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Memory and Cognition Improving Memory, Language, and Thought.

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Presentation on theme: "Memory and Cognition Improving Memory, Language, and Thought."— Presentation transcript:

1 Memory and Cognition Improving Memory, Language, and Thought

2 Mnemonics: Helping Memory Techs. for improving mem. by making connections btwn new info and LTM Make use of visual imagery or organizational information Acronyms: –King Phillip Came Over From Great Spain –ROY G BIV –MAIN reasons for WWI *More likely to remember a random series of numbers than letters b/c letters sound similar and will interfere with recall

3 Language Infants born with ability to create sounds—babbling (Chomsky) –Make noises from all languages—not just parents’ Acquire language very fast— one new word per waking hour from 1.5-6 yrs Naming explosion, two-word speech, telegraphic speech Children learn proper language from observation— learn social rules of convo Learn best when young— learn non-native language before puberty = no accent

4 Concepts Mental representations based on experience –Ex: Birthday parties, 4 th of July Prototype—an ideal or best example of a concept –Ex: The concept is writing instrument –Which is prototype: crayon, paintbrush, pen –Ex: President: Washington, Lincoln, Obama, Millard Fillmore

5 Schemas Remember Piaget!!! –Mental framework that organizes information –Provides expectations about events, people, objects, etc.—when it deals with expectations in a particular setting it is called a script You make inferences about new info based on schemas

6 Problem Solving Strategies Algorithms—procedures of formulas that guarantee a correct outcome if used properly –Ex: Computer runs simulations for every conceivable option while playing a game or to guess a 3 digit code you try 1-1-1; 1-1-2; 1-1-3, etc. –Cannot solve everything b/c you must know all information to use an algorithm (what house should I buy)


8 Another Strategy Heuristics—cog strategies used as shortcuts to solve problems (rule of thumb) –Ex: having computer problems? Try restarting it –Does not guarantee a correct solution –3 ex: working backwards; look for analogies; break big problem into smaller problems

9 Problems with Heuristics Mental set—tendency to approach a new problem like you approached an old problem Confirmation Bias— likelihood to ignore or find fault in information that does not fit in with personal opinions or seek information that supports your beliefs –Only focus on parts on information that fits your schema –Cable news shows/talk radio

10 More Problems Hindsight Bias—tendency to second guess decisions after consequences are apparent –“I knew you should not have bet on the Patriots.” Representative heuristic (bias)—tendency to put people/events in groups and then believe all that fit into the group share the same features –Or judging the likelihood a person/event fits into a group b/c of how it resembles a prototype –Leads to stereotypes/racism Availability heuristic (bias)—tendency to estimate the probability of something based on info recalled from personal experience –Ex: Chile suffers earthquakes a lot more than Russia

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