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AcademyHealth 2004 Research Meeting. ASPE Human Services Policy Research Agenda Ann McCormick Office of Human Services Policy ASPE/DHHS.

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Presentation on theme: "AcademyHealth 2004 Research Meeting. ASPE Human Services Policy Research Agenda Ann McCormick Office of Human Services Policy ASPE/DHHS."— Presentation transcript:

1 AcademyHealth 2004 Research Meeting

2 ASPE Human Services Policy Research Agenda Ann McCormick Office of Human Services Policy ASPE/DHHS

3 Office of Human Services Policy Welfare Poverty Data and technical analysis Children and youth

4 Human Services Policy Research Areas Income & poverty Welfare & work Family formation & healthy marriage Children & youth Indicators & databases Homeless and other special populations

5 Human Services Research Priorities Encouraging work and self-sufficiency Promoting healthy marriage and strong families Expanding state flexibility and accountability Removing barriers for faith-based and community-based organizations Ending chronic homelessness Improving reading and school readiness Preventing teen risk behaviors Protecting children and youth Improving child, youth, and family well-being

6 Encouraging Work and Self- Sufficiency State studies of the TANF caseload Evaluation of interventions for substance abusers Impact of childrens health needs on mothers employment Enhanced services for the hard-to- employ

7 Ending Chronic Homelessness Access to behavioral and primary care services Evaluation of collaborative initiative Effectiveness of discharge planning Families and children

8 Preventing Teen Risk Behaviors Evaluations of abstinence education Maternity group homes State efforts to reduce nonmarital births

9 Protecting Children and Youth Domestic violence and child maltreatment Health care services for children in foster care Substance abuse in the child welfare population Statutory rape laws

10 Improving Child, Youth, and Family Well-Being State practices in medical child support coordination Health care coverage among child support-eligible children Paternity establishment

11 Poverty Measurement Material hardship Poverty research centers

12 Resources For reports and information on ongoing work, visit our website For notification of HHS research publications, etc., send e-mail to:, type in SUBSCRIBE ASPE-HSP-NEWS-L

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