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Devils - translated demon Greek =“Daimon” & “Daimonion” One devil but many demons Demon possession was real.

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Presentation on theme: "Devils - translated demon Greek =“Daimon” & “Daimonion” One devil but many demons Demon possession was real."— Presentation transcript:

1 Devils - translated demon Greek =“Daimon” & “Daimonion” One devil but many demons Demon possession was real

2 Deut. 32:17 ASV “demons” Ps. 106:37 “Demons” Old Testament

3 Devils, evil spirits, unclean spirits New Testament ASV Greek -Daimon = 5 times Mt.8:31 Greek-Daimonion = 60 times Mark 1:34

4 Possessed with Demons-13 Times Demonical - 1 time Jas.3:15 Unclean spirits-21 times Acts 8:7 Evil Spirits - 6 times Acts 19:12 Spirit of Divination - Acts 16:16 Spirit of Infirmity - Luke 13:11 New Testament ASV 108 references to Demonology in New Testament

5 1.Myth or Superstition 2.Offspring of angels and women 3.Fallen angels 4.Pre-Adamaic race 5.Departed spirits of wicked men

6 1.Myth or Superstition 2.Offspring of angels and women 3.Fallen angels 4.Pre-Adamaic race 5.Departed spirits of wicked men Denies the Bible Matt 22:30 Did not possess anyone Adam was 1 st man

7 5.Departed spirits of wicked men “ Demons are the departed spirits of what must have been especially wicked men, which in some way got out of Tartarus and possessed people in Bible times.”

8 5.Departed spirits of wicked men Josephus = spirits of wicked Philo = souls of dead men Campbell = rule of interpretation McGarvey = Jewish usage

9 THE STATE OF MAN Life on Earth Death Hades Resurrection ETERNAL Church Sin Rest Torment Departed spirits spirits Of evil

10 5.Departed spirits of wicked men “ Demons are the departed spirits of what must have been especially wicked men, which in some way got out of Tartarus and possessed people in Bible times.”

11 5.Departed spirits of wicked men “ And when even was come, they brought unto him many possessed with demons: and he cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all that were sick :” Mt 8:16 ASV

12 Babylonians = demons were everywhere Writings of Jews = far fetched ideas

13 Mt.4:24 “possessed with demons / devils” Cause Dumbness - Mt. 9:32-33 Blindness - Mt. 12:22 Insanity - Lk. 8:26-36 Personal Injuries - Mk. 9:18 Physical Defects - Lk. 13:11-17 Supernatural strength - Lk.8:29

14 Possessed men, women, daughter, son Jesus sent disciples to cast out demons Matt. 10:1,8 Mark 16:17 Peter, Philip and Paul cast out Demons Acts 5:12 Acts 8:5 Acts 19:11-12

15 Some say yes First Century Occurrence Not much before and after Christ on earth Christ had control over spiritual / physical

16 First Century Occurrence Physical Calmed Sea - Mark 4:35-41 Healed - Mark 3:1-6 Water to wine - Jn. 2 Death - Jn. 11

17 First Century Occurrence Spirit realm Lk.11:20 “cast out demons” Col.2:15 “despoiled principalities”

18 Lk. 10:17-19 If possible today devil has risen again in this area of power God would not leave us helpless Miracles have ceased - 1 Cor.13:8-10

19 It is reasonable to believe that with the passing of the apostles and their power, passed also the age of demon possession. Demons do not have the power to bodily possess people today as they did in Jesus’ day.

20 The Devil exerts great influence today Influences through many ways Satan can enter if we allow him Excuse: “The devil made me do it”

21 Demons existed in Bible times Many things we do not know about them Deut. 29:29

22 By Arthur PigmanBy Arthur Pigman Evans Church of ChristEvans Church of Christ Evans, GeorgiaEvans, Georgia Sunday Evening – 17 October 2004Sunday Evening – 17 October 2004

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