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Read like a writer. Write like a reader. In your journal, respond to the above quotation. What do you think makes a “good” reader? What makes someone.

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Presentation on theme: "Read like a writer. Write like a reader. In your journal, respond to the above quotation. What do you think makes a “good” reader? What makes someone."— Presentation transcript:


2 Read like a writer. Write like a reader. In your journal, respond to the above quotation. What do you think makes a “good” reader? What makes someone a “good” writer? How do these skills overlap? News Right Now (NRN):

3 Final review of missing work before midterms. CHECK YOUR BINDER! Plagiarism  Key take-aways?  What are some of the consequences?  Define: “paraphrasing,” “common knowledge” Remember: When in doubt, CITE! Vocab Review  Affection ◦ A gentle feeling of fondness or liking  Exorbitant ◦ Unreasonably high; excessive Word of the Day:  Incredulous (54): ◦ Unwilling or unable to believe something

4  Discuss “Dr Lanyon’s Narrative” (48-54)  Introduce and apply understanding of point of view

5  Begin “Henry Jekyll’s Full Statement of the Case” (55 – the top of 61). Complete Double Entry Log for characterization of Jekyll.

6 Discussion Questions  What caused Lanyon to become mortally ill?  Has Stevenson sufficiently prepared us for the disastrous effect of Jekyll’s revelations?  Why did Stevenson need to kill Lanyon?  Why did Jekyll want to reveal his transformation to Dr Lanyon?

7 Point of view: The perspective from which a narrative is told. Participant Point of View (First-person point of view): First-person pronouns (I, me, my, we, us, our) are used to tell the story Nonparticipant Point of View (Third-person point of view): Third-person pronouns (he, him, she, her, they, them) are used to tell the story

8 Participant Points of View Non-participant points of view  The first-person narrator can approach other characters as closely as one human being can approach another  The narrator can be an eyewitness  The first person narrator can summarize events and retreat from a scene  THE READER MUST DETERMINE WHETHER THE NARRATOR IS TRUSTWORTHY  Omniscient: Author can enter the minds of all the characters ◦ Describes what characters are thinking and feeling ◦ Describes what characters do ◦ The narrator may offer multiple perspectives on the same event  Limited: Author limits his/her presence to the minds of a few characters ◦ Story is portrayed through the eyes of one character; sense of distance from other characters

9 Spend 10-15 minutes writing creatively about a typical day in this classroom…from Mr. Bertozzi’s perspective (use a participant point of view).

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