributes Attributes State Pair?DescriptionApplies to Domain DomainSpooler domain nameAll *Status Yes Operational StatusAll ErrorYesLast error number encountered by objectAll NumObjsNumber of objects comprising the entryAll PCPUYesPrimary CPU for the objectColl, Print, Super BCPUYesBackup CPU for the objectColl, Print, Super JobsYesNumber of jobs for the objectAll BatchYesNumber of batch jobs for the objectAll OpenYesNumber of open jobs for the objectAll PrintYesNumber of printing jobs for the objectAll HoldYesNumber of jobs on hold for the objectAll DevQsYesNumber of device queues for the objectDev, Print, Super LocsYesNumber of locations for the objectDev, Print, Super FontsYesNumber of font jobs for the objectDev, Super Full%YesPercentage fullColl, Super *Status attribute also has StateIsOp=Yes, you cannot set objectives on it.

50 50 Spooler Attributes - Detail Attributes State Pair?DescriptionApplies to Domain PrtyPriority of the process for the objectColl, Print, Super File/Process Name Associated file or process nameAll SizeSize of collector unitsColl UnitAllocNumber of collector units currently usedColl TotUnitsTotal number of collector units availableColl FlagsConfiguration flagsDev, Print RetryNumber of retries attempted while in errorDev IntvlInterval to wait between retriesDev MaxMaximum number of retries allowedDev FormNameForm name associated with print deviceDev CollsTotal number of collectors in spoolerSuper DevsTotal number of printer devices in spoolerSuper PProcsTotal number of print processes in spoolerSuper

51 51 Spooler – Troubleshooting Tips  Autoconfiguration is $SPLS only.  Spooler SGP uses the SPOOLER Procedures Calls SPOOLERSTATUS or SPOOLERSTATUS2 to get the state and status information  Aggregation vs Detail –Default SGP behavior is aggregation –SPOOLER, DETAIL or SHOW DETAIL INFO can be used to get detail –Use SGP STARTUP PARAM DETAIL to have Spooler SGP collect data in detail mode

52 52 SYSTEM Entity Features $ 0..F  Auto-discovery of all configured cpu’s.  System average of all monitored cpu’s.  Performance availability counters.  Supports user defined System monitoring.  Supports user defined discrete object thresholds SYSTEM Objective Attributes

53 53 SYSTEM Objective Attributes  The following System attributes can have objectives set against using the RANK SYSTEM, command. ATTRDESCRIPTIONValue BUSYPercent CPU busyInteger QUEUECPU Queue lengthInteger DISPDispatch rateInteger DISKDisk I/O rate per secondInteger CHITDisk cache hit rate per secondInteger SWAPMemory manager page faults per secondInteger MEMQPercent of total physical memory pages lockedInteger PGSPercent of total physical memory pages lockedInteger PCBPercent usage low pcb’s (pins 0 -254)Integer PCBXPercent usage of high pcb’s pins above 255Integer TLEPercent usage of time list elementsInteger SEGSPercent of maximum virtual memory segments usedInteger

54 54 Tape Features $ Q  Tape domains = tape devices –EG. $TAPE1, $SILO02  Autoconfiguration is all tape devices on the node  Information kept about tape domains: –Tape device status information –Tape mount requests  Tape device status information –Information about the current status of the tape device  Tape mount requests information –Information about all the tape mount requests on the node

55 55 TAPE Set Command  Set Tape ON|OFF Enables/Disables Tape availability information. Default OFF  Set Tape object $System.System.Asaptap defines the Tape program object filename. Default $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.ASAPTAP  Set TAPE Param “Param, Param1” Tape params: RATE defines the interval, in minutes, that Tape availability information is reported back to the Collector. The Tape SGP uses the ASAP rate as the default. TRACE turns on $RECEIVE trace to the EMS and ASAP log files. Here is an example of the SET TAPE command: +SET TAPE ON, OBJECT $SYSTEM.ASAP.ASAPTAP, PARAMETERS “RATE 10 TRACE"

