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W AR ON TERROR – 9/11. W AR ON T ERROR - 9/11 11th September 2001 In New York and Washington D.C 19 terrorists hijacked 4 passanger jets Two planes were.

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Presentation on theme: "W AR ON TERROR – 9/11. W AR ON T ERROR - 9/11 11th September 2001 In New York and Washington D.C 19 terrorists hijacked 4 passanger jets Two planes were."— Presentation transcript:

1 W AR ON TERROR – 9/11

2 W AR ON T ERROR - 9/11 11th September 2001 In New York and Washington D.C 19 terrorists hijacked 4 passanger jets Two planes were crushed into WTC in NY One plane was crashed into the Pentagon Fourth crashed a field in Pennsylvania (meant for Washington D.C Circa 3000 died

3 R EASONS Al-Qaeda claimed to be responsible for the attacks Osama bin Laden Motives: US supports Israel US troops in Saudi –Arabia Sanctions against Iraq Western support of non-Islamist authoritarian regimes in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan and northern Africa

4 P EOPLE DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE Mohamed Atta (organized, pilot 1) Hani Hanjour (pilot 2) Marwan al-Shehhi (pilot 3) Ziad Jarrah (pilot 4) Khalid Sheikh Mohammed - organized Ramzi bin al-Shibh – organized

5 A L – Q AEDA AND THE BACKGROUND Bin Laden had been against US foreign policy He issued two fatwā ´s – a religious opinion on Isalmic law issued by an Islamic scholar Encouraged Muslims to attack the Americans He (finally) admitted he ordered his followers to attack the WTC He thought Muhammed banned „the presence of infidels in Arabia“ Said to be killed 1st May 2011 in Pakistan

6 D AMAGE 3 buildings in WTC Complex collapsed due to STRUCTURAL FAILURE Sowth Tower burned 56 min and then collapsed North Tower burned 102 min and collapsed – it fell on 7 WTC building 7 WTC burned for hours and finally collapsed The Pentagon was also damaged, one section of the building collapsed

7 A L - Q AEDA IN 1998 "for over seven years the United States has been occupying the lands of Islam in the holiest of places, the Arabian Peninsula, plundering its riches, dictating to its rulers, humiliating its people, terrorizing its neighbors, and turning its bases in the Peninsula into a spearhead through which to fight the neighboring Muslim peoples."

8 „L ETTER TO A MERICA “ BY BIN L ADEN "The creation and continuation of Israel is one of the greatest crimes, and you are the leaders of its criminals. And of course there is no need to explain and prove the degree of American support for Israel. The creation of Israel is a crime which must be erased. Each and every person whose hands have become polluted in the contribution towards this crime must pay its price, and pay for it heavily."

9 R EACTION AND RESULTS Bush administration announced a WAR ON TERROR – to bring bin Laden and al- Qaeda to justice and contain terrorism -economic and military sanctions againtst states that harbour terrorist -sharing global surveillance and intelligence - US set ut Guantanamo Bay detention camp to hold „illegal enemy combatants“

10 Invaded Afganistan in 2001 to overthrow the Taliban regime for harbouring of al-Qaeda. NATO declared the attacks on US were an attack on all NATO nations (acc Article 5 of the NATO Charter) Department of Homeland Security was created Hate crimes against muslims International anti-terrorism laws

11 E CONOMIC EFFECT Stock exchanges were closed from 11-17th Sept Markets fell drasticly (Dow Jones down 7,1%) Export and airline industry suffered most

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