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Zac Adelman and Craig Mattocks Carolina Environmental Program

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1 Zac Adelman and Craig Mattocks Carolina Environmental Program
Air Quality Modeling ∂C/ ∂t = - ∂(uC)/ ∂x - ∂(vC)/ ∂y - ∂(wC)/ ∂z J = ∫ 4πIλ,T Aλ,T QYλ,T dλ kr = Ar(300/T)Bexp(Cr/T) dx = (Recosφ)dλe Zac Adelman and Craig Mattocks Carolina Environmental Program

2 Outline Why model air pollution?
Air quality modeling system components Meteorology Emissions Chemistry and transport Technical and operational details Problems in air quality modeling Application examples Future directions in atmospheric modeling

3 SO2 (g) SO2 (aq) O3 + NO  NO2 + O2 O + O2 + M  O3 + M Source Sink
Aqueous Chemistry: SO2 (g) SO2 (aq) O3 + NO  NO2 + O2 O + O2 + M  O3 + M Gas Chemistry: Aerosol Processes: Condensation & Deposition Evaporation & Sublimation Nucleation & Coagulation Advection Diffusion Boundary Conditions Biogenic Emissions Anthropogenic Emissions Geogenic Emissions Adapted from Mackenzie and Mackenzie, “Our Changing Planet”, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1995. Source Sink

4 Why model air pollution?
Air pollution models are frameworks that integrate our understanding of individual processes with atmospheric measurements Air pollution systems are non-linear Need to establish the link between emissions sources and ambient concentrations

5 Air Quality Modeling Components
Meteorology modeling Emissions processing Initial/boundary conditions processing Photolysis rate processing Chemistry and transport modeling

6 WRF-ARW Basics Fundamentals of Numerical Weather Prediction
Real vs. artificial atmosphere Map projections Horizontal grid staggering Vertical coordinate systems Definitions & Acronyms Flavors of WRF ARW core NMM core Other Numerical Weather Prediction Models MM5 ARPS Global Icosahedral WRF Model Governing Equations Vertical coordinate and grid discretization Time integration Microphysics Current Defects of WRF

7 Real vs. Artificial Atmosphere
True analytical solutions are unknown! Numerical models are discrete approximations of a continuous fluid.

8 Map Projections x = r cos  y = r 
Example of a regional high resolution grid (projection of a spherical surface onto a 2D plane) nested within a global (lat,lon) grid with spherical coordinates x = r cos  y = r  Differences in map projections require caution when dealing with flow of information across grid boundaries. WRF offers polar stereographic, Lambert conformal, Mercator and rotated Lat-Lon map projections.

9 Arakawa “A” Grid Unstaggered grid - all variables defined everywhere.
Poor performance, first grid geometry employed in NWP models. Noisy - large errors, short waves propagate energy in wrong direction, additional smoothing required. Poorest at geostrophic adjustment - wave energy trapped, heights remain too high. Can use a 2x larger time step than staggered grids.

10 Arakawa “B” Grid Staggered, velocity at corners.
Preferred at coarse resolution. Superior for poorly resolved inertia-gravity waves. Good for geostrophy, Rossby waves: collocation of velocity points. Bad for gravity waves: computational checkerboard mode. Used by MM5 model.

11 Arakawa “C” Grid Staggered, mass at center, normal velocity, fluxes at grid cell faces, vorticity at corners. Preferred at fine resolution. Superior for gravity waves. Good for well resolved inertia-gravity waves. Simulates Kelvin waves (shoulder on boundary) well. Bad for poorly resolved waves: Rossby waves (computational checkerboard mode) and inertia-gravity waves due to averaging the Coriolis force. Used by WRF-ARW, ARPS, CMAQ models.

12 Arakawa “D” Grid Staggered, mass at center, tangential velocity along grid faces. Poorest performance, worst dispersion properties, rarely used. Noisy - large errors, short waves propagate energy in wrong direction.

13 Arakawa “E” Grid Semi-staggered grid.
Equivalent to superposition of 2 C-grids, then rotated 45 degrees. Center set to translated (lat,lon) = (0,0) to prevent distortion near edges, poles. Developed for Eta step-mountain coordinate to enhance blocking, overcome PGF errors caused by sigma coordinates. Controls the cascade of energy toward smaller scales. Used by WRF-NMM and Eta models.




