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Back in Circulation Again 2012 Increased Efficiency through the Study of Moving Materials.

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Presentation on theme: "Back in Circulation Again 2012 Increased Efficiency through the Study of Moving Materials."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back in Circulation Again 2012 Increased Efficiency through the Study of Moving Materials

2 How do you pronounce that or a little about me Kathryn Mlsna Coordinator of Circulation Milwaukee Public Library Back in Circulation Again 2012

3 What Does Industrial Engineering Mean and Why Am I Talking About It? Application of Toyota based lean manufacturing concept Study processes o Eliminate waste o Look for efficiencies o Results = Cost savings o Maximize value

4 "The Balanced Scorecard" CostCan I afford it?Quality Do you have the right products?SafetyWhat are the safety or ergonomic implications?Access Is it there when customers want it?MoraleChange management

5 Knowing Your Business 1.Understand what is valued by your customers 2.Understand where that value flows 3.Eliminate waste in all forms 4.Pull value to the customer 5.Continuously perfect Value Flow Waste Pull Perfect

6 Value Defined To be value added it must meet all three criteria –The customer is willing to pay for it –It changes state –It is done right the first time

7 What is waste? “Muda” (Waste) –Anything other than the minimum amount of people, time, equipment, material and space required to provide value to the customer “Muri” (Overburdening) –Overburdening of people or equipment beyond natural limits “Mura” (Unevenness) –A system wrought with periods of hyper activity and lulls

8 U n us e d h u m a n t a l e n t W a i t i n g I n v e n t o r y T r a n s p o r t a t i o n D e f e c t s M o t i o n O v e r p r o d u c t i o n P r o c e s s Muda in Action

9 The two requirements for working in a truly Lean enterprise 1) follow standard work, and 2) find a better way! Takt time –the time available divided by customer demand Work sequence –the optimum sequence of producing the product or service - first do A then B then C Standard work in process –amount of in-process "stuff" that is required, no more, no less

10 The Pareto Principle

11 Milwaukee Public Library Milwaukee, Wisconsin Back In Circulation Again 2012

12 Milwaukee Public Library 13 libraries 595,000 residents in service area 2.6 million circulation in 2011 2.1 million visits in 2011 70,000 library cards issued in 2011 Children’s and teen’s programs attended by 70,000 650 public computers used 420,100 hours

13 Back in Circulation Again 2012 Milwaukee Circulation Assessment Determine size and location for autosort

14 Main Considerations Efficiency –Staff time, building space, item availability Design –Streamline processes, aesthetics, noise Financial –Capital budget, long-term solution, staff time

15 Understand Existing Conditions Processes Workroom configurations Building limitations Distance traveled and elevators locations Portal locations and material volume

16 Approach Workshop 1: –Provide data –Walk through to understand current state –Map current value stream –Define areas available for autosort –Develop evaluation criteria Homework –Observe & record time for each task

17 Entry portals & volume Functions & time Value Stream Mapping

18 Approach Workshop 2: –Pareto chart –Adjacency worksheet –Data added to current value streams Processing Travel Idle time –Planning options


20 Adjacency Worksheet

21 Current State Workflow

22 Current State


24 Back in Circulation Again 2012 Assessment Outcomes


26 Option 3: Existing Sort Room Benefits: highly flexible -easily accommodates expansion of system least costly renovation option does not displace program elements efficient use of space Trade-offs: large displacement of staff efficiency in material transport, material scanning/check-in consumes most area for autosort & interfile function movement of materials through library less efficient: materials will ‘double back’ in some cases to be shelved after being scanned Use of area requires further discussion

27 Option 2A: Turn North Benefits: reduced disruption to existing program minimal amount of area east costly to renovate Trade-offs: visually, acoustically on display to public areas at the Circ. Desk limits interfiling capability at the autosort due to limited area for truck storage and work space. May require materials be taken from bins to book trucks without sorting & transported to existing Sort Room for interfiling and staging no future flexibility Option 2B: Turn North, Relocate Offices Benefits: same benefits as Option 2A with: improved interfiling capability Trade-offs: same trade-offs as Option 2A with: more displaced program back of house work tasks (interfiling) will now be performed where visible to public

28 Option 1A: Leave Administrative Offices Benefits: autosort functions are hidden from public view very efficient for interfiling Trade-offs: two offices remain co-located with potential equipment noise with more activity than ideal for offices six workstations & security conference room are displaced Option 1B: Relocate Administrative Offices Benefits: allows existing infrastructure to remain - minimal adjustments, i.e., fire alarm, electrical closet, security equipment optimum option for growth and flexibility very efficient for interfiling Trade-offs: most expensive and moderately complex to renovate largest amount of square footage utilized largest amount of displaced program

29 The New and Improved Winner

30 New State Workflow

31 Target State

32 New State


34 Back in Circulation Again 2012 Follow Up Study

35 Staff Efficiency Check-inSortingRemote Interfiling Travel Total% Efficiency Gain Ave Secs / Item Total Hrs Ave Secs / item Total Hrs Ave Secs/ item Total Hrs Ave Secs/ item Total Hrs Previous59011730645715264680 New23578144327310187360.0%

36 The Balanced Scorecard CostWithin budget, saved staff timeQuality15 bin sorter, location good for patrons & staffSafetyBook trucks lighter, less touches & travelAccess/Delivery24 hour or less turnaround timeMoraleMore collaborative & empowered

37 Involve as many staff members as possible throughout process Opportunity to develop leadership skills Follow and act on the numbers Solicit feedback and tweak accordingly Not everyone will love it, but everyone will get used to it.

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