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The Production Process and Costs

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1 The Production Process and Costs
Chapter 5 The Production Process and Costs McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2014 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

2 Chapter Outline The production function The cost function
Chapter Overview Chapter Outline The production function Short- versus long-run decisions Measures of productivity Manager’s role in production process Production function and productivity algebraic forms Isoquants and isocosts Cost minimization and optimal input substitution The cost function Short-run costs Average and marginal costs Relations among costs Fixed and sunk costs Cost function algebraic forms Long-run costs and economies of scale Multiple-output cost functions Economies of scope and cost complementarity

3 Chapter Overview Introduction Chapter 4 focused on how consumers adjust consumption decisions in reaction to price and income changes. The theory developed illustrates the underlying principles of individual and market demand curves. This chapter examines how managers select the optimal mix of inputs that minimize production costs.

4 The Production Function

5 Short-Run versus Long-Run Decisions: Fixed and Variable Inputs
The Production Function Short-Run versus Long-Run Decisions: Fixed and Variable Inputs Short-run Period of time where some factors of production (inputs) are fixed, and constrain a manager’s decisions. Long-run Period of time over which all factors of production (inputs) are variable, and can be adjusted by a manager.

6 Measures of Productivity
The Production Function Measures of Productivity

7 Measures of Productivity in Action
The Production Function Measures of Productivity in Action

8 Relation between Productivity Measures in Action
The Production Function Relation between Productivity Measures in Action Total product Average product Marginal product Increasing marginal returns to labor Decreasing marginal returns to labor Negative marginal returns to labor Total product (TP) Average product (APL) Labor input (holding capital constant) Marginal product (MPL)

9 Law of Diminishing Returns: As additional units of a variable input are combined with a fixed input, at some point the additional output (i.e., marginal product) starts to diminish. Nothing says when diminishing returns will start to take effect, only that it will happen at some point. All inputs added to the production process are exactly the same in individual productivity

10 The Three Stages of Production in the Short Run
Stage I: From zero units of the variable input to where AP is maximized (where MP=AP) Stage II: From the maximum AP to where MP=0 Stage III: From where MP=0 on

11 In the short run, rational firms should only be operating in Stage II.
Why not Stage III? Firm uses more variable inputs to produce less output Why not Stage I? Underutilizing fixed capacity Can increase output per unit by increasing the amount of the variable input

12 What level of input usage within Stage II is best for the firm?
The answer depends upon how many units of output the firm can sell, the price of the product, and the monetary costs of employing the variable input.

13 The Manager’s Role in the Production Process
The Production Function The Manager’s Role in the Production Process

14 Manager’s Role in the Production Process in Action
The Production Function Manager’s Role in the Production Process in Action

15 Algebraic Forms of Production Functions
The Production Function Algebraic Forms of Production Functions

16 Algebraic Forms of Production Functions in Action
The Production Function Algebraic Forms of Production Functions in Action

17 Algebraic Measures of Productivity
The Production Function Algebraic Measures of Productivity

18 Algebraic Measures of Productivity in Action
The Production Function Algebraic Measures of Productivity in Action

19 Isoquants and Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution
The Production Function Isoquants and Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution

20 Isoquants and Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution in Action
The Production Function Isoquants and Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution in Action Capital Input Increasing output A Substituting labor for capital B Labor Input

21 Diminishing Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution in Action
The Production Function Diminishing Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution in Action Capital Input D C B A Labor Input

22 Isocost and Changes in Isocost Lines
The Production Function Isocost and Changes in Isocost Lines

23 The Production Function
Isocost Line Capital Input Labor Input

24 Changes in the Isocost Line
The Production Function Changes in the Isocost Line Capital Input More expensive input bundles Less expensive input bundles Labor Input

25 Changes in the Isocost Line
The Production Function Changes in the Isocost Line Capital Input Labor Input

26 Cost-Minimization Input Rule in Action
The Production Function Cost-Minimization Input Rule in Action Capital Input Labor Input

27 Cost Minimization and the Cost-Minimizing Input Rule
The Production Function Cost Minimization and the Cost-Minimizing Input Rule

28 Cost-Minimizing Input Rule in Action
The Production Function Cost-Minimizing Input Rule in Action

29 Optimal Input Substitution in Action
The Production Function Optimal Input Substitution in Action Capital Input I New cost-minimizing point due to higher wage F B Initial point of cost minimization A H J G Labor Input

30 The Cost Function The Cost Function

31 Short-Run Costs in Action
The Cost Function Short-Run Costs in Action Total costs Variable costs Fixed costs Output

32 Average and Marginal Costs
The Cost Function Average and Marginal Costs

33 The Relationship between Average and Marginal Costs in Action
The Cost Function The Relationship between Average and Marginal Costs in Action ATC, AVC, AFC and MC ($) Minimum of ATC Minimum of AVC Output

34 Fixed and Sunk Costs Fixed costs Sunk cost
The Cost Function Fixed and Sunk Costs Fixed costs Cost that does not change with output. Sunk cost Cost that is forever lost after it has been paid. Principle of Irrelevance of Sunk Costs A decision maker should ignore sunk costs to maximize profits or minimize loses.

35 The Cost Function Long-Run Costs In the long run, all costs are variable since a manager is free to adjust levels of all inputs. Long-run average cost curve A curve that defines the minimum average cost of producing alternative levels of output allowing for optimal selection of both fixed and variable factors of production.

36 Long-Run Average Total Costs in Action
The Cost Function Long-Run Average Total Costs in Action LRAC ($) Output

37 Economies of Scale Economies of scale Diseconomies of scale
The Cost Function Economies of Scale Economies of scale Declining portion of the long-run average cost curve as output increase. Diseconomies of scale Rising portion of the long-run average cost curve as output increases. Constant returns to scale Portion of the long-run average cost curve that remains constant as output increases.

38 Economies and Diseconomies of Scale in Action
The Cost Function Economies and Diseconomies of Scale in Action LRAC ($) Economies of scale Diseconomies of scale Output

39 Constant Returns to Scale in Action
The Cost Function Constant Returns to Scale in Action LRAC ($) Output

40 Multiple-Output Cost Function

41 Multiple-Output Cost Function in Action

42 Conclusion

43 Cost-Minimization In Action
The Production Function Cost-Minimization In Action Capital Input Labor Input

44 Diminishing Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution in Action
The Production Function Diminishing Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution in Action Capital Input A B C D Labor Input

45 Cost-Minimization Input Rule In Action
The Production Function Cost-Minimization Input Rule In Action

46 Multiple-Output Cost Function in Action

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