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Class Migration People move (migrate) for positive (pull) & negative (push) reasons.

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Presentation on theme: "Class Migration People move (migrate) for positive (pull) & negative (push) reasons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class Migration People move (migrate) for positive (pull) & negative (push) reasons.

2 Employment Opportunities Education Better Healthcare Better Quality of Life Better Housing Greater Pay Safer & more secure place to live Pull Factors

3 Lack of Employment Natural Disasters Poor Healthcare Civil War Persecution Corrupt Government Poor housing, infrastructure, education etc. Push Factors

4 In this task you will be shown a number of slides with different push and pull scenarios on them. You need to read the scenarios and decide what you would do – Will you move? Will you stay put? Where will you move to? You need to be prepared to give reasons for your decisions.

5 Fertile farmland & Flatland for settlement Coal is discovered River Industry Started Dense forest High mountains Desert

6 Coal mine developsIron Ore Discovered Town grows bigger Fertile farmland And flatland For settlement River Industry Grows & Jobs & Economy Develop Dense forest High mountains Desert

7 Coal mine growsIron Ore Running Out Town grows bigger More jobs created Farmland nutrients running out River Industry goes into Decline – some jobs are lost. Trees cut down for fertile farmland and New settlement created High mountains Desert

8 Coal begins to run out Iron ore mine closes University established in town Modern farming Introduced - Farmland becomes fertile again. River floods Industry moves away from area – high unemployment Crops and livestock successfully farmed High mountains Desert

9 Coal begins to run out No jobs Town grows bigger Machines mean fewer workers are required to work on farms. River Shops, schools, leisure Activities shut down. Soil erosion due to deforestation High mountains Desert

10 Coal runs outNo jobs More jobs and opportunities Some land used for Settlement – rest Of land still for Farming. River floods again Area developed by government – jobs created, new housing built & Leisure opportunities created. Area flooded for hydroelectric power scheme High mountains Oil is discovered in desert


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