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COURSE: DATABASES Prof.dr Leonid Stoimenov, mr Aleksandar Stanimirović, Miloš Bogdanović Project IB_JEP-41148-2006 (RS) University of Niš Faculty.

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Presentation on theme: "COURSE: DATABASES Prof.dr Leonid Stoimenov, mr Aleksandar Stanimirović, Miloš Bogdanović Project IB_JEP-41148-2006 (RS) University of Niš Faculty."— Presentation transcript:

1 COURSE: DATABASES Prof.dr Leonid Stoimenov, mr Aleksandar Stanimirović, Miloš Bogdanović Project IB_JEP-41148-2006 (RS) University of Niš Faculty of Electronic Engineering Department of Computer Science

2 General information  Course: Databases  Lecturers and authors of materials  Prof. dr Leonid Stoimenov  Mr. Aleksandar Stanimirović  Dipl. ing. Miloš Bogdanović  Scheduled: June 19.,20.,21 2009.  Lessons:  3 sections  8 lessons

3 Goals  Basics of relational databases  How to create relational database  How to query data  How to manipulate data  Database applications  MS Access  ADO.NET  Desktop and Web applications

4 Literature  D.Kroenke, D.Auer, Database Concepts, Third Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008.  S.Đor đ ević-Kajan, L.Stoimenov, Baze podataka, praktikum za vežbe na računaru, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu, Edicija pomoćni udžbenici, 2004.  R. Elmastri & S. Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Pearson International Education, Addison Wesley, 5th edition, 2007.

5 Lessons overview  Section I : Introduction:  Lesson 1: Databases and relational model  Section II : SQL  Lesson 2: Data definition (CREATE TABLE)  Lessons 3 and 4: Queries (SELECT)  Lesson 5: Data manipulation (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE)  Section III: Application development  Lesson 6: MS Access – applications, forms, reports  Lesson 7: ADO.NET  Lesson 8: Desktop and Web database applications

6 COURSE: Databases Section I : Databases and relational model

7 Lesson 1: Databases and relational model  Introduction  Database  Database Management System (DBMS)  Data models  Categories of Data models  Relational data model  Characteristics of Relations  Examples  Key constraints  Referential integrity and foreign keys  Exercises

8 Lesson 1: Databases and relational model  Relational databases  What are relational databases?  Relations represented as two-dimensional tables  Table columns  Table rows  Constraints  Database Management System (DBMS)  What is Database Management System?  Basic components  Database applications  Exercises

9 Lesson 1: Databases and relational model  Personal DBMS

10 Lesson 1: Databases and relational model  Company DBMS

11 Lesson 1: Databases and Relational model  Example: Database PREDUZEĆE (COMPANY)

12 Lesson 1: Databases and Relational model  Exercises

13 COURSE: Databases Section II: SQL

14 Lesson 2: SQL and Data Definition  Introduction  Database PREDUZEĆE (COMPANY)  Tables (definitions and structure)  Test data  SQL and Data Definition (CREATE TABLE)  Data types  Column constraints  Table constraints  Exercises: MS Access

15 Lesson 2: SQL and Data Definition  Example: Database PREDUZEĆE (Company)

16 Lessons 3 i 4: Queries (SELECT)  SELECT keyword  SELECT and FROM clauses  WHERE clause  ORDER BY clause  Arithmetic and aggregate functions  Exercises: MS Access  GROUP BY and HAVING clauses  Table joins  Cartesian product (cross-join)  Different types of table joins  Combining results from multiple queries

17 Lessons 3 and 4: Queries (SELECT)

18 Lesson 5: Data manipulation  Adding new rows  Modifying existing rows  Deleting existing rows  Modifying relational database scheme  Deleting tables  Modifying tables

19 COURSE: Databases Section III: Application development

20 Lekcija 6: MS Access – applications, forms, reports  Introduction  Forms  Reports  Macros  Access application

21 Lesson 7: ADO.NET  ADO.NET basics  ADO.NET data providers  ADO.NET direct data access  Connection object  Command object  DataReader object  DataSet object and connectionless data access

22 Lekcija 8: Desktop and Web database applications  Introduction  Windows Forms controls data bindings  ASP.NET controls data bindings

23 COURSE: Databases Course implementation

24  Lessons schedule  Databases and relational model – May 25  Data definition (CREATE TABLE) – May 29  Queries (SELECT) – June 2  Data manipulation (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) – June 5  MS Access – applications, forms, reports – June 9  ADO.NET – June 12  Desktop and Web database applications – June 15

25 Course implementation  Lessons were created using exeLearning

26 Course implementation  Moodle course with imported SCORM packages

27 Course implementation  Lesson 1 (SCORM package)

28 Course implementation  Moodle calendar

29 Course implementation  Moodle forum

30 Course implementation  Moodle assigment

31 Course implementation  Moodle quiz

32 DATABASES Contact info

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