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To “pastors” overseeing congregations The Pastoral Letters.

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1 To “pastors” overseeing congregations The Pastoral Letters

2  Option 1: Paul wrote these letters, we are simply missing information to confirm his travels 1 Timothy and Titus, 50 CE 2 Timothy, early 60s CE  Option 2: Paul’s life after the Acts time frame Paul survives prison and heads for Spain  Option 3: Pseudepigraphical letters 80–100 CE Authorship

3 The Pastors TIMOTHY  Sent by Paul on missions  Co-author of six letters  Paul values Timothy “like a son”  Jewish Christian TITUS  Appears in 2 Corinthians and Galatians  Visits Pauline churches as troubleshooter (2 Cor. 7:6-8)  Gentile Christian  “ Partner and co-worker ” (2 Cor. 8:23)

4  Criteria to appoint church government  False teaching and sound doctrine Proto-Gnosticism? False teachers must be silenced Protect communities from false influences  Women and Ministry Conservative social view of women Women may minister, but not teach  Suffering and shame Join Paul in suffering and humility Theological Themes

5  Salutation, to Timothy in Ephesus (1:1–2)  False teachers and the good law (1:3–11)  Paul as example of God’s mercy (1:12–20)  Instructions on prayer and worship (2:1–15)  Choosing bishops and deacons (3:1–13)  Hymn to Christ (3:14–16)  Instructions (chaps. 4–6) False teachers and Timothy’s teaching Advice for widows, elders, slaves Faithfulness, greed, and God’s riches Outline: 1 Timothy

6  Salutation, thanksgiving, encouragement to Timothy in Ephesus from Rome (1:1–18)  Further encouragement (2:1–25) As soldier, athlete, farmer With a hymn (2:11–12)  Avoid false teachings (3:1–9)  Follow Paul’s teaching (3:10–17)  Exhortation: follow Paul’s example (4:1–8)  News and instructions from Paul (4:9–22) Outline: 2 Timothy

7  Salutation—to Titus in Crete (1:1 – 4)  Instruction to Titus (1:5 –16) Appoint bishops, elders Avoid the rebellious and the false teachers  Teach the people (2:1 – 15) Older men and older women Younger men Slaves This is right response to God’s grace  Instruction to Titus (3:1 – 15) Outline: Titus

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