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Mollusca 4 classes near shore Gastropoda- The snails

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Presentation on theme: "Mollusca 4 classes near shore Gastropoda- The snails"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mollusca 4 classes near shore Gastropoda- The snails
Polyplacophora- Chitons Bivalva-Two shelled Cephalopoda- Squid & octope

2 Molluscan Body Soft bodies Two main parts: head-foot, visceral mass
Visceral mass: Organ systems Head-foot: Head, foot, sensory,and foot Visceral mass is covered by the mantle which forms the shell Radula- teeth

3 Feeding Herbivores, carnivores,filter, detritivores or parasites
Use of a siphon or radula

4 Mollusk


6 Gastropods Examples: snails, whelks, cowries Muscular foot
Micro to 3 feet long Foot acts as door Some scrape algae from rocks Conchs eat seagrasses

7 Gastropods cont. Some have a radula covered with toxins
Most have separate sexes Internal fertilization for most





12 Slipper snails Hermaphroditic Stacked on top of each other
Young are always male Can stay male or change to female Cannot go back to male


14 Chitons Flat bodies- low profile 8 plates Eats algae
Found on intertidal rocks Lethargic


16 Bivalves Two shells Muscles hold them together No head No radula

17 Feeding Cilia form currents to fill body cavity with water
Mucus traps food on the gills


19 Cephalopods Soft bodied mollusk.
Foot is divided into tentacles or arms. Octopi, squids, cuttlefish, and nautiluses.

20 Squids, Octopods, and Cuttlefish
Bulky bodies 8 arms, 2 tentacles Chromatophores Jet propulsion Ink gland

21 Cuttlefish

22 Nautilus

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