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 Scientific notation is a way of expressing really big numbers or really small numbers.  It is most often used in “scientific” calculations where the.

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2  Scientific notation is a way of expressing really big numbers or really small numbers.  It is most often used in “scientific” calculations where the analysis must be very precise.

3  For very large and very small numbers, these numbers can be converted into scientific notation to express them in a more concise form.  Numbers expressed in scientific notation makes it easier to solve problems with big and small numbers.

4  A number between 1 and 10  A power of 10 N x 10 x Are the following in scientific notation?


6  Place the decimal point so that there is one non-zero digit to the left of the decimal point.  Count the number of decimal places the decimal point has “moved” from the original number. This will be the exponent on the 10.

7  If the original number was less than 1, then the exponent is negative. If the original number was greater than 1, then the exponent is positive.

8 See if the original number is greater than or less than one. › If the number is greater than one, the exponent will be positive. 348943 = 3.489 x 10 5 › If the number is less than one, the exponent will be negative..0000000672 = 6.72 x 10 -8

9 Positive Exponent: 2.35 x 10 8 Negative Exponent: 3.97 x 10 -7

10 93,000,000

11  Move decimal left  Leave only one number in front of decimal

12  Write number without zeros

13  Count how many places you moved decimal  Make that your power of ten

14 The power of ten is 7 because the decimal moved 7 places.

15  93,000,000 --- Standard Form  9.3 x 10 7 --- Scientific Notation

16 1) 98,500,000 = 9.85 x 10 ? 2) 64,100,000,000 = 6.41 x 10 ? 3) 279,000,000 = 2.79 x 10 ? 4) 4,200,000 = 4.2 x 10 ? Write in scientific notation. Decide the power of ten. 9.85 x 10 7 6.41 x 10 10 2.79 x 10 8 4.2 x 10 6

17 1) 734,000,000 = ______ x 10 8 2) 870,000,000,000 = ______x 10 11 3) 90,000,000,000 = _____ x 10 10 On these, decide where the decimal will be moved. 1)7.34 x 10 8 2) 8.7 x 10 11 3) 9 x 10 10

18 1) 50,000 2) 7,200,000 3) 802,000,000,000 Write in scientific notation. 1) 5 x 10 4 2) 7.2 x 10 6 3) 8.02 x 10 11

19  Given: 289,800,000  Use: 2.898 (moved 8 places)  Answer: 2.898 x 10 8

20  Given: 0.000567  Use: 5.67 (moved 4 places)  Answer: 5.67 x 10 -4

21 #1 #2

22 1) 9872432 2).0000345 3).08376 4) 5673 9.872432 x 10 6 3.45 x 10 -5 8.376 x 10 2 5.673 x 10 3


24  Move the decimal point to the right for positive exponent 10.  Move the decimal point to the left for negative exponent 10. (Use zeros to fill in places.)

25  If an exponent is positive, the number gets larger, so move the decimal to the right.  If an exponent is negative, the number gets smaller, so move the decimal to the left.

26 Move the decimal to the right 3.4 x 10 5 in scientific notation 340,000 in standard form 3.40000 --- move the decimal

27  Given: 5.093 x 10 6  Answer: 5,093,000 (moved 6 places to the right)

28  Given: 1.976 x 10 -4  Answer: 0.0001976 (moved 4 places to the left)

29  6.27 x 10 6  9.01 x 10 4  6,270,000  90,100

30 1) 9.678 x 10 4 2) 7.4521 x 10 -3 3) 8.513904567 x 10 7 4) 4.09748 x 10 -5 96780.0074521 85139045.67.0000409748

31 #3 #4


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