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Substitution Effect, Income Effect & Price Effect

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1 Substitution Effect, Income Effect & Price Effect

2 Substitution Effect (S.E.)
Definition: It refers to the change in quantity demanded for a good caused by a change in relative price, holding real income constant.

3 Substitution Effect (S.E.)
Definition: It refers to the change in quantity demanded for a good caused by a change in relative price, holding real income constant. Qy Qx Px Qx Qx0 Qx1

4 Substitution Effect (S.E.)
Definition: It refers to the change in quantity demanded for a good caused by a change in relative price, holding real income constant. Qy Qx Px Qx Qx1 Qx0

5 Substitution Effect (S.E.)
Qx Px Qx Px

6 Income Effect (I.E.) Definition: It refers to the change in quantity demanded for a good caused by a change in real income, holding relative price constant.

7 Income Effect (I.E.) Definition: It refers to the change in quantity demanded for a good caused by a change in real income, holding relative price constant. Qy Qx I Qx Qx1 Qx0

8 Income Effect (I.E.) Definition: It refers to the change in quantity demanded for a good caused by a change in real income, holding relative price constant. Qy Qx I Qx Qx0 Qx1

9 Income Effect (I.E.) Qx I Qx I Normal Goods !!

10 Income Effect (I.E.) Qx I Qx I Normal Goods !!

11 Income Effect (I.E.) I Qx I Qx Normal Good Inferior Good Qy Qy Qx Qx
Qy Qx Qx1 Qx1 Qx0 Qx0

12 Income Effect (I.E.) I Qx I Qx Normal Good Inferior Good Qy Qy Qx Qx
Qy Qx Qx0 Qx0 Qx1 Qx1

13 Income Effect (I.E.) Qx I Normal Good: Inferior Good: Qx I Qx I I Qx

14 Price Effect (P.E.) Definition: It refers to the change in quantity demanded for a good caused by a change in relative price.

15 Price Effect (P.E.) Definition: It refers to the change in quantity demanded for a good caused by a change in relative price. Qy Qx Px Qx Qx0 Qx1

16 Price Effect (P.E.) Definition: It refers to the change in quantity demanded for a good caused by a change in relative price. Qy Qx Px Qx Qx1 Qx0

17 When price changes (P.E.)
Relative price changes (S.E.) When price changes (P.E.) Real income changes (I.E.) P.E. = S.E. + I.E.

18 When price changes (P.E.)
Relative price changes (S.E.) When price changes (P.E.) Real income changes (I.E.) P.E. = S.E. + I.E.

19 S.E. P.E. I.E. Px  Qx  Px  Qx  -ve I  Qx  I  Qx  normal gd +ve
inferior gd -ve I  Qx  I  Qx 

20 Case 1 S.E. : Px  Qx  P.E. Assume Px  I.E. Qx  normal gd : +ve
I  Qx  I.E. inferior gd : -ve I  Qx 

21 S.E. : Px  Qx  P.E. Px  I.E. Qx ? normal gd : +ve I  Qx 
inferior gd : -ve I  Qx 

22 S.E. Case 2 S.E.  I.E. Case 3 I.E. S.E.  I.E.
Px  Qx  Case 2 S.E.  I.E. Qx  Case 3 I.E. inferior gd I  Qx  S.E.  I.E. Qx 

23 Summary Case 1 -ve S.E. & +ve I.E. Case 2 -ve S.E.  -ve I.E. Px 
normal gd -ve S.E. & +ve I.E. Qx  & Qx  Qx  Case 2 inferior gd non-giffen case -ve S.E.  -ve I.E. Qx   Qx  Qx  Px  Case 3 inferior gd giffen case -ve S.E.  -ve I.E. Qx   Qx  Qx 

24 Graphically Case 1 Normal good S.E. Qx  Qx  Px  Qx  I.E. -ve +ve
Qy Qx S.E. -ve Qx  Qx  Px  Qx  I.E. +ve Qx0 Qx1 Qx0’

25 Graphically Case 1 Normal good S.E. Qx  Qx  Px  Qx  I.E. -ve +ve
Qy Qx S.E. -ve Qx  Qx  Px  Qx  I.E. +ve Qx0 Qx1 Qx0’

26 Inferior good, non-giffen case
Graphically Case 2 Inferior good, non-giffen case Qy Qx S.E. -ve Qx  Qx  S.E.I.E. Px  I.E. -ve Qx  Qx1 Qx0 Qx0’

27 Inferior good, non-giffen case
Graphically Case 2 Inferior good, non-giffen case Qy Qx S.E. -ve Qx  Qx  S.E.I.E. Px  I.E. -ve Qx  Qx1 Qx0 Qx0’

28 Inferior good, giffen case
Graphically Case 3 Inferior good, giffen case Qy Qx S.E. -ve Qx  Qx  S.E.I.E. Px  I.E. -ve Qx  Qx1 Qx0 Qx0’

29 Inferior good, giffen case
Graphically Case 3 Inferior good, giffen case Qy Qx S.E. -ve Qx  Qx  S.E.I.E. Px  I.E. -ve Qx  Qx1 Qx0 Qx0’

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