56 56 Tape Attributes (1 of 2) Attributes State Pair? DescriptionSpecial for Tape, Detail Mount Request Information DomainTape domain name *Status Yes Operational status DeviceNoLogical device number PCPUYesPrimary CPU number of tape device BCPUYesBackup CPU number of tape device SubTypeSub type of the tape device ACSYes if device is an automated cartridge system ChecksIndicates which tape checks are enabled MountReqYesCurrent number of mount requests for deviceMount Tape Request Number MountTimeYesNumber of minutes since MountReq > 0 TapeNameName of mounted tape on tape deviceName of requested tape (if specified) TapeStatusYesStatus of mounted tape on tape deviceTape density requested (if specified) TapeLabelYesLabel of mounted tape on tape deviceLabel type requested (if specified) *Status attribute also has StateIsOp=Yes, you cannot set objectives on it.

57 57 Tape Attributes (2 or 2) Attributes State Pair? DescriptionSpecial for Tape, Detail Mount Request Information TapeLabelYesLabel of mounted tape on tape deviceLabel type requested (if specified) ProcNameName of process which has tape device openProc name requesting tape mount PrognameProgram filename which has tape device openProg name requesting tape mount UserIDUserid which is using the tape deviceUserid requesting tape mount ProtYes if a write protected tape is requested (if specified) IOInput/Output mode requested (if specified) ActionAction required to statistic mount request *Status attribute also has StateIsOp=Yes, you cannot set objectives on it.

58 58 Tape – Troubleshooting tips  TAPE SGP uses SPI interface to talk to MEDIASRV server –MEDIASRV server must at least be D42 AAT or newer –MEDIASRV is part of the DSM/Tape Catalog Product and must installed properly –MEDIASRV uses the tape server ZSERVER ($ZSVR) SCF;STOP TAPE $*; ALTER $ZZSTO, LABELTAPE ON; START TAPE $* ZSERVER /NAME $ZSVR,NOWAIT,cpu 0,pri 160,term $ymiop.#clci/1 MEDIACOM;ALTER TAPEDRIVE *,NLCHECK OFF

59 59 TMF Features $ R  4 TMF domains: Auditdump, Audittrail, Tmf, Transactions  Auditdump, Audittrail and Transactions domains are aggregated records, e.g. the Audittrail record represents the Master audit trail and all auxiliary audit trails.  Aggregated records represent only a subset of the sub- domain attributes: detailed information about sub- domains is available via ‘Show Object Details’ Client popup menu. Use this feature to view the list of pending transactions for example, or the list of audit trails with more attributes  TMF SGP uses SPI calls to TMFSERVE to obtain stats  Auto-discovers all 4 TMF domains

60 60 TMF Set Command  Set TMF ON|OFF Enables/Disables Tape availability information. Default OFF  Set TMF object $System.System.Asaptmf defines the TMF program object filename. Default $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.ASAPTMF  Set TMF Param “Param, Param1” Tape params: RATE defines the interval, in minutes, that TMF availability information is reported back to the Collector. The TMF SGP uses the ASAP rate as the default. TRACE turns on $RECEIVE trace to the EMS and ASAP log files. Here is an example of the SET TMF command: +SET TMF ON, OBJECT $SYSTEM.ASAP.ASAPTAP, PARAMETERS “RATE 10 TRACE"

61 61 TMF Attributes Attributes State Pair?DescriptionApplies to Domain DomainTMF domain nameAll *Status Yes Operational StatusAll ErrorYesError number indicating status of dataAll TypeMaster Audit Trail/Auxiliary Auditdump, Audittrail ActiveYesAudit dump currently dumping?Auditdump OvflwYesOverflow space in use?Audittrail HoldYesAudit stopped, no space in audit trail?Audittrail UsedYesPercentage of audit trail file usedAudittrail TpsYesTransaction rate per secondTmf BeginTrYesBegin transaction statusTmf CatalogCatalog StatusTmf TransYesNumber of pending transactionsTransactions HungYesAt least one transaction hung?Transactions DurationYesElapsed time of a transaction in secondsTransactions *Status attribute also has StateIsOp=Yes, you cannot set objectives on it.

