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DNA Methylation mapping

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1 DNA Methylation mapping
Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing (RRBS) 1. Dynamic DNA methylation across diverse human cell lines and tissues; Katherine E. Varley et al, Genome Res : originally published online January 16, 2013. 2. Preparation of reduced representation bisulfite sequencing libraries for genome-scale DNA methylation profiling; Hongcang Gu1, Zachary D Smith1–3, Christoph Bock1–4, Patrick Boyle1, Andreas Gnirke1 & Alexander Meissner1–3; Nature Protocols, VOL.6 NO.4 | 2011. 3. SOLiD™ Bisulfite-Converted Fragment Library Preparation Protocol.

2 Bisulfite conversion reaction
Bisulfite Sequencing Bisulfite conversion reaction cytosine → cytosine-6- sulfonate; cytosine-6-sulfonate → uracil-6-sulfonate; uracil-6-sulfonate → uracil. 5-methylcytosines is non-reactive to bisulfite ions - therefore remains unchanged.

3 Advantages: - Quantitative method directly measures C/T percentage as all BS approaches. - CpG enrichment: RRBS uniquely uses a specific restriction enzyme as Msp1 that cut in CpG rich areas. - Decreases the amount of sequencing required as well as the cost relative to WGBS. - Only a low sample concentration, between  ng, is required for accurate data analysis. - Formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded inputs can also be used. - Allows for the sequencing of methylated areas that are unable to be properly profiled using conventional bisulfite sequencing techniques. - MethylC-seq and MeDip-seq have a greater genome-wide coverage of CpGs compared to RRBS, but RRBS has a greater coverage on CpG islands is consider quantitative and has single CpG resolution. - The data obtained on RRBS and the Illumina Infinium methylation are highly comparable as both use an absolute measurement of DNA. Limitations: - Restriction Enzyme limitations: MspI digestion covers the majority, but not all the CG regions in the genome. Most CpG island and promoters are covered. - Non-proofreading polymerase must be used as a proof-reading enzyme would stop at uracil residues found in the ssDNA template. - Complete denaturation and conversion is a must as in all BS methods.

4 Flowchart of RRBS library construction for Solid
Genomic DNA isolation Msp1 digestion (C/CGG): CpG islands enrichment Filling in and A-taililing: to facilitate ligation of adapters Adapter ligation: use 10x less than original protocol Nick-translation: to fill the ligation gap and to replace C with metC Gel sizing: select for fragments bp (plus the length of the adapters); carrier DNA added if small amount od DNA Bisulfite conversion: Zymo Research gold kit; 50o for 60min x 16 cycles PCR amplification: test PCR to select number of cycles; amplify the whole library Sequencing: MGL Analysis: MGL

5 Msp digestion and ligation
The top sequence of P1 is the one that is ordered with methylated Cs For small amounts of DNA: - 10 times less adapters - ligation 20 hours at 16o. MSP digestion of genomic DNA: Msp repeats are detected After ligation Nick Translation : - to replace C with 5-metC - covalent bond between adapter and A on the insert. From Hongcang Gu et al, ; Nature Protocols, VOL.6 NO.4 ,2011.

6 Size selection Bisulfite conversion: Zymo Research gold kit;
95 for 30”o, 50o for 60min x 16 cycles Size selection on 2% agarose gel: Cut fragments bp Add sonicated dephosphorylated e. coli DNA as carrier

7 Test PCR To minimize the bias that might be introduced by PCR
Cycles: For final library amplification use the lowest number that generates enough PCR products 200 ml reaction aliquote in 8 wells of 96 well plate. After PCR combine all reactions and purify the library.

8 Profile of the libraries analyzed on Transgenomics HPLC
MW Markers

9 Profile of the libraries run on Bioanalyzer

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