17 Definitions & Acronyms
WRF: Weather Research & Forecasting numerical weather prediction model ARW: Advanced Research WRF [nee Eulerian Model (EM)] core NMM: Nonhydrostatic Mesoscale Model core WRF-SI: Standard Initialization (4 components) - prepares real atmospheric data for input to WRF WRF-VAR: Variational 3D/4D data assimilation system (not used for this class) IDV: Integrated Data Viewer - Java application for interactive visualization of WRF model output

18 Flavors of WRF (ARW) ARW solver (research - NCAR, Boulder, Colorado)
Fully compressible, nonhydrostatic equations with hydrostatic option Arakawa-C horizontal grid staggering Mass-based terrain following vertical coordinate Vertical grid spacing can vary with height Top is a constant pressure surface Scalar-conserving flux form for prognostic model variables 2nd to 6th-order advection options in horizontal &vertical One-way, two-way and movable nest options Runge-Kutta 2nd & 3rd-order time integration options Time-splitting Large time step for advection Small time step for acoustic and internal gravity waves Small step horizontally explicit, vertically implicit Divergence damping for suppressing sound waves Full physics options for land surface, PBL, radiation, microphysics and cumulus parameterization WRF-chem under development:

19 Flavors of WRF (NMM) NMM solver (operational - NCEP, Camp Springs, Maryland) Fully compressible, nonhydrostatic equations with reduced hydrostatic option Arakawa-E horizontal grid staggering, rotated latitude-longitude Hybrid sigma-pressure vertical coordinate Conservative, positive definite, flux-corrected scheme used for horizontal and vertical advection of TKE and water species 2nd-order spatial that conserves a number of 1st-order and quadratic quantities, including energy and enstrophy One-way, two-way and movable nesting options Time-integration schemes: forward-backward for horizontally propagating fast waves, implicit for vertically propagating sound waves, Adams-Bashforth for horizontal advection and Coriolis force, and Crank-Nicholson for vertical advection Divergence damping & E subgrid coupling for suppressing sound waves Full physics options for land surface, PBL, radiation, microphysics (only Ferrier scheme) and cumulus parameterization Note: Many ARW core options are not yet implemented! Nesting still under development NMM core will be used for HWRF (hurricane version of WRF), operational in summer of 2007

20 Other NWP Models (MM5) MM5 (research - PSU/NCAR, Boulder, Colorado)
Progenitor of WRF-ARW, mature NWP model with extensive configuration options Support terminated, no future enhancements by NCAR’s MMM division Nonhydrostatic and hydrostatic frameworks Arakawa-B horizontal grid staggering Terrain following sigma vertical coordinate Unsophisticated advective transport schemes cause dispersion, dissipation, poor mass conservation, lack of shape preservation Outdated Leapfrog time integration scheme One-way and two-way (including movable) nesting options 4-dimensional data assimilation via nudging (Newtonian relaxation), 3D-VAR, and adjoint model Full physics options for land surface, PBL, radiation, microphysics and cumulus parameterization

21 Other NWP Models (ARPS)
ARPS (research - CAPS/OU, Norman, Oklahoma) Advanced Regional Prediction System Sophisticated NWP model with capabilities similar to WRF Primarily used for tornado simulations at ultra-high (25 meter) resolutions and assimilation of experimental radar data at mesoscale Elegant, source code, easy to read/understand/modify, ideal for research projects, very helpful scientists at CAPS Arakawa-C horizontal grid staggering Currently lacks full mass conservation and Runge-Kutta time integration scheme ARPS Data Assimilation System (ADAS) under active development/enhancement (MPI version soon), faster & more flexible than WRF-SI, employed in LEAD NSF cyber-infrastructure project wrf2arps and arps2wrf data set conversion programs available

