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Chapter 22 To play the game, go to the next slide and click on an point value to go to a question. To go to final Wrap-Up click on Final Wrap-Up at the.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 22 To play the game, go to the next slide and click on an point value to go to a question. To go to final Wrap-Up click on Final Wrap-Up at the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 22 To play the game, go to the next slide and click on an point value to go to a question. To go to final Wrap-Up click on Final Wrap-Up at the bottom of the main screen.

2 Life in the Great Depression The New Deal Franklin D. Roosevelt PeopleVocabulary Effects of the New Deal

3 Team 1Team 2Team 3Team 4 Team 5 Wager board

4 What name was given to towns of shacks and shanties during the Great Depression?

5 Hoovervilles score board

6 What Georgia company profited during the Great Depression?

7 Coca Cola score board

8 What percentage of people were without jobs at the height of the Great Depression?

9 25% score board

10 What were established by charities to feed people?

11 Soup kitchens scoreboard

12 What organization was the forerunner of the United Way?

13 Community Chest score board

14 Which New Deal program created price supports for farmers?

15 Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) score board

16 Which New Deal program paid Americans to build forest trails and parks?

17 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) score board

18 Which New Deal program lent money to farmers’ cooperatives to build power lines?

19 Rural Electrification Authority (REA) score board

20 Which New Deal program provided retirement benefits?

21 Social Security Administration (SSA) score board

22 Which New Deal program insured bank deposits?

23 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) score board

24 What city received relief from destruction related to tornadoes?

25 Gainesville score board

26 Which two historic battlefields received development money?

27 Chickamauga and Kennesaw Mountain score board

28 What change in society did some Georgians fear because of the impact of the New Deal?

29 More equality for African Americans score board

30 What was the biggest benefit of the New Deal to rural residents in Georgia?

31 The access to electricity score board

32 What Georgia governor opposed the New Deal?

33 Eugene Talmadge score board

34 Where in Georgia was FDR’s Little White House?

35 Warm Springs score board

36 For what illness did FDR go to Georgia for treatment?

37 Polio score board

38 In what state did FDR serve as governor before becoming president?

39 New York score board

40 What caused FDR’s death?

41 Stroke score board

42 How was FDR honored for his efforts to fight against polio?

43 His face is on the dime to commemorate his establishment of the March of Dimes. score board

44 Whose business became famous for its pecan log roll?

45 William Stuckey score board

46 Who was the director of the CCC from its inception until his death?

47 Robert Fechner score board

48 Who was the first African American woman to head a federal agency?

49 Mary McLeod Bethune score board

50 Who was elected Georgia’s governor in 1936?

51 Ed Rivers score board

52 Which Georgia governor campaigned for FDR in 1932?

53 Richard Russell score board

54 What term is given to a “grant of money from the government?”

55 Subsidy board score

56 What is the term for “money and goods and loans and jobs, given to people for a specific purpose?”

57 Relief score board

58 What is the name for an “organization owned by and operated for the benefit of those using its services?”

59 Cooperative score board

60 What is another name for an “economic slowdown?”

61 Recession score board

62 What name is given to “the least amount an employer can pay for an hour’s work?”

63 Minimum wage score board

64 Make your wager on the scoreboard scoreFinal Question

65 Which two New Deal programs were ruled unconstitutional?

66 AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act) NRA (National Recovery Administration) score board

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