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WECC BAL-STD-002 Workshop February 6, 2008

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1 WECC BAL-STD-002 Workshop February 6, 2008
Product Codes WECC BAL-STD-002 Workshop February 6, 2008

2 INT-BPS-018-0 WECC Business Practice, INT-BPS-018-0, is the document that defines E-Tag Capacity & Energy Product Codes for use in the WECC. Purpose: Identify and define capacity & energy product codes for use in the WECC. Approved by WECC Board on December 6, 2007

3 Product Code NERC & WECC Product Codes.
Used in NERC TSIN Registry – TSIN Product Registry soon to be updated to match this BP. WECC specific codes include Capacity & Energy Products.

4 Capacity Codes Capacity codes from BPS 009 & 11.
Capacity codes identify products used for reliability transactions. BPS-009 addresses spinning and non-spinning reserve, identified as C-SP and C-NS. BPS-014 addresses energy designated as recallable to meet reserve requirements, identified as C-RE. Capacity codes are utilized in determining Contingency Reserve obligation under the proposed BAL-002.

5 Product Codes for Reserve Sales
C-SP: Capacity for spinning reserve. On-Demand spinning reserve obligation/resource is a spinning reserve product that can be activated through the adjustment of a capacity e-tag. C-NS: Capacity for non-spinning reserve. On-Demand non-spinning reserve obligation/resource is a non-spinning reserve product that can be activated through the adjustment of a capacity e-tag.

6 Reserve Sales (Con’t.) The Source BA must add this transaction to their total reserve requirement by the interchange value amount. The Sink BA may add this transaction to their total reserve resource by the interchange value amount. Capacity transactions shall be tagged per Business Practice 9.

7 Product Code for Recallable Energy
C-RE: Capacity associated with energy recallable for reserves. This product is energy which is recallable within ten minutes of activation of reserves and has been included in the Source Balancing Authority’s reserve resources.

8 Recallable Energy (Con’t.)
The Source Balancing Authority shall include the interchange value in their reserve resources. (WR6) The Sink Balancing Authority shall not include the interchange value in their reserve resources. (WR6) The Sink BA must increase their total reserve requirement by the interchange value.

9 Recallable Energy (Con’t.)
Source BA will curtail the schedule if needed for its own reserve activation. Sink BA shall accept curtailment of this import. Total process must be completed to meet the 15 minute DCS requirement. Sink BA shall activate reserves to replace this schedule. Seller has no obligation to re-supply. WR3 of BP 11 is wrong, but is in the process of correction.

10 Energy Product Codes Energy product codes identify categories of energy products with common characteristics, not specific energy products. Energy product codes do not address Contingency Reserve obligations. Energy product codes do not address Contingency Reserve activation. Energy Product codes are not utilized in determining Contingency Reserve obligation under the proposed BAL-002.

11 Requirement 1 WR1. When both the source and sink Balancing Authorities are within the Western Interconnection, the e-Tag Author will utilize the energy product codes identified and defined in this Business Practice.

12 Requirement 2 WR2. The energy product code utilized on the e-Tag will accurately represent the characteristics of the energy transaction.

13 Requirement 3 WR3. NERC product codes for energy transactions are identified below: WR3.1 G-F: Firm Energy. WR3.2 G-NF: Non-firm energy.

14 Requirement 4 WR4. WECC product codes for energy transactions are identified below: WR4.1 G-FC: Firm Contingent. WR4.2 G-FP: Firm Provisional Energy. WR4.3 G-F1: Hourly firm energy. WR4.4 G-EX: Exchange of Firm Energy.

15 Requirement 5 WR5. WECC product codes for reserve transactions are identified below: WR5.1 C-SP: Capacity for spinning reserve. WR5.2 C-NS: Capacity for non-spinning reserve. WR5.3 C-RE: Capacity associated with energy recallable for reserves.

16 Product Codes Defined G-F: Firm Energy
Per the Business Practice: G-F: Firm Energy This product may be curtailed only in the event of a reliability condition or to meet Seller’s public utility or statutory obligations for reliability of service to native load. A G-F product cannot be interrupted for economic reasons

17 G-F Generation is not unit specific.
Seller is obligated to deliver the energy. If seller does not deliver, buyer has recourse. Schedule (tag) can only be curtailed for a reliability event or to meet a Public Utilities statutory obligation for reliability of service to native load.

18 G-F (cont.) Neither Source nor Sink BA’s reserve obligation depends on the type of transaction. Seller may of may not call upon own reserve group to cover lost generation for the period of the reserve group response. Seller is obligated to continue delivery of the schedule at the end of the RSGs response. Reliability Requirements might not permit the schedule to continue.

19 Product Codes Defined Per the Business Practice:
G-NF: Non-firm energy. This product may be interrupted for any reason or no reason, without liability on the part of either the buyer or seller.

20 G-NF Generation is not unit specific.
Seller is not obligated to deliver the energy. Buyer is not obligated to receive the energy. Neither the buyer nor seller has recourse if the energy is not received or delivered. Schedule (tag) can be interrupted at any time

21 G-NF (cont.) Neither Source nor Sink BA’s reserve obligation depends on the type of transaction. Seller may or may not call upon own reserve group to cover lost generation for the period of the reserve group response. Seller is NOT obligated to continue the schedule at the end of the RSGs response. Reliability Requirements might not permit the schedule to continue. Not a recallable Contingency Reserve Product

22 Product Codes Defined Per the Business Practice:
G-FC: Firm Contingent. The energy is from a designated generating unit or source. This product may be interrupted only to the extent the output capability of the designated unit or source has been reduced due to a deration or outage of the designated unit or source. A G-FC product cannot be interrupted for economic reasons.

23 G-FC Generation is unit or source specific.
Seller is obligated to deliver the energy as long as unit or source output capability has not been reduced due to a deration or outage. Buyer has recourse if seller does not deliver due to any other circumstance. Schedule (tag) may be curtailed at any time for the loss of the specific unit or source.

24 G-FC (cont.) Neither Source nor Sink BA’s Contingency Reserve obligation depends on the type of transaction. Seller may or may not call upon own reserve group to cover lost generation for the period of the reserve group response. Seller is not obligated to re-establish the schedule until the unit returns

25 Product Codes Defined Per the Business Practice:
G-F1: Hourly firm energy. This product may be interrupted, consistent with the provisions of the transaction, provided the PSE or LSE receives notification of the interruption 40 minutes or more prior to the start of the operating hour. A G-F1 product cannot be interrupted for economic reasons.

26 G-F1 (cont.) Neither Source nor Sink BA’s Contingency Reserve obligation depends on the type of transaction. Seller may or may not call upon own reserve group to cover lost generation for the period of the reserve group response. Seller is not obligated to continue the schedule at the end of the RSGs response, as long as 40 minutes notice is given. Reliability Requirements might not permit the schedule to continue.

27 Product Codes Defined Per the Business Practice:
G-EX: Exchange of Firm Energy. An exchange of firm energy where by one entity delivers energy to another entity at one point on the grid and receives an agreed upon amount of energy from that entity at another point on the grid.

28 G-EX (cont.) Neither Source nor Sink BA’s Contingency Reserve obligation depends on the type of transaction. Seller may or may not call upon own reserve group to cover lost generation for the period of the reserve group response. Seller may or may not be obligated to continue the schedule at the end of the RSGs response, depending on the provisions of the agreement. Reliability Requirements might not permit the schedule to continue.

29 Product Codes Defined Per the Business Practice:
G-FP: Firm Provisional Energy. This product may be interrupted only if the interruption is within the recall time and for conditions allowed by applicable provisions governing interruption of service, as mutually agreed to by the parties. A G-FP product cannot be interrupted for economic reasons.

30 G-FP (cont.) Neither Source nor Sink BA’s Contingency Reserve obligation depends on the type of transaction. Seller may or may not call upon own reserve group to cover lost generation for the period of the reserve group response. Seller may or may not be obligated to continue the schedule at the end of the RSGs response, depending on the provisions of the agreement. Reliability Requirements might not permit the schedule to continue.

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