22 Global Icosahedral Model

23 WRF Model Governing Equations (Eulerian Flux Form)
Momentum: ∂U/∂t + (∇ · Vu) − ∂(pφη)/∂x + ∂(pφx)/∂η = FU ∂V/∂t + (∇ · Vv) − ∂(pφη)/∂y + ∂(pφy)/∂η = FV ∂W/∂t + (∇ · Vw) − g(∂p/∂η − μ) = FW Potential Temperature: Diagnostic Hydrostatic (inverse density a): ∂Θ/∂t + (∇ · Vθ) = FΘ ∂φ/∂η = -μ Continuity: where: μ = column mass V = μv = (U,V,W) Ω = μ d(η)/dt Θ = μθ ∂μ/∂t + (∇ · V) = 0 Geopotential Height: ∂φ/∂t + μ−1[(V · ∇φ) − gW] = 0

24 WRF Vertical Coordinate h

25 Vertical Grid Discretization

26 Runge-Kutta Time Integration
Φ∗ = Φt + t/3 R(Φt ) Φ∗∗ = Φt + t/2 R(Φ∗) Φt+t = Φt + t R(Φ∗∗) “2.5” Order Scheme Linear: rd order Non-linear: 2nd order Square Wave Advection Tests:

27 Runge-Kutta Time Step Constraint
RK3 is limited by the advective Courant number (ut/x) and the user’s choice of advection schemes (2nd through 6th order) The maximum stable Courant numbers for advection in the RK3 scheme are almost double those in the leapfrog time-integration scheme Maximum Courant number for 1D advection in RK3 Time Scheme Spatial order 3rd 4th 5th 6th Leapfrog Unstable 0.72 0.62 RK2 0.88 0.30 RK3 1.61 1.26 1.42 1.08

28 Microphysics Includes explicitly resolved water vapor, cloud and precipitation processes Model accommodates any number of mixing-ratio variables Four-dimensional arrays with 3 spatial indices and one species index Memory (size of 4th dimension) is allocated depending on the scheme Carried out at the end of the time-step as an adjustment process, does not provide tendencies Rationale: condensation adjustment should be at the end of the time step to guarantee that the final saturation balance is accurate for the updated temperature and moisture Latent heating forcing for potential temperature during dynamical sub-steps (saving the microphysical heating as an approximation for the next time step) Sedimentation process is accounted for, a smaller time step is allowed to calculate vertical flux of precipitation to prevent instability Saturation adjustment is also included

29 WRF Microphysics Options
Mixed-phase processes are those that result from the interaction of ice and water particles (e.g. riming that produces graupel or hail) For grid sizes ≤ 10 km, where updrafts may be resolved, mixed-phase schemes should be used, particularly in convective or icing situations For coarser grids the added expense of these schemes is not worth it because riming is not likely to be resolved Scheme Number of Moisture Variables Ice-Phase Processes Mixed-Phase Processes Kessler 3 N Purdue Lin 6 Y WSM3 WSM5 5 WSM6 Eta GCP 2 Thompson 7

30 Current Defects of WRF Serious deficiencies in PBL parameterizations and land surface models produce biases/errors in the predicted surface and 2-meter temperatures, and PBL height. WRF cannot maintain shallow stable layers. 3D/4D Variational data assimilation and Ensemble Kalman Filtering (EnKF) still under development, EnKF available to community from NCAR as part of the Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART). Not clear yet what to do in “convective no-man’s land” – convective parameterizations valid only at horizontal scales > 10 km, but needed to trigger convection at 5-10 km scales. Multi-species microphysics schemes with more accurate particle size distributions and multiple moments should be developed to rectify errors in the prediction of convective cells. Heat and momentum exchange coefficients need to be improved for high-wind conditions in order to forecast hurricane intensity. Wind wave and sea spray coupling should also be implemented. Movable, vortex-following 2-way interactive nested grid capability has recently been incorporated into the WRF framework. Upper atmospheric processes (gravity wave drag and stratospheric physics) need to be improved for coupling with global models.

31 Emissions Processing Emissions Processing Steps Area Mobile Point
Biogenic Emissions Processing Steps AQM-ready Emissions:

32 Emissions Terminology
Inventory: estimate of pollutant emissions at a given spatial unit Model Grid: 3-d representation of the earths surface based on discrete and uniform spatial units, i.e. grid cells Speciation: conversion of inventory pollutant species to model pollutant species Gridding: conversion of inventory spatial units to model grid cells Temporalization: conversion of inventory temporal units to those requires by an air quality model

