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R ELATIONSHIPS AND S EXUALITY E DUCATION (RSE) NDMNS M AY 15 TH Parent/Guardian Information Meeting RSE Training Support Service for Schools Drumcondra.

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Presentation on theme: "R ELATIONSHIPS AND S EXUALITY E DUCATION (RSE) NDMNS M AY 15 TH Parent/Guardian Information Meeting RSE Training Support Service for Schools Drumcondra."— Presentation transcript:

1 R ELATIONSHIPS AND S EXUALITY E DUCATION (RSE) NDMNS M AY 15 TH Parent/Guardian Information Meeting RSE Training Support Service for Schools Drumcondra Education Centre Ph: +535 1 8576431 htttp://

2 A IM FOR TODAY To provide information on the Relationships and Sexuality Education programme in primary schools

3 H OW IT ALL BEGAN … 1995 - Report of the Expert Advisory Group on RSE Department of Education and Science developed a curriculum and teaching materials 1996 - In-service for primary and post- primary teachers 2003 - Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) curriculum implemented in schools

4 W HAT IS R ELATIONSHIPS AND S EXUALITY E DUCATION ? A life- long process Learning to sustain healthy personal relationships Part of Social, Personal and Health Education Development of values, attitudes, understanding and skills

5 RSE PART OF S OCIAL, P ERSONAL AND H EALTH E DUCATION Myself Developing self-confidence Knowing about my body As I grow I change New life Feelings and emotions Personal safety Myself and Others Myself and my family My friends and other people Relating to others

6 Myself Self identity  Self-awareness  Developing self-confidence  Making decisions (Infants-2 nd ) Taking care of my body  Health and well-being  Knowing about my body  Food and nutrition Growing and changing  As I grow I change  New life  Feelings and emotions Safety and protection  Personal safety  Safety issues Making decisions (3 rd -6 th )

7 Myself and Others Myself and my family My friends and other people Relating to others  Communicating  Resolving conflict

8 Myself and the wider world Developing citizenship  My school community  Living in the local community  National, European and wider communities  Environmental care Media Education

9 T HE AIMS OF RSE ARE …  To enhance the personal development, self- esteem and well being of the child  To help the child to develop healthy friendships and relationships  To promote an understanding of and a healthy attitude towards human sexuality and relationships  To enable the child to understand and have respect for, human love, sexual intercourse and reproduction

10 T HE AIMS OF RSE…. To develop and promote in the child a sense of wonder and awe at the process of birth and new life To enable the child to be comfortable with the sexuality of him/herself and others while growing and developing

11 W HY TEACH RSE? Physical maturation of children

12 H OW DO CHILDREN LEARN ABOUT RSE ? … caught  School Yard/Bus/ Clubs/ Extra Curricular Activities …and taught  During focused RSE lessons in 5 th /6 th Class  integrated with other subjects

13 W HAT IS TAUGHT … AND HOW ? 5 th -6 th Understand the changes taking place in both the male and female body Understand the relationship between health and hygiene

14 W HAT IS TAUGHT … AND HOW ? 5 th – 6 th Identify and discuss the physical and other changes that occur in boys and girls with the onset of puberty and understand that these changes take place at different rates for everyone Understand the reproductive system of both male and female adults

15 5 th – 6 th contd. Understand sexual intercourse, conception and birth within the context of a committed loving marriage

16 ISSUES TO CONSIDER Age-appropriate information Multi-class situations Should boys and girls be taught together Setting limits when answering questions

17 P OLICY - WHY ? All have been consulted /informed Clear agreed guidelines exist These provide a moral and values framework Creates a safe environment for students and their parents

18 H OW CAN PARENTS SUPPORT THE SCHOOL ? Reassure your child that they shouldn’t be concerned or embarrassed about participating in RSE lessons Talking to your child about the RSE lessons and answering any further questions they may have


20 F INALLY … If you have any questions we would be happy to talk to you now

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