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Nixon and the Cold War 1969-1974. What do we remember about the Cold War in the 50s and 60s? Truman? Eisenhower? Kennedy? Johnson?

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Presentation on theme: "Nixon and the Cold War 1969-1974. What do we remember about the Cold War in the 50s and 60s? Truman? Eisenhower? Kennedy? Johnson?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nixon and the Cold War 1969-1974

2 What do we remember about the Cold War in the 50s and 60s? Truman? Eisenhower? Kennedy? Johnson?

3 1968 – Prague Spring

4 HENRY KISSINGER Secretary of State (’73-’77) “REALPOLITIK” Détente

5 Détente and Realpolitik Nixon’s foreign policy (developed by Kissinger) Détente- Search for a more constructive relationship with communist countries by relaxing Cold War tensions Realpolitik- Focus on powerful countries- China and Soviet Union, engage and recognize (containment didn’t recognize)

6 What about Nixon and Vietnam? Kissinger – Pushing idea of linkage If USSR and China would just stop supplying N. Vietnam then communists would have to negotiate Led to idea of recognizing and trying to negotiate with USSR and China in 1970s

7 Nixon and the USSR Kitchen Debate 1959

8 Nixon and the USSR-Brezhnev (1972)

9 Leonid Brezhnev

10 Nixon and Brezhnev Before trip- 1971 Berlin Accord –Free access to West Berlin by Western nations, improved communication between halves –Americans Recognize East Berlin (formal relationship 1974)

11 Results of visit to USSR SALT (Strategic Arms Limitations Talks) - May 1972 SALT I Treaty- limited number of ICBMs (but not MIRVs) and limits on ABMs Nixon accepted concept of Mutually assured Destruction

12 Nixon and China ( Feb 1972)

13 Nixon and China US had practice policy of non- recognition with mainland China (since 1949) Nixon reverses that policy- “Ping Pong Diplomacy” Talks with Mao and Zhou Enlai

14 Nixon’s goals in China Heal rift between US and China Take advantage of China- Soviet Union rift (pressure on Vietnam?) Show that negotiating with the Communists could work without appearing soft


16 Effects of trip to China Symbolic value- negotiating can work Official agreements –Neither would try to dominate the Pacific –Cooperate in settling Pacific disputes –Taiwan politically part of mainland China Carter officially started diplomatic relations with China in Dec 1978  Increased trade


18 Was Nixon giving mixed messages? WHAT ABOUT CHILE? What happened there??? news/washington/2008- 09-10-nixon_N.htm news/washington/2008- 09-10-nixon_N.htm

19 Ford’s Foreign Policy Little experience, relies on Kissinger Helsinki Accords: 35 nations signed a series of agreements that promised greater cooperation between the nations of Eastern and Western Europe

20 Problems in SE Asia 1975 Comm gov’t in Cambodia seized US merchant ship Mayaguez in the Gulf of Siam Ford responded w/ massive show of military force; sent US Marines to rescue 39 crew members of the ship cost more lives (41) than saved/Ford reacted w/out consulting Congress, but most applauded action b/c showed country’s strength

21 Carter: Human Rights in Foreign Policy Cut off military aid to Argentina and Brazil (imprisoned/ tortured thousands of their own people) Est. Bureau of Human Rights in the State Department Inconsistent b/c supported dictators in S. Korea and Philippines

22 Panama Johnson to Carter off/on negotiations w/ Panamanians (they were upset at division of ownership of their land) 1977: 2 treaties – Panama controls Canal on Dec. 31, 1999 –Improves relationship w/ Latin America

23 Collapse of Détente o insist on human rights, led to demise in relations w/ the USSR o SALT II signed June 1979: did NOT reduce arms, did limit # of strategic weapons and nuclear-missile launchers ea. side produced oSALT II: harsh opposition to Senate …US at a military disadvantage o Dec 1979 SU invaded Afghanistan o SALT II treaty died


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