33 Emissions Terminology
Plume rise: calculation of the vertical distribution of emissions from point sources and the subsequent allocation of the emissions to the model layers Spatial surrogate: GIS-based estimate of the fraction of a grid cell covered by a particular land-use category (e.g. population or rural housing) Profiles: emissions distributions in space, time, or to chemical species Cross-referencing: relating profiles to specific emissions sources

34 Area sources Most basic inventory unit
Country/province/municipality wide estimate Requires spatial surrogates to map to a model grid Examples Construction and agricultural emissions Road dust Fires

35 Mobile sources On-road: Estimate by road way and vehicle type
Requires emissions factors for local vehicles and activities/speeds for local roads Gridding by road way distribution or links Can use local meteorology to adjust emissions factors for temperature and humidity Examples: Heavy-duty diesel trucks on primary highways, light-duty gasoline cars on rural roads Non-road: Area-like estimates Examples: Construction and mining vehicles, recreational vehicles (boats, ATV’s),

36 Point sources Emissions at specific latitude-longitude coordinates
Often elevated sources that require stack parameters (e.g. stack height, exit gas velocities, exit gas temperatures, etc.) Can use annual, daily, or hourly emissions estimates Examples: Electricity generating units (EGU’s) Smelters Wildfires

37 Biogenic sources Estimates of emissions from vegetation and soils
Uses gridded land-use data and emissions factors by vegetation type Uses local meteorology to calculate emissions based on photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and to adjust for temperatures Examples: VOC emissions from specific tree species Soil NO

38 Gridded sources Pre-gridded emissions from global databases
Normalize to the model grid to combine with other sources Can encompass any of the emissions categories Top-down vs. bottom-up emissions estimate

39 Emissions Processing Purpose: convert emissions data to formats required by air quality model Primary functions Import data into system Spatial allocation (gridding) Chemical allocation (speciation) Temporal allocation Merge Quality assurance

40 Emissions Processing Steps
Data Import Inventory categories Area Point Mobile Biogenic Gridded ASCII or gridded binary Country/state/county estimates Annual estimates Pollutants include bulk VOC and PM2.5 Spatial Allocation Inventory spatial units  model grid Requires spatial surrogates EI  Grid Cell Mapping

41 Emissions Processing Steps
Chemical Allocation Tons  Moles Converts inventory pollutants to air quality model species Model-dependent speciation profiles NOx  NO + NO2 VOC  PAR, OLE, etc. PM2.5  NO3, SO4, etc. Temporal allocation Inventory units  hourly emissions Requires temporal profiles Monthly Weekly Diurnal

42 Emissions Processing Steps
Merging Combine all intermediate steps to create AQM-ready emissions Combine individual source categories Formatting Units Output file naming Quality Assurance Report base inventory values and changes at each processing step Customize reporting e.g. by state and SCC, by SCC and temporal profiles, by grid cell and surrogate I.D. Means to determine why a result occurred

43 Other Emissions Processing Steps
Plume Rise Allocate elevated emissions sources to vertical model layers Compute layer fractions Require meteorology to calculate plume buoyancy Stationary point, fires, in-flight aircraft Projections Grow and/or control inventories for future year modeling Source-based projection information

44 Emissions Processing Paradigms
Linear Sequential steps that follow a particular order Requires completing one step before completing the next Parallel Flexible sequence with steps in any order Import Grid Speciate Temporal Merge AQM Import Grid Speciate Temporal Merge AQM

45 Initial and Boundary Conditions
Initial conditions define the chemical conditions at the start of a simulation Defined using vertical profiles of clean background concentrations Boundary conditions define the chemical conditions on the horizontal faces of the modeling domain Static and dynamic boundaries are possible Initial conditions decay exponentially with simulation time; boundary conditions on the upwind boundary continue to affect predictions through an entire simulation.

