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Research methodology Review of the available literature PRESENTED BY: Dr.Amel ELAmin Mohamed ELNour.

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Presentation on theme: "Research methodology Review of the available literature PRESENTED BY: Dr.Amel ELAmin Mohamed ELNour."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research methodology Review of the available literature PRESENTED BY: Dr.Amel ELAmin Mohamed ELNour

2 What information is already available? Literature review Look for possible sources of information. Review available information Present information needed Avoid bias Refer to author.

3 introduction Reviewing the literature is an important step for planning a research or a study. The published experiences and work of others help in all aspects of planning of the research Awareness about the recent researches activities in the area of interest Establish knowledge and ideas on a topic.

4 Why do we review Lit. 1. Prevents duplication 2. Assist in refining statement of the problem 3. Strengthening the argument of selection of a research topic (Justification ) 4. It helps to get familiar with various types of methodology that might be used in your study (Design)

5 Writing literature Limit your review to the literature relevant to the study Use simple understandable sentences Explain complicated technical terms Don’t use many uncommon abbreviations. If you must use an abbreviation, write a terminology in complete words the first time you use it, followed by the abbreviation between two brackets. For example, body mass index (BMI). Use active voice ( I, we, the name of the auther) Don’t start the sentences with figure or numbers

6 Source of information Articles Books Indexes Abstracts from journals International organization documents e.g. (WHO,UNICEF)

7 Source of information- cont. Reports from MOH facilities Vital statistics Census Surveillance system Surveys Computer search for international Literature Opinions, beliefs of key persons (Through interview)

8 How to write lit review? - Use index cards - Write in your own language.

9 Bias in literature review -The presentation of the available information in such away that it reflects opinions or conclusions that does not represent the real situation - Restricting references to those that support the point of view of the author. -Drawing far reach conclusions from shaky or Preliminary results

10 Ethical considerations in lit. Review Bias Careless presentation and interpretation of data Put researcher on the wrong way - Loss of resources. - Wrong decisions

11 How to write References There are two main methods of referencing articles in journal and book publications : 1- Harvard ( author – date ) style. 2- Vancouver ( author number style )

12 Vancouver Style The list of references contains details only of those works cited in the text. The references are listed in the same numerical order as they appear in the body of the text

13 Harvard Style In an author-date style, a textual citation generally requires only the name of the author(s) and the year of publication (and specific page(s) if necessary). This may appear at the end of a sentence, before the full stop, e.g. It is futile to maintain that the sexes are interchangeable (Moir & Jessel 1991). It is futile to maintain that the sexes are interchangeable (Moir & Jessel 1991, p. 94).

14 Alternatively, the author’s surname may be integrated into the text, followed by the year of publication in parentheses. Examples: Moir and Jessel (1991) have shown that it is futile to maintain that the sexes are interchangeable. Moir and Jessel (1991, pp. 93-4) have shown that it is futile to maintain that the sexes are interchangeable.

15 If two or more works by different authors are cited at the same time, separate them with a semicolon. Example: The implications for land degradation have been much debated (Malinowski, Miller & Gupta 1995;Thomson 1999). A list of references contains details only of those works cited in the text. listed alphabetically

16 How to write References 1/ From journals: Author (s) (Surname followed by initials). Title of the Article. Name of the Journal, Year; Volume number: Page numbers of the articles Example: Ali KA. Ibrahim B & Yousif S. Assessment of nutritional status in pregnancy: use of reference table of weight- for height. Sudan Medical Journal,1985; 3 :193 -196

17 How to write References 1/ From a book: Author (s) (Surname followed by initials). Title of the book. Edition. Place: Publisher,number of pages in the book. Example: Abramson JH. Survey methods in community medicine. 2 nd ed. Edinburgh: Oxford University Press, 1990: 55- 65.

18 How to write References 1/ From achapter in a book: Author (s) (Surname followed by initials). Chapter Title, In: Editors of book. (surname followed by initials).Eds. Title of the book. Place : publisher, year: page numbers of chapter. Example: Saad KA. The influence of maternal employment on infant feeding, In : Ahmed A A. 4th edition. Women in Health and Development. Indonesia: Oxford University press, 1985: 124-135.


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