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Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad. 青岛 59 中学 罗严翠. thought n. 思想,想法.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad. 青岛 59 中学 罗严翠. thought n. 思想,想法."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad. 青岛 59 中学 罗严翠

2 thought n. 思想,想法

3 purple adj. 紫色的 purse n. 钱包,女用小包

4 十字绣 schoolbag n. 书包

5 home-made adj. 自制的,家里 做的

6 taste n. 品味,审美力

7 saying n. 谚语,警句 count v. 重要, 有价值

8 guilty.adj. 内疚的,有 罪的

9 schoolbag n. home-made adj. purple adj. purse n. guilty adj. taste n. saying n. thought n. count v. 书包 自制的,家里做的 紫色的 钱包,女用小包 内疚的,有罪的 品味,审美力 格言,谚语 思想,想法 有价值,重要

10 Quick Response 快速反应

11 schoolbag n. 书包 home-made adj. 自制的、家里做的 purple adj. 紫色的 purse n. 钱包、女士小包 guilty adj. 内疚的、有罪的 taste n. 品味、审美力、鉴赏力 saying n. 格言、谚语、警句 thought n. 思想、想法 count v. 重要、有价值


13 Receiving money makes me uncomfortable.

14 What does the writer think of the art of receiving? He thinks the art of receiving. is even more difficult than the art of giving Fast reading

15 1.How many parts can the article be divided into? Three parts

16 2.Fill in the blanks: Part 1( para. ): lead in to the topic ______________________. The art of receiving Part 2 ( ): different opinions of receiving gifts Part 3( ):draw a conclusion __________________ The art of receiving is even more difficult than the art of giving 1 para.2~4 para. 5

17 Read and finish the sentences according to the reading.

18 1.Guo Xiaojing pretended to like the gift because it would _________________________. 2.Han Ling wore the sweater to _________________________. 3. Receiving money might _________________________. make her parents happy make her grandparents happy make people feel uncomfortable

19 4.John Wilson prefers to receive ___________________________ ——————————————— a gift that has some thought behind it.


21 1.I think it’s hard to buy clothes…( 简 单句 ) I think ____ hard to buy clothes …. it 2. I pretended that I liked it because … (简单句)。 I pretended ____ ____ it because … to like

22 3. In England, we have a saying: It’s the thought that count. 中文意思为 ______________________________. 有思想的才是有价值的。 / 贵在心意!

23 4. To make things easier, some people would rather just give money. “would rather do” 的中文是 ______________ 找出它在文章中的同义词组: _______________. 宁可 / 更喜欢做 prefer to do

24 5.The art of giving isn’t as difficult as the art of receiving. (找出文中与 此句意思相同的句子) ——————————————————— ___________________________ The art of receiving is even more difficult than the art of giving.


26 gift what how whowhy Talk about your own experience of receiving a gift.

27 Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad. reading on p.108 I Imagine Wang QI will move to another city. What gift will you give her? Talk in group of four. You can use the structures below.

28 Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad. reading on p.108 I make…embarrassed/excited/ surprised/uncomfortable/inte rested in…/remind... Of…/feel one’s love/ relax oneself It will make sb. feel… In order to make him feel…, It will remind him of… He likes listening to music, so… This gift can show my love …

29 Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad. reading on p.108 The best gift Wang Qi will move to another city. We’d like to give her a gift. But we have different thoughts… ________________________ ___________________ ___________.

30 Summary ( 小结 ) 1.New words and phrases 2.Learn the art of receiving and giving gifts It’s the thought that counts.

31 1.Recite the new words. 2.Read the text fluently. 3.Write a report about the gifts to Miss Chen.

32 Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad. reading on p.108 Which Is the Best Gift? Miss Chen is having birthday tomorrow. We want to give her a special gift.———————————— ————————————————— ————————————————— ————————————————— ———————————————.

33 Please remember( 课堂寄语 ) Whatever you do, put your heart into it! 无论做什么都要用心!


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