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Microscopic derivation of non- Gaussian Langevin equations for athermal systems ADVANCED STATISTICAL DYNAMICS GROUP KIYOSHI KANAZAWA Jan 28, 2015 Lunch.

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Presentation on theme: "Microscopic derivation of non- Gaussian Langevin equations for athermal systems ADVANCED STATISTICAL DYNAMICS GROUP KIYOSHI KANAZAWA Jan 28, 2015 Lunch."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microscopic derivation of non- Gaussian Langevin equations for athermal systems ADVANCED STATISTICAL DYNAMICS GROUP KIYOSHI KANAZAWA Jan 28, 2015 Lunch seminar@YITP

2 Fluctuation in small systems  Experimental development (e.g., optical tweezers) → Manipulation & Observation of small systems  Single particle “ideal gas”  Thermodynamics for a single particle bead laser

3 Gaussian Langevin Equation (GL)  Motion of a fluctuating bead in water  The GL Eq. is universal and simple  A foundation for thermodynamics White Gaussian noise

4 My interest: Athermal fluctuation Non-Gaussian Langevin Eq. (NGL)  Athermal fluctuation  Originating from non-eq. environments  Characterized by non-Gaussianity  Electrical, biological, granular systems White non-Gaussian noise EX1) Avalanche noise EX2) Active noise Reverse voltage on diodes Chain-reaction Biological motor Fluctuation induced by ATP

5 Goal of this talk: Microscopic Derivation of NGL Eq.  Review of a derivation of GL Eq.  The central limit theorem (CLT) →Emergence of Gaussian noise  Why is the CLT violated for non- equilibrium systems? 1.Microscopic derivation of NGL Eq. 2.Application of a granular example Review on a derivation of GL Eq. Our study on a derivation of NGL Eq. KK, T.G. Sano, T. Sagawa, H. Hayakawa, to appear in PRL.

6 Derivation of GL Eq.: Example ( Rayleigh Piston )

7 General derivation of GL Eq.: the system size expansion Weak coupling ・・・ Markov jump noise (ε-independent) Emergence of the NGL Eq. = Simplification 1 & 2 are applicable, but simplification 3 is not applicable. ・・・ small parameter

8 Where is the CLT applied in the system size expansion? This condition can be violated for systems with multiple baths

9 An asymptotic derivation of the NGL Eq. The NGL Eq. is derived ε-independent

10 Violation of the CLT  (a) A single bath→Automatically weak friction Sufficiently frequent fluc. during relaxation = the CLT is applicable  (b) Multiple baths→Origins of fluc. and diss. are separeted Not sufficiently frequent fluc. during relaxation = the CLT is not applicable

11 Granular motor: Modeling, ε-independent

12 Granular motor: Results

13 Conclusion  A derivation of the GL. Eq.  A derivation of the NGL. Eq. 1.Weak coupling 2.Coexistence of both fluctuations 3.Strong thermal friction KK, T.G. Sano, T. Sagawa, H. Hayakawa, to appear in PRL (arXiv: 1407.5267).  Application to a granular 1.An exactly solvable model 2.Agreement with simulation Strong dissipation

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