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Execution Environment for JavaScript " Java Script Window object represents the window in which the browser displays documents. " The Window object provides.

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Presentation on theme: "Execution Environment for JavaScript " Java Script Window object represents the window in which the browser displays documents. " The Window object provides."— Presentation transcript:

1 Execution Environment for JavaScript " Java Script Window object represents the window in which the browser displays documents. " The Window object provides largest enclosing referencing environment for scripts. – All javaScript variables are properties of some object – The Window properties are visible to all scripts in the document --they are the globals. – Variables created by client-side script become (new) property of Window

2 Window properties " Property document is a reference to the JavaScript Document object that the window displays " Property frames is an array of references to the (may be multiple) frames of the document " Property forms is an array of references to the forms in the document. – Each Form object has an elements array of references to form's elements.

3 DOM Document Object Model " Provides specifications for portability for users to write code in programming languages to create documents, work on their structures, change, add, or delete elements and their context " W3c development since early 90's " DOM 0 supported by JavaScript capableborwsers " DOM 1, Oct 98; focused on HTML and XML " DOM 2, Nov 00; support CSS, event, tree manipulation events NS6 but not IE6

4 DOM " DOM documents have a treelike structure " DOM is abstract model defines interface between HTML documents and application programs " DOM is an OO model -document elements are objects with both data (properties) and operations (methods) " Language supporting DOM must have binding to the constructs

5 DOM " In JavaScript binding, – HTML elements -->objects – HTML element attributes --> properties would be represented as one object with two properties, type and name, with the values "text" and "address" " For a description of tree traversal, adding and deleting nodes go to in http://www.w3c.org

6 Element Access in JavaScript " DOM 0 uses forms and element arrays  DOM 0 address: documents.forms[0].element[0]  Element names -- element and all ancestors to have name attributes (but body )  Element name address: documents.myForm.pushMe

7 Element Access in JavaScript " DOM 1 adrressing via JavaScript method: getElementId – DOM address: document.getElementId("pushme")

8 Events/Event Handling " HTML 4.0 provided standard --DOM 0 – Supported by all browsers that include JavaScript " DOM 2 comprehensive event model – Supported by Mozilla and NS6 browsers – Not supported by IE6!!

9 Events/Event Handling " Event-driven: code executed resulting to user or browser action " Event: a notification that soemthing specific occurred -- by browser or user " Event handler: a script implicitly executed in response to event occurrence " Registration: the process of connecting event handler to event

10 Events/Event Handling JavaScript " Events are JavaScript objects --> names are case sensitive, all use lowercase only. (Method write should never be used in event handler. May cause document to be written over.) " JavaScript events associated with HTML tag attributes which can be used to connect to event- handlers " Table 5.1 (pg 182)

11 Events/Event Handling JavaScript " One attribute can appear in several different tags: – e.g. onClick can be in and " HTML element get focus: – When user puts mouse cursor over it and presses the left button – When user tabs to the element – By executing the focus method – Element get blurred when another element gets focus " Table 5.2 pg. 184-184

12 Event Handling JavaScript " Event handlers can be specified two ways – Assigning the event handler script to an event tag attribute onClick = "alert('Mouse click!');" onClick = "myHandler(); – Assigning them to properties of JavaScript object associated with HTML elements

13 Event Handling JavaScript " The load event: the completion of loading of a document by browser " The onload attribute of used to specify event handler: " he unload event: used to clean up things before a document is unloaded.

14 Radio Buttons " The checked property of radio button object is true if the button is pressed " All button in the group have the same name, must use DOM address element var radioElement = document.myForm.elements;

15 Radio Buttons for ( var inder = 0 ; index < radioElement.length; index++){ if (radioElement[index].checked) { element = radioElement[index].value; break; }

16 Radio Buttons " Event handlers can be specified by assigning them to properties of JavaScript object associated with HTML elements – Property names are lowercase versions of attribute names – For functions, assign its name to the property: document.myForm.elemnts[0].onClick = myHandler; " Sets handler for first element of array " For radio button group, each element of array must be assigned

17 Event Handling " Specifying handlers by assigning them to event properties: – Disadvantage --can not use parameters – Advantages: " It is good to keep HTML and JavaScripts separate " Handler could be changed during use

18 Checking Form Input " JavaScript commonly used to check form input before it is sent to server for processing. – Check for: Format and Completeness " Approach: – Detect error and produce alert messge – Put elemnt in focus (focus function) – Select the element (select function)

19 Checking Form Input " The focus function puts the element in focus --the cursor in the element document.getElementById("phone").focus(); " The select function highlights the text in the element " After event handler is finished have it return false to keep the form active Neither slect nor focus are supported by NS 6.2

20 Checking Form Input/Examples " Comparing passwords: – The user is asked to type it twice – Program to very they are the same – The form has two password input boxes to get the passwords, Reset, and Submit buttons – Event handler triggered by Submit – No passwd typed --> focus on box, return false – Two passwds typed-> not same focus and select first box, rerurn false, else return true http://www

21 Checking Form Input/Examples " Format check for name & tel. Num. – Event handler triggered by change event of text boxes for name and phone number – When error is found, an alert message is produced and both focus and select are called on the textbox element in error – Another event handler will produce a thank you alert when the input is ok.

22 DOM 2 Model

23 DOM 2 Event Model " Does not include DOM 0 features, but they are still supported " Much more powerful than DOM 0 " Events propagates – Node of document tree where event is created is the target node – First phase is the capturing phase – Events begin at the root and move toward target node

24 DOM 2 Event Model " In the capturing phase, if there are any registered handlers at nodes along the way, if one is enabled, then it is run. " The second phase is at the target node. – If there are registered event handlers there for the event, they are run " The third phase is bubbling phase – Event traverses back to the root. All encountered registered handlers are run

25 DOM 2 Event Model " Not all events bubble " Any handler can stop propagation by calling Event object method stopPropagation " To stop default operations call Event object method preventDefault " Event handler with addEventListerner method – Name of event as literal string, handler function, and boolean value to specify if event is enabled during capturing

26 DOM 2 Event Model " A temporary handler can be created by registering it and then unregistering it with remove EventListener " The currentTarget property of Events always references the object on which the handler is being executed. " The MouseEvent object (subobject of Event) has two properties: clientX, clientY, the (x,y) coordinates of mouse cursor relative to upper left corner validator2.html

27 The navigator Object " Indicates which browser is being used. " Two useful properties: – The appName property has the bowser's name – The appVersion has the version number navigator.html

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