46 Initial/Boundary Condition Processing
Processing requires generating IC/BC estimates on a model-grid Nested simulations extract BC’s from a parent grid Multi-day simulations extract IC’s from the last hour of the previous day

47 Photolysis Rate Processing
Photolysis: Chemical dissociation caused by the absorption of solar radiation Photolysis rate: rate of reaction for pollutants that undergo photolysis Processing calculates clear sky photolysis rates at different latitudes and altitudes Air quality models adjust rates with cloud cover estimates from meteorology J = ∫ 4πIλ,T Aλ,T QYλ,T dλ

48 What are air quality models?
Statistical models: describe concentrations in the future as a statistical function of current chemical and/or meteorological conditions Chemistry-transport models (CTM): based on fundamental descriptions of physical and chemical processes in the atmosphere

49 How do CTMs work? Air Quality Model processes
Dynamical/thermodynamical: meteorology, land surface conditions (soil, water) Transport: emissions, advection, diffusion, dry deposition, sedimentation Gas phase chemistry: photochemistry, phase changes Radiative: optical depth, visibility, energy transfer Aerosol/clouds: nucleation, coagulation, heterogeneous chemistry, aqueous chemistry

50 Overlay 3-D boxes on a grid
Lagrangian/Trajectory Models Moves relative to the coordinate Different locations at different times Only emissions enter the cell No material leaves the cell

51 Overlay 3-D boxes on a grid
Eulerian Models Fixed relative to the coordinate All locations at all times Materials move through all cell faces*

52 Conceptual approach to CTMs
Extend the 2-D box model to three dimensions 2-D 3-D ∆x ∆x ∆z u1C1 u2C2 u2C2 u1C1 Ci ∆y Ci ∆y Basic Continuity Equation (flux in 1 direction): ∆C ∆x ∆y ∆z = u1C1∆y ∆z ∆t – u2C2 ∆y ∆z ∆t Divide by ∆t and volume: ∂C/ ∂t = - ∂(uC)/ ∂x u = wind vector Ci = concentration of species i

53 Expanded Continuity Equation
w2C2 3-D ∆x ∆z u2C2 u1C1 Expanded Continuity Equation Derivation: Expand to flux three dimensions: ∂C/ ∂t = - ∂(uC)/ ∂x - ∂(vC)/ ∂y - ∂(wC)/ ∂z = ∙ (vC) (flux divergence form) Add additional production and loss terms: ∂C/ ∂t + ∙ (vC) = D 2 C + R + E - S Ri X v1C1 ∆y E S w1C1 u,v,w = wind vectors E = emissions S = loss processes Ri = Chemical formation of species I D = Molecular diffusion coefficient

54 Rnuc + Rc/e + Rdp/s + Rds/e + Rhr
Aqueous Chemistry: Gas Chemistry: Aerosol Processes: Rchem Rhr Rnuc + Rc/e + Rdp/s + Rds/e + Rhr Diffusion: D C Advection: ∙ (vC) Boundary Conditions Remis Rdep Rwash R = Rate chem=chemical production/loss hr=heterogeneous reactions nuc=nucleation c/ev=condensation/evaporation dp/s=depositional growth/sublimation ds/e=dissolution/evaporation wash=washout dep=deposition emis=emissions

55 Full Continuity Equations
Gas Continuity Equation ∂C/ ∂t + ∙ (vC) = D 2 C + Rchemg + Remisg + Rdepg+ Rwashg + Rnucg + Rc/eg + Rdp/sg + Rds/eg + Rhrg Particle Continuity Equation (number) ∂n/ ∂t + ∙ (vn) = D 2 n + Remisn + Rdepn+ Rsedn + Rnucn + Rwashn + Rcoagn Particle Continuity Equation (volume concentration) ∂V/ ∂t + ∙ (vV) = D 2 V + Remisv + Rdepv+ Rsedv + Rnucv + Rwashv + Rcoagv+ Rc/ev + Rdp/sv + Rds/ev + Regv + Rqgv + Rhrv

56 CTM Coordinate Systems
Convert all motion equations from Cartesian to spherical coordinates Horizontal grids typically on the order of 1 to 36 km Recent applications extending to 500m and 108 km Lambert conformal, polar stereographic, and Mercator are the most common modeling projections dx = (Recosφ)dλe dy = Red φ

57 CTM Coordinate Systems
Vertical grids extend from the surface to 10 km Altitude coordinate: layers are defined as surfaces of constant height with variable pressure Pressure coordinate: layers are defined as surfaces of constant pressure with variable height Sigma-pressure coordinate: layers defined as surfaces of constant σ, where pa – pa,top pa, surf - pa,top σ = (0,1)

