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Marketing the CFC Increasing our perceived value and expanding the donor base Jennifer Wright and Victoria Adams.

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Presentation on theme: "Marketing the CFC Increasing our perceived value and expanding the donor base Jennifer Wright and Victoria Adams."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing the CFC Increasing our perceived value and expanding the donor base Jennifer Wright and Victoria Adams

2  Why do you give to non-profit organizations?  How does this relate to individuals that may give to CFC?  How do you think this differs from other types of donors? A Culture of Giving - Discussion

3  Individuals  Foundations  Public Sector  Private Sector Donor Drivers

4  Relational?  Value?  ROI? Fundraising is relational

5 A value proposition creates a mutual understanding of the exchange between a customer and a provider of goods or services. When both parties feel they are partaking in a valuable and mutually beneficial exchange, loyal relationships are established. Source: Devens Research Value Proposition

6  We can't overcome poverty alone. It takes many of us working together. It takes a worldwide movement of community groups, organizations like CARE, national governments—and people like you.  The CARE Action Network, or CAN, is a group of CARE supporters working to educate our nation's leaders about issues of global poverty.  Together, we ask our elected officials to adopt policies that address the underlying causes of poverty, such as gender inequality and poor governance.  CAN helps you use your voice to shape U.S. policies that affect global poverty. Sample Value Proposition (CARE)

7  What is the Role of the Value Proposition?  Defines the practical ways the CFC creates values for donors  Sets a strategic giving-driven focus for funds  Demonstrates impact  What Makes a Good Value Proposition?  Explains how giving through the CFC will solve issues in simple, understandable language  Delivers clear benefits to the giving segments and the recipient (high-level donor promise)  Explains our unique difference Definition and Direction

8 We must understand the attitudes, behaviors of our target donors to drive strategic value, awareness, ultimately raise funds. Why?

9 What is the CFC Value?

10  Source: Scott Brinker, ion interactive

11  How?  Small vs. Large?  Expansion of donor base? Building your marketing strategy from your value proposition

12  Identify your Mission/Goal  Identify your Objectives  Identify your audience/donors  Lay out your strategy – HOW are you going to do this?  Implementation Sample

13  Messaging and Design  Marketing and Campaign Materials  Advertising, publications and social media  Feedback Implementation

14 Questions/Discussion

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