62 62 TMF – Troubleshooting tips  TMF SGP uses SPI interface to talk to TMFCOM server –Use those commands in TMFCOM to get the information displayed by the TMF SGP:  status tmf  status transactions  status audittrail  info audittrail  status auditdump

63 63 ASAP SET Control Command  ASAP control and node configurations settings are performed by using the ASAP SET command. SET APP SET BACKUPCPU | * SET BUFFERED ON | OFF defines whether writes to the data base files are buffered or unbuffered. SET BUFFERED ON helps reduces physical data base I/O for large network configurations. SET BUFFERED OFF assures that physical database I/O occurs in realtime. SET CLEANTIME SET COLLECT \ SET EDL defines and compiles a file containing ASAP Entity Definition Language (EDL) statements. SET HELPFILE defines the name of the ASAP help file

64 64 SET Control Command Continued SET ID $ defines the ASAP pid, or ASAP process id name set. Logical Function Process name Default COLLECT $ S $ZooS MONITOR (node) $ M $ZooM SGP (cpu) $ 0-F $Zoo 0..9 A..F ASAPXSGP(app) $ H $ZooH ASAPDSK (dsk) $ J $ZooJ ASAPEXP (exp) $ K $zooK ASAPFIL (fil) $ L $zooL ASAPNCP (ncp) $ G $ZooG ASAPPRO (pro) $ T $zooT ASAPRDF (rdf) $ N $zooN ASAPSPL (spl) $ O $zooO ASAPTAP (tap) $ Q $zooQ ASAPTMF (tmf) $ R $zooR

65 65 SET Command Continued SET IOCONTROL IOCONTROL configures the maximum number of output lines that can be written to the output file for any command before a prompt is issued. SET LOGFILE defines the name of the file used for ASAP command interpreter input/output capture. LOGGING ON/OFF controls access to the file. Default $ASAPVOL.ASAPSUBVOL.LOGFILE SET LOGINTERVAL defines the interval, in minutes that duplicate ASAP error events are suppressed. SET LOGSUPPRESS ON | OFF controls the suppression of duplicate ASAPLOG file error events and EMS tokenized error events. The default is ON.

66 66 SET Commands Continued SET LOGGING ON | OFF Logging on captures all ASAP CI input/output to be written to the file set by LOGFILE. SET ASAPLOG defines the name of the monitor/collect error disk logfile SET OBJCOLLECT defines the collect program object filename. Default $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.ASAPCOL SET OBJMONITOR defines the monitor program object filename. Default $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.ASAPMON SET OBJECTIVESAUDIT ON | OFF SET OBJECTIVESDB SET OBJECTIVESEVENT ON | OFF


68 68 ASAP CI - Control Example NSK Local Node – SET DB $DATA.ASAP.DB – SET RETAIN NONE – START COLLECT – SET DISK ON – START \CHICAGO MONITOR – SET APP ON – START \NEWYORK MONITOR ASAP Clien t Report Window Report Window Report Window ASAP Database Properties Window ASAP Extension \Newyork AsapXmon App2 App3 App1 Monitor \Newyork Cpu Disk Process App Expand Monitor \Chicago Cpu Disk Process Node Expand Collect Database Server Asap Command Interface App Cpu Disk Expand Process System ASAP Server SSG SeeView Server Gateway Session And Real-Time Data Management Graph Window Graph Window Graph Window Browse Window OEMOEM ASAP Database Workstation CSG Client Server Gateway

69 69 ASAP CI - STATUS Collect  +status collect  \CENTDIV Primry Backup Pri Access Reqs Lmsgs Created ReqTime SrvTime Et  --------- ------ ------ --- ------- ----- ----- -------- ------- ------- ---  $ZOOS V02 1,122 0,106 160 255,255 22581 2 7/10 20 1404:53 1404:53 0  $CO.ASAPDB2.DBSYS Open(0)  $CO.ASAPDB2.DBCPU Open(0)  $CO.ASAPDB2.DBEXP Open(0)  $CO.ASAPDB2.DBPCB Open(0)  $CO.ASAPDB2.DBRDF Open(0)  $CO.ASAPDB2.DBNCP Open(0)  $CO.ASAPDB2.DBAPP Open(0)  $CO.ASAPDB2.DBDSK Open(0)  $CO.ASAPDB2.DBFIL Open(0)  $CO.ASAPDB2.DBSPL Open(0)  $CO.ASAPDB2.DBTAP Open(0)  $CO.ASAPDB2.DBTMF Open(0)  $CO.ASAPDB2.DBPRO Open(0)  (rate 1, sleep 0000,0000, clean 0000, retain NONE)