58 Boundary Layer Processes
Boundary layer more difficult to model because of greater turbulence and larger emissions forcing terms than in free troposphere; land surface interactions and planetary boundary layer (PBL) dynamics dominate Surface temperature and soil moisture affect energy and moisture flux; affect mixing heights, winds, and pollutant concentrations

59 Modeled cloud processes
Aerosol particle Radiative transfer: reflecting, scattering, and trapping heat Atmospheric component of the hydrologic cycle Wet deposition of gases and particles Medium for aqueous phase chemistry Vertical transport/convective mixing Energy balance: temperature effects and photolysis rates Aerosol Processes Condensation Gas Phase Water Droplet pA pA(a) A(a) A(r) B(a) B(r) pC pC(a) C(a) C(r) Evaporation New aerosol particle

60 Energy/Radiative Effects
Visibility Optical depth scattering and absorption between top of atmosphere and altitude x Photolysis rates dI/dx = σ bIB - σ ext I σ = extinction coefficient I = visible radiance Radiative transfer Sun Beam (μ,Θ) Fs (-μ,Θ) Θ Multiple scattering Direct J = ∫ 4πIλ,T Aλ,T QYλ,T dλ Single scattering Θs Diffuse 4πI = actinic flux A = absorption cross section QY = quantum yield

61 Gas Phase Chemistry Carbon bond lumping Molecular lumping
Thousands of different organic and inorganic gases react to form smog and PM Gas phase chemistry is a “stiff” system Parameterized chemistry mechanisms represent the system with a few surrogate organic pollutants Surrogates based on molecular or atomic structures of pollutants Carbon bond lumping Propane = 3 PAR: H3C-CH2-CH3 1-Butene = 2 PAR + 1 OLE: H2C=CH-CH3-CH3 averaged reaction rates Molecular lumping Surrogates represent similarly reactive species Explicit or averaged reaction rates

62 Gas Phase Chemistry Important Organic Reactions (methane example)
OH + CH4  H2O + CH3∙ CH3∙ + O2  CH3O2∙ CH3O2∙ + NO  NO2 + CH3O∙ CH3O∙ + O2  HO2 + HCHO CH3O2∙ + HO2  O2 + CH3O2H CH3O2H + hv  CH3O∙ (λ<360 nm) CH3O2H + OH  H2O + CH3O2∙ Important Inorganic Reactions NO + O3  NO2 + O2 NO2 + hv  NO + O (λ<420 nm) O + O2 + M  O3 + M O3 + hv  O2 + O(1D) (λ<310 nm) O3 + hv  O2 + O3P (λ>310 nm) O(1D) + H2O  2OH OH + O3  HO2 + O2 OH + NO  HONO HONO + hv  OH + NO (λ<400 nm) NO2 + OH  HNO3 HNO3 + hv  NO2 + OH (λ<335 nm)

63 Gas Phase Chemistry Key reaction sequence for smog
ROG∙ + NO  NO2 + ROG∙∙ NO + O3  NO2 + O2 NO2 + hv  NO + O O + O2 + M  O3 + M

64 Gas Phase Chemistry Kinetics J = ∫ 4πIλ,T Aλ,T QYλ,T dλ
aA + bB  eE + fF Rate = kr[A]a[B]b Rate constant calculations d[A]t/dt = -kF[A]t = -kS[A]t[B]0 = -kT[A]t[B]0[C]0 1st order: A  D + E kF = -(1/t) ln [A]t/[A]0 2nd order: A + B  D + E kS = -(1/[B]0t) ln [A]t/[A]0 3rd order: A + B + C  D + E kT = -(1/[B]0[C]0t) ln [A]t/[A]0 Arrhenius equation for temperature dependence kr = Ar(300/T)Bexp(Cr/T) Troe equation for temperature and pressure dependence kr = {(k∞,T k0,T [M])/(k∞,T+k0,T[M])}Fc [1+(logk0[M]/k∞)^2]^-1 Photolysis rate equation J = ∫ 4πIλ,T Aλ,T QYλ,T dλ

65 Aqueous Chemistry Gases equilibrate with the aqueous phase by Henry’s law: [A(aq)] = HApA Dissolved gases react in solution to form new compounds Sequence: droplet formation  gases dissolve in droplet  chemical reactions  evaporation

