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1. 2 MATHEMATICAL REASONING INSTITUTE LESSON GOALS 3  A.7.b – Represent or identify a function in a table or graph as having exactly one output (one.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 MATHEMATICAL REASONING INSTITUTE LESSON GOALS 3  A.7.b – Represent or identify a function in a table or graph as having exactly one output (one."— Presentation transcript:

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3 MATHEMATICAL REASONING INSTITUTE LESSON GOALS 3  A.7.b – Represent or identify a function in a table or graph as having exactly one output (one element in the range) for each input (each element in the domain).  A.7.c – Evaluate linear and quadratic functions for values in their domain when represented using function notation.

4 Meat-A-Morphosis: An Introduction to Functions ?v=VUTXsPFx-qQ 4

5 MATHEMATICAL REASONING INSTITUTE For each of the following, write an answer on your own and then share with a partner. 1.In your own words, write a definition for a “function.” 2.Describe what the domain and range of a function are. 3.Can you think of some real world examples that denote functions? What are they? Try These with a Partner! 5


7 MATHEMATICAL REASONING INSTITUTE f(x) = 2x + 11 Find f(2). f(2) = 2(2) + 11 f(2) = 4 + 11 = 15 Function Notation

8 MATHEMATICAL REASONING INSTITUTE Identifying a Function from a Table This is a function. DomainRange 4 00 14 28 This is NOT a function. DomainRange 00 11 4-2 42

9 MATHEMATICAL REASONING INSTITUTE Identifying a Function from a Graph

10 MATHEMATICAL REASONING INSTITUTE Identifying a Function from a Graph

11 MATHEMATICAL REASONING INSTITUTE Evaluating a Function Linear Function f(x) = 2x + 5 Find f(4). f(4) = 2(4) + 5 f(4) = 8 + 5 = 13 Quadratic Function f(x) = x 2 + 4x – 3 Find f(-2). f(-2) = (-2) 2 + 4(-2) – 3 f(-2) = 4 – 8 – 3 f(-2) = -7 11

12 Small Group Exercise! 30 minutes to finish: Common Core Achieve GED Exercise Book p. 61-62, 1- 8 12

13 Morning Break! Please come back on time. 13

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