70 70 ASAP CI - STATUS Monitor STATUS MONITOR - Displays Status of Monitor and SGP Components. + STATUS MONITOR STATUS  \CENTDIV Primry Backup Pri Access Reqs Lmsgs Created ReqTime SrvTime Et  --------- ------ ------ --- ------- ----- ----- -------- ------- ------- ---  $ZOOM V02 1,125 0,189 160 255,255 7604 7 6/16 07 1345:59 1345:59 0  $ZOO0 V02 0,170 160 255,255 15214 1 6/16 07 1345:59 1345:59 0  $ZOO1 V02 1,121 160 255,255 15213 1 6/16 07 1345:59 1345:59 0  $ZOOG V02 1,126 NCP 160 255,255 7601 3 6/16 07 1345:59 1345:59 0  $ZOOH V02 1,096 APP 160 255,255 6508 957 6/16 07 1345:59 1345:59 0  $ZOOJ V02 1,165 DSK 160 255,255 7601 3 6/16 07 1345:59 1345:59 0  $ZOOK V02 1,161 EXP 160 255,255 7741 4 6/16 07 1345:59 1345:59 0  $ZOOL V02 1,148 FIL 160 255,255 7596 7 6/16 07 1345:59 1345:59 0  $ZOOO V02 1,099 SPL 160 255,255 7600 3 6/16 07 1345:59 1345:59 0  $ZOOQ V02 1,132 TAP 160 255,255 7597 5 6/16 07 1345:59 1345:59 0  $ZOOR V02 1,160 TMF 160 255,255 7598 5 6/16 07 1345:59 1345:59 0  $ZOOT V02 1,101 PRO 160 255,255 7601 2 6/16 07 1345:59 1345:59 0  (collect \CENTDIV.$ZOOS, rate 1)

71 71 ASAP CI - LOG Command  01/06/16 0701:57 3001 ZOOM INFO NonStop Backup Created. Cpu:  01/06/16 0701:57 1022 ZOOM INFO MONITOR V02.00 (29JUN2001) started  01/06/16 0702:03 1023 ZOO0 INFO SGP V02.00 (29JUN2001) started  01/06/16 0702:04 1023 ZOO1 INFO SGP V02.00 (29JUN2001) started  01/06/16 0702:05 1023 ZOOG INFO SGP NCP V02.00 (29JUN2001) started  01/06/16 0702:05 1023 ZOOH INFO SGP APP V02.00 (29JUN2001) started  01/06/16 0702:06 1023 ZOOJ INFO SGP DSK V02.00 (29JUN2001) started  01/06/16 0702:08 1023 ZOOK INFO SGP EXP V02.00 (29JUN2001) started  01/06/16 0702:09 1023 ZOOL INFO SGP FIL V02.00 (29JUN2001) started  01/06/16 0702:10 1023 ZOOO INFO SGP SPL V02.00 (29JUN2001) started  01/06/16 0702:12 1023 ZOOQ INFO SGP TAP V02.00 (29JUN2001) started  01/06/16 0702:13 1023 ZOOR INFO SGP TMF V02.00 (29JUN2001) started  01/06/16 0702:15 1023 ZOOT INFO SGP PRO V02.00 (29JUN2001) started  01/06/16 0702:35 1881 ZOOH0INFO APP V02.00 (29JUN2001) started  01/06/16 0702:39 1881 ZOOH1INFO APP V02.00 (29JUN2001) started  01/06/16 0702:53 1720 ZOOJ INFO ASAPDSK ZASPZOO started. Notes: 1. All ASAP Exceptions are logged in Tandem EMS Event log. 2. Asap Messages can be found in the Asap Messages Manual

72 72 ASAP CI - Database Maintenance Commands  SET RETAIN – Controls what the ASAP Server does at “Cleantime”. SET RETAIN ALL NONE ROLLOVER  SET CLEANTIME – Controls when the DB Cleanup occurs. SET CLEANTIME 2215  CLEANUP – Command Manually invokes ASAP Database cleanup. CLEANUP COLLECT

73 73 ASAP CI - Time Synchronization Commands SET SYNC, Automatically Causes Monitor node(s) to Sync to Collect node. specifies interval in modulo minutes past midnight. specifies the number of times to do sync. Example: SET SYNC 60,2 syncs time at 1:00 and 2:00 AM. SYNC \Node Command Manually causes \Node to Sync to Collect node. to Sync to COLLECT node Time-of-day.  SET SYNCSLOW ON|OFF Defines the clock synchronization algorithm. PCHostRemote Hosts

74 74 ASAP CI - Entity Commands Entity Commands provide reporting of availability. Used for batch reporting & trouble-shooting of statistic values. APP Reports APPLICATION availability. CPU Reports CPU availability. DISK Reports DISK availability. FILE Reports File availability LH Reports Expand Line Handler availability. NODE Reports Expand end-to-end availability. PROCESS Reports User selected Process availability. PROCESSBUSY Reports Busiest Process. RDF Reports RDF subsystem availability. SPOOLER Reports Spooler subsystem availability. TAPE Reports Tape subsystem availability. TMF Reports TMF subsystem availability.

75 75 CPU Command CPU [/out /] [\* ] [[.] * ] [, ] [\ ] [[.] ] where options is one or more of: SAMPLES DETAIL Displays all statistics for the specified CPU or system. Displays high PIN PCB configuration and usage statistics for D-series and above systems. PERCENT Displays the percentage of the total resource values for Memory pages, Control blocks (PCB, PCBX, LCB, and TLE), System, & MapPool. USE Displays usage statistics for Memory pages, Control blocks (PCB, PCBX, LCB, and TLE), System, and MapPool. CONFIGURED Displays the configured values for Memory pages, Control blocks (PCB, PCBX, LCB, and TLE), System, and MapPool. HISTO Displays a histogram of CPU Busy, CPU Queue Length, and Memory Queue length. This is the default for the CPU CMD

76 76 CPU Command Continued AVG Displays the statistical averages across all running CPUs for the specified system during each sample period. TYPE Displays CPU types. TIME hh[:mm [m/d/y]] STATE Shows all attributes that have an associated state.

77 77 DISK Command DISK [/out /] [\* ] [[.] * ] [, ] [\ ] [[.] ] where options is one or more of: AVG Displays the largest statistic valued for the entire device. CPU Lists stats Primaried in the CPU as specified by CPU number. INFO Device information Capacity, MB avail, Address, and state info. PERCENT Statistic percentage for the $vol-p & $vol-m disk drives. QUEUE Queue length for $vol-p & $vol-m. RATE Statistics per second for the $vol-p & $vol-m disk drives. SAMPLES Number of samples to display. STATE Show all attributes that have an associated state. Works with the options, rate, queue, and without any addtional options. TIME Show stats starting at a time other than the current time.

78 78 FILE Command FILE [/out /] [\* ] [[.] * ] [, ] [\ ] [[.] domain ] where options is one or more of: COUNT Maximum number of subdomains to display. EXACT Shows statistics for only the specified domain. MINSTATE Displays files in a subvolume, depending on the selected option: –states Shows files with a state greater than or equal to state –AUTO Shows files with a state higher than 2, or else shows all files –AUTOSHORT Shows files with a state higher than 2, or else shows the subvolume record. DETAIL Shows all available statistics attributes, without states. SAMPLES Number of samples to display. STATE Show all attributes that have an associated state. Works with the options, rate, queue, and without any addtional options. TIME Show stats starting at a time other than the current time.

79 79 LH Command LH [/out /] [\* ] [[.] * ] [, ] [\ ] [[.] ] where options is one or more of: INFO Device information Transport, LDEV, NextSys, and operational state AVG Displays Level 2 information/supervisory (I/S) frames sent and received and I/S frame ratios. HISTO Displays a histogram of the message size distribution. IP Displays the Expand statistics for Expand lines configured using either the IP transport or the ATM transport. LINE Displays only Expand line handlers for subtype 0, 2, 3, 4, and subtype 6. PATH Displays Expand statitistics only for Expand multi line Path process subtype 1. POOL Displays Pool use. RATES Displays counts normalized to number per second. SAMPLES Number of samples to display.

80 80 LH Command Continued STATE Show all attributes that have an associated state. Works with the options, rate, queue. TIME Show stats starting at a time other than the current time. USE Displays statistics about current pool usage.

81 81 NODE Command NODE [/out /] [\* ] [[.] * ] [, ] [\ ] [[.] nodename ] where options is one or more of: NONULLOUT Displays only Nodes with nonzero end-to-end stats SAMPLES Number of samples to display. TIME Show stats starting at a time other than the current time.

82 82 PROCESS Command PROCESS [/out /] [\* ] [[.] * ] [, ] [\ ] [[.] ] where options is one or more of: CPU Returns information only for all processes on the specified CPU. DETAIL Returns more detailed information about the specified monitored processes. SAMPLES Number of samples to display. STATE Show all attributes that have an associated state. TIME Show stats starting at a time other than the current time.

83 83 PROCESSBUSY / PB Command PROCESSBUSY | PB [/out /] [\* ] [[.] * ] [, ] [\ ] [[.] ] where options is one or more of: ENTIRIES Displays the number of busy processes to be displayed for each CPU. INFO Displays detailed processbusy availability attributes. STATS Displays detailed processbusy availability attributes SAMPLES Number of samples to display. STATE Show all attributes that have an associated state. TIME Show stats starting at a time other than the current time.

84 84 RDF Command RDF [/out /] [\* ] [[.] * ] [, ] [\ ] [[.] ] where options is one or more of: CPU Displays RDF domain/metric values in the specified CPU DETAIL Displays RDF Metric values based on FORMAT command settings. SAMPLES Number of samples to display. STATE Displays RDF Metric values and their objective states. TIME Show stats starting at a time other than the current time. VOLUME Displays the associated disk volumes.

85 85 Spooler Command SPOOLER [/out /] [\* ] [[.] * ] [, ] [\ ] [[.] ] where options is one or more of: DETAIL Shows detailed information for the specified spooler domain (supervisor, collector, device, print process). EXACT Returns information about domains which exactly match spoolerspec. MINSTATE Shows detailed information on subdomains with states greater than or equal to what is specified. –states Minimum state to report. –AUTO Shows files with a state minimum or higher than 2. –AUTOSHORT indicates to return aggregate information where state is greater than or equal to 2 SAMPLES Number of samples to display. SHORT When used with DETAIL or MINSTATE, displays information in short form. STATES Displays Spooler Metric values and their objective states.

86 86 Spooler Command Continued TIME Show stats starting at a time other than the current time.  To get spooler detail information in the ASAP client, use SHOW DETAIL INFORMATION

87 87 Tape Command TAPE [/out /] [\* ] [[.] * ] [, ] [\ ] [[.] ] where options is one or more of: DETAIL Display detailed tapemount information for the specified tape domain. SAMPLES Number of records to display. STATES Display states associated with tape attributes. TIME Show stats starting at a time other than the current time. EXACT Retrieve information only which exactly match tapespec.  To get tape mount information in the ASAP client, use SHOW DETAIL INFORMATION

88 88 TMF Command TMF [/out /] [\* ] [[.] * ] [, ] [\ ] [[.] ] where options is one or more of: DETAIL Display detailed information for the specified domain, without states. MINSTATE Shows detailed information on subdomains with states greater than or equal to what is specified. –states Minimum state to report. –AUTO indicates to use state 2 as the minimum. –AUTOSHORT indicates to return aggregate information where state is greater than or equal to 2 SAMPLES Number of records to display. STATES Display states associated with TMF attributes. TIME Show stats starting at a time other than the current time.

89 89 ASAP CI - Basic Commands EXIT Stops the ASAP command interpreter. FC Standard Tandem Fix Command. HELP Displays explanation of specified ASAP command. NEW FEATURES Enter HELP NEW FEATURES for new features NEW USER Enter HELP NEW USER for getting started. OBEY Causes commands in OBEY file to be executed. PAUSE Suspends program until stop/abend/brk msg. SYSTEM Specifies default system name. VOLUME Changes and/or Displays default volume name. ! Exclamation Mark is End-of-line Comment Delimeter.



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