66 Aerosol Dynamics Size distribution: ratio of # aerosols in a diameter range to the size of the range; discrete function of the number of particles Ni = ni∆Dp Number distribution: continuous function of the diameter of the particles N = ∫ nN(Dp)dDp Aerosol moments: properties of the distributions (e.g. mean, variance)

67 Aerosol Dynamics Mass transfer solutions to transport mass between gas/aqueous/solid phases Solve gravitational settling, diffusion, and advection for moving particles around 4 classes of nucleation for particle formation: Homogenous  Homomolecular Homogenous  Heteromolecular Heterogenous  Homomolecular Heterogenous  Heteromolecular

68 CTM Setup and Configuration
All CTM’s are free and open source Compile on UNIX/Linux with Fortran Script interfaces for compiling and running Begin with download, installation, and compilation Set up computing environment I/O directories Check for processor availability and disk space

69 CTM Setup and Configuration
CTM’s are at the end of a long sequence of preprocessing steps Prepare meteorology inputs with research and forecast met models Prepare emissions inputs with specialized emissions processors Prepare initial and boundary condition inputs with preprocessors packaged with CTM Generate clear sky photolysis rates with a preprocessor packaged with CTM

70 CTM Process Schematic Hourly Concentrations Model Ready Emissions
Met Modeling Emissions IC Preparation BC Photolysis Rates 2-D/3-D Met Files Model Ready Input File Clear Sky J Rates CTM Hourly Concentrations Cumulative Wet Dep Dry Dep Visibility Metrics Diagnostic Outputs

71 Modeling Conventions Establish base case model performance
Simulate sensitivities off the base case Select episodes or time periods that illustrate the problem being addressed O3 episodes PM episodes High flow regimes/transport scenarios Annual episodes for one-atmosphere modeling

72 One Atmosphere Approach
Changing paradigm from multiple models that address individual process to a single unified model Conceptually more realistic: all atmospheric processes are coupled In practice very difficult because of confounding errors “Right answer for the wrong reasons”

73 What is the right answer for CTMs?
Evaluation techniques Comparisons to ambient measurements Sanity checks Looking for known trends (diurnal/seasonal patterns, chemical signatures (ratios) Comparison to measurements Paired in space and time Compare predicted vs observed maximums Paired in space but not in time Statistical metrics include paired/unpaired peak prediction accuracy, mean normalized bias, mean error

74 Problems in air quality modeling
Inconsistencies in spatial scales and speciation when comparing models to measurements Incomplete measurement database (PBL, radiation budget, short lived pollutants, observations aloft) Huge uncertainties in all input data Garbage in = Garbage out

75 Problems in air quality modeling
Met and chemistry models are tuned for certain conditions Meteorology models generally don’t work well under stagnant, low flow conditions Chemistry models break down at night and during background ambient conditions Incomplete science For various reasons, some important atmospheric processes are either not represented at all or are using crude approximations

76 Significant CTM Studies
Regional Ozone Model: early 1980’s, first regional scale model, early studies on regional transport Regional Acid Deposition Model: mid 1980’s, 1st multi-pollutant model, predecessor to current modeling systems National Acid Precipitation Assessment (NAPAP): 1980’s, established links between S emissions in the Midwest to acid rain in the Northeast; first modeling studies of emissions trading programs

77 Significant CTM Studies
Ozone Transport Assessment Group (OTAG): mid 1990’s, established multi-scale problem of ozone, relationships between 1-hr vs. 8-hr ozone standard and transport, prevailing regional conditions for poor air quality, weekday-weekend trends in air quality

78 Model Application Examples
Regional Ozone Sensitivities - NCDAQ Combined Area, Mobile, Point Reductions Base June, 1996 Combined Area, Mobile, Point Reductions Across the board Area, Mobile Reductions

79 Model Application Examples
Intercontinental transport of pollutants

80 Model Application Examples
Continental one atmosphere modeling 1 day, 24-hour average ozone Observations overlaid on plot

81 Model Application Examples
Continental one atmosphere modeling Summer, 2002 Sulfate Winter, 2002 Nitrate

82 Future Directions Quantify model uncertainties
Expand the ability of the models to represent and integrate all atmospheric processes 2-way coupling between global, regional, and neighborhood scale models Source apportionment technologies Couple with other media/disciplines (water,soil,risk, economics) Community/open source development

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