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#ASDAne et Building the Ultimate ASDA Week Christian Piers, MFA Editor-in-chief Colorado ‘16 Kyle Larsen Associate, Comm. Council Colorado ‘17.

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Presentation on theme: "#ASDAne et Building the Ultimate ASDA Week Christian Piers, MFA Editor-in-chief Colorado ‘16 Kyle Larsen Associate, Comm. Council Colorado ‘17."— Presentation transcript:

1 #ASDAne t @ASDAn et Building the Ultimate ASDA Week Christian Piers, MFA Editor-in-chief Colorado ‘16 Kyle Larsen Associate, Comm. Council Colorado ‘17

2 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Where we were…

3 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Where we are.

4 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Agenda Why we did it How we made it happen What it’s allowed us to do

5 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Why? Poor event attendance Little engagement Role confusion Mission unclear to members

6 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet On the struggle bus

7 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet How do we make the struggle bus awesome?

8 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet What we needed The right time The right audience Excitement Intrigue –“What is ASDA?” Solid explanation

9 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet The challenge What to do When to do it How to get it done

10 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet What to do Something unique At least unique to your chapter (SHARE IDEAS!) Something big Get their attention Get them interested Big doesn’t necessarily mean expensive Something awesome

11 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet The idea RUSH WEEK TH ASDA’s version of a Marquette’s Amazing Dental Race with Combine ASDA’s version of a

12 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Our Thrush Week Introduction to ASDA An event every day Winners earn “Diamonds” Sign up individually, assigned into teams 1st year with 2nd, 3rd and 4th years Winners is awarded the Cup of Carabelli

13 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Team Meet and Greet Thrush Week (Monday)

14 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Dental School Selfie Competition Thrush Week (Tuesday)

15 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Lunchtime Sports Thrush Week (Wednesday)

16 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Dental School Joke Contest Thrush Week (Thursday)

17 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Initiation Lunch and Learn Thrush Week (Friday)

18 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet The Amalgames Thrush Week (Saturday)

19 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet When to do it Timing is everything

20 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet When to do it District 9’s Motto “Hit ‘em early, hit ‘em hard!” Possibly 1 st week of school

21 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet How to get it done Create committee It takes a lot of planning Include DS1s, DS2s, DS3s, DS4s Focus on incoming DS1 Promotion Videos, website, emails, Facebook, etc Clearly explain what ASDA is

22 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Promotion 8?list=UUHnPaBC8xnnDaTn7urLYf7 w

23 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Take Pictures! Film video! Future Promotion

24 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Last but not least... Explain ASDA Be simple Be clear Be thorough but short Be memorable

25 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet What is ASDA? In one word? How about four?

26 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet What is ASDA? American Student Dental Association A S D A

27 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet What is ASDA? Advocacy Service Dentistry Activities ASDAASDA

28 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet ASDA is... UHnPaBC8xnnDaTn7urLYf7w

29 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet What this enabled us to do Understanding of chapter mission and protocol –A.S.D.A. talking points Domino effect –Rising leader confidence Capital for future events

30 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet What this enabled us to do “ASDA Circle of Life” More member engagement  Better general attendance  More vendor negotiating power  More member opportunities  More member engagement

31 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet What this enabled us to do Partner with administration Build momentum Tackle larger projects needing greater buy-in

32 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet What this enabled us to do

33 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet What this enabled us to do UUHnPaBC8xnnDaTn7urLYf7w

34 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet What this enabled us to do g?list=UUHnPaBC8xnnDaTn7urLYf7 w

35 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet

36 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Questions?

37 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Takeaways: You can’t tackle big goals without engagement Imprinting

38 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet The thrush is spreading!

39 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Will you catch the candida?

40